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N. Hornby

J. Swift

Bornin the middle of the 17th centure, Irish author and satirist Jonathan Swift grew up fatherless. Under the care of his uncle, he received a bachelor's degree from Trinity College and then worked as a statesman's assistant. Eventually, he became dean of St. Patrick's Cathedral in Dublin. Most of his writings were published under pseudonyms ['s(j)u: də nɪ m] – Lemuel Gulliver, Isaac Bickerstaff, MB Drapier. He best remembered for his 1728 book “Gulliver's Travels”, “A Modest Proposal”, “The Battle of the Books” and “A Tale of a Tub”.

Almost every satirical work in his collection deals with the matter of religious excess in some form, especially “A Tale of a Tub” and “A True and Faithful Narrative”. The other recent themes were: family problems, ancients vs. Moderns, economis inequality between Ireland and England.


P. Lively

Penelope Margaret Lively is a prolific, popular and critically acclaimed author of fiction for both children and adults. She has won both the Booker Prize for British novels (“Moon Tiger”) and the Carnegie Medal for British children's books (“The Ghost of Thomas Kempe”). Born in Egypt, at the age of 12 she went to live in England. She subsequently read Modern History at St. Anne's College, Oxford.

Penelope Lively's writing is strongly influenced by her appreciation of the sweeping social changes in Britain during the twentieth century. Penelope Lively contributes regularly to a number of national daily newspapers and literary and educational journals. Her latest novel, Family Album, was shortlisted for the 2009 Costa Novel Award.


N. Hornby

Nick Hornby is an English novelist and screenwriter. He is best known for the novels “High Fidelity” [fi'deliti] (привязанность) and “About a Boy”. During his life he has tasted different jobs – from the teacher to the newspaper writer. But his highly successful novel “First Pitch” allowed him to make writing his main profession in the early 1990’s.

The magnificence of Hornby’s novels lies basically in this quality: Hornby’s characters exhibit human weaknesses which many readers will recognise as their own. The way Hornby describes the young Marcus and his problems in “About a Boy” will remind many readers of their own sufferings at school. This is why Hornby’s books are great pop.

Hornby finds original and intelligent voices for the various characters in the books. Sometimes his characters are a bit too quick with rational and self-critical interpretations of their own experience.

Several of Hornby's books have made the jump from page to screen. “High Fidelity” (привязанность) “About a Boy” and “Fever Pitch” have become great success.


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