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АвтомобилиАстрономияБиологияГеографияДом и садДругие языкиДругоеИнформатикаИсторияКультураЛитератураЛогикаМатематикаМедицинаМеталлургияМеханикаОбразованиеОхрана трудаПедагогикаПолитикаПравоПсихологияРелигияРиторикаСоциологияСпортСтроительствоТехнологияТуризмФизикаФилософияФинансыХимияЧерчениеЭкологияЭкономикаЭлектроника

For Summarizing, Rendering and Text Analysis

  • The text looks at (the problem of...)...;
  • The text deals with the issue of...;
  • It is clear from the text that...;
  • Among other things the text raises the issueof...;
  • The problem of... is of great importance;
  • One of the main points to be singled out is …;
  • Great importance is also attached to...;
  • In this connection, I’d like to say...;
  • It further says that...;
  • I find the question of... very important because...;
  • We shouldn’t forget that...;
  • I think that... should be mentioned here as a very important mechanism of...;
  • The object (purpose) of this article (text, dialogue) is to present (to discuss, todescribe, to show, to develop, to give)...;
  • The article (text, dialogue) puts forward the idea (attempts to determine)...;
  • The article (text, dialogue) discusses some problems relating to (deals with some aspects of …, considers the problem of …, presents the basic theory, provides information on …, reviews the basic principles of…)...;
  • The article (text, dialogue) is concerned with … (is devoted to)...;
  • The article begins with a short discussionon (deals firstlywith the problem of...)...;
  • First (At first/ At the beginning) the authorpoints out that (notesthat, describes)...;
  • Then follows a discussion on...;
  • Then the author goes on to the problem of...;
  • The next (following) paragraph deals with (presents, discusses, describes)...;
  • After discussing... the author turns to...;
  • Next (Further/ Then) the author tries to (indicates that, explains that) …;
  • It must be emphasized that (should be noted that, is evident that, is clear that is interesting to note that)...;
  • The final paragraph states (describes, ends with)...;
  • The conclusion is that the problem is...;
  • The author concludes that (summarizes the)...;
  • To sum up (To summarize/ To conclude) theauthor emphasizes(points out, admits) that...;
  • Finally (In the end) the author admits (emphasizes) that ….
  • The dialogue is about...;
  • According to the dialogue...;
  • The experts make it clear that... (stress the point that...; drawtheattention of... to the fact that...; suggest, remind, promise);
  • Finally, the experts come to the conclusion that... (agree about...).



1. Flaherty, G., Bowring, J., Bean, J. Pop Culture. Developing essential Reading Skills. Book 1. – International Language Teaching Services Pty Ltd., 2003.

2. Hall, E.J. Language of Hotels in English. English for Careers. – Prentice Hall Regents, Englewood Cliffs, NJ 07632, 1977.

3. Kenny, N. First Certificate PassKey. A Course for the revised FCE. Student’s Book. – Macmillan Heinemann English Language Teaching, Oxford, Macmillan Publishers Limited, 1998.

4. Lees, G., Thorne, T. English on Business. Practical English for International Executives. – М.: Титул, 1998.

5. Manton, K. First Insights into Business. – Longman, Pearson Education Limited, 2000.

6. Mascull, B. Key Words in Business. – Harper Collins Publishers, 1996.

7. McCartney, M. English Vocabulary in Use. – Cambridge UP, 1995.

8. Murphy, R. English Grammar in Use. – Cambridge University Press, 1996.

9. O’Driscoll, J. Britain. The Country and its People: an Introduction for Learners of English. – Oxford University Press, 1995.

10. Stoft, T., Holt, R. First Class. English for Tourism. – Oxford University Press, 2002.

11. Агабекян, И.П. Английский язык: Сервис и туризм. English for Students in Services Sector, Tourism and Hospitality: Учебное пособие. – М.: Издательско-торговая корпорация “Дашков и Ко”, Ростов н/Д.: Наука-Спектр, 2009.

12. Воробьева, С.А. Деловой английский язык для сферы туризма. Your Way to Tourism. «Издательский Дом Филология три», 2002.

13. Дроздова, Т.Ю. Everyday English: Учебное пособие для студентов гуманитарных вузов и старшеклассников школ и гимназий с углубленным изучением английского языка. – С.-Пб, 2004.

14. Королева, Н.Е., Барсегян, Э.З., Сербиновская, А.М. Английский язык: Сервис и туризм. English for Tourism: Учебное пособие. Издание третье. – Ростов н/Д: Феникс 2008.

15. Митина И.Е, Петрова, Л.С. Деловой английский. Путешествие (гостиницы, питание, транспорт, туризм): Учебное пособие. – С.-Пб: Лениздат; Изд-во «Союз», 2001.

16. Михайлов, Н.Н. Английский язык: Гостиничный, ресторанный и туристический бизнес: Учебное пособие. – М.: Издательский центр «Академия», 2002.

17. Мошняга, Е.В. Английский язык: туризм, гостеприимство, платежные средства: Учебное пособие. – М.: Советский спорт, 2007.

18. Мошняга, Е.В. Краткий курс английского языка для туризма и гостеприимства. A Course of English for Tourism and Hospitality. Издание второе, исправленное – М.: РМАТ, 1998.

19. Федорова, О.Н. Английский язык для профессионального развития. Ресторанный и кейтеринговый бизнес. English for Professional Development: Restaurant and Catering Business: Учебное пособие. – М.: Флинта: МПСИ, 2007.


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