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After You Read. exercise f\ Comprehension Questions

exercise f\ Comprehension Questions

1. What is the difference between cable-tool and rotary drilling?

2. What is mud? What is it used for?

3. How are dull bits replaced?

4. When is cementing used?

5. What is fishing?

6. When is directional drilling used?


Finding the Sequence of Events: Before / During / After

The process of drilling for oil is a rather complicated one. Some operations should be done before starting drilling, some of them are taking place during the drilling process itself, and the other ones should be completed after drilling.

Write before, during or after in front of sentences describing some aspects of a drilling process.

1. _в____ The section of the string of pipe is raised above ground,

unscrewed and lifted aside.

2. _а____ The grief stem/kelly, the drill pipe and the drill bit revolve.

3. _а____ The bit strikes a very hard ledge at an angle.

4. _а____ The well is flushed out.

5. в_____ The exact place is picked up to spud in the well.

6. _а____ A crank on a wheel rocks the beam up and down.

7. _в____ The drill mud is pushed to the cutting bit.

8. __в____ A string of drill pipes screwed together is lowered into the hole.

9. _в____ A derrick should be erected.

1O.___ d___ Fishing tools are lowered on the steel cable into the well.

Drilling for Oil

Recalling Information


Based on what you have read, match the name of each drilling tool/instrument to the specific drilling operation.

a. Cable-Tool Drilling b. Rotary Drilling c. Cementing of a Well d. Fishing

1. a derrick a, в

2. a crank а

3. a cable-tool rig а

4. a string of drill pipes в

5. a kelly а

6. a crown block в

7. a steel cable а

8. a rotary-drill rig в

9. a drill mud с


10. a casing с

11. thribbles в

12. a swivel block в

13. a storage tank а, в

14. a grief stem в

15. a drilling bit а, в

16. a mixture of cement с

17. a turntable в

18. a wire cable с

19. a hose в, с

20. a rotary table в

21. a bull wheel

22. hooks d

23. jaws в

Chapter Three

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