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Recalling Information

From the selection you have known that there are different kinds of job related to drilling for oil.

On the left there is a list of professions. Based on what you have read, match each of them with the description of duties and responsibilities given on the right. Mind that there are no descriptions of all the jobs in the selection.



1. a drilling crew
2. a driller
3. a tool dresser
4. a cathead man
5. a derrick man
6. a pipe racker
7. a boil man
8. a lead-long man

a. the experienced operator who controls the
works and heads the drilling crew.

b. the member of the drilling crew who is in
charge of screwing and unscrewing drilling
string pipes and some other jobs on the

c. the team of workers who work on or
above the derrick floor during drilling
operations (generally a driller plus four

d. the member of the drilling crew who
controls the work of a special construction
where piping or casing may be stored.

e. the first assistant of a driller.


Drilling for Oil

9. roustabouts

10. roughnecks

11. a tool pusher

f. the member of the drilling crew who works
up the derrick; also known as a derrick

g. they work on the derrick floor or an offsho­
re rig or platform and assist a driller.

h. the member of a drilling crew who is in charge of a boiler.

i. unskilled or semiskilled workers who assist in general operations in drilling for oil.

j. the member of a drilling crew who is in

charge of a proper operation of hydraulical-ly operated grabs or pipe tongs used to hold sections of a pipe during screwing or


k. the head of a drilling crew who is respon­sible for the work of several wells.



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