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My future profession

Activity 1. Match the following English words with their Russian/Ukrainian equivalents:

1) carpenter a) строительная площадка \ будівельний майданчик

2) site b) плотник\тесляр

3) supervise c) граница, контур \ межа, контур

4) plumber d) канализация \ каналізація

5) boundary e) наблюдать \ наглядати

6) sketch f) водопроводчик / водопровідник

7) painter g) калька \ калька

8) tracing h) топограф, геодезист \ топограф

9) land surveyor i) эскиз, набросок \ ескіз

10) sewer j) підрядчик \ підрядник

11) installation k) грузоподъемник \ вантажопідіймач

12) contractor l) оценивать \ оцінювати

13) forklift m) установка, монтаж \

14) measure n) измерять \ міряти



Activity 2. Finish the following sentences with the names of jobs and professions given below:

Building contractor, landscape designer, plumber, construction machinery operator, architect, interior designer, land surveyor, engineer.

1)…………plans the arrangement and composition of landscape elements on a site.

2)………… plans and coordinates the construction of buildings.

3)………… are needed to run cranes, bulldozers, excavators, and forklifts.

4)………… locate property boundaries, measure distances, establish contours, and make drawings.

5)………… plan and supervise the design and decoration of building interiors of the site surveyed.

6)…………is a professional who designs buildings, coordinates and supervises all aspects of the construction.

7)………….is a person who deals with installation and maintenance of sewer.

8)………….is a professional who designs mechanisms and determine how mechanisms and machines can be operated most efficiently by workers.

9) …………helps people is buying, selling and renting property.


Activity 3. Think why you are going to have this profession or speciality. Choose at least three different reasons and then compare your reasons with other students. You may make sentences like in example:

I’d like to become an architect (a civil engineer, a manager) because……..

This job is well-paid

My profession requires creative ability

It helps people to solve their problems

It is rather prestigious now

It involves meeting to many people

It means regular promotion

An ideal combination of a job and hobby

Regular work hours

It doesn’t mean any risk or danger

It is very interesting for me

My parents advised me to choose it

My friend is the undergraduate of this faculty

My speciality combines the features of researcher and engineer

My profession is very interesting and challenging


Activity 4. Choose the text about your profession and find the expressions which describe it.


I study at Kharkiv national University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. I’m a second year student of Architectural Faculty. This faculty trains architects, designers and restorers.

My profession is of specific character which distinguishes it from other professions. Architect has to study the main up-to-date requirements of dwelling, public and industrial structures. He has to take to consideration modern social, sanitary and economic demands. Architect should know perfectly well the properties of building materials and modern structural elements. Architect must also possess the creative imagination. It will help him to integrate the plan and construction into one harmonious whole. Architect should also be able to prepare master plan of the city taking into account the traditional town pattern and future development of the town. So it is necessary for the architect to have a profound knowledge of the construction fundamentals, the fundamentals of physics, optics and other subjects. Architect must possess highly developed artistic taste and graphic training. He must also have professional computer skill and use modern programs in his work. I like my future profession very much and I will do my best to be a good specialist in the field.


I am a second year student. I study at Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. My future profession is a sanitary engineer. My speciality is of great importance in the national economy of the country. At the University we study such subjects as Resistance of Materials, Hydraulics, Technology of Structural Materials, and Geodesy.

The profession of sanitary engineer is of specific character which makes it distinct from other professions. The responsibilities of sanitary engineer are design and servicing of water supply systems, ventilation and heating systems, and servicing plumbing equipment. Sanitary engineer is faced with a number of important and complex problems to be solved. This is why a future engineer must know well the most up-to-date achievements in modern science and technology. It is necessary for sanitary engineer to have a profound knowledge of the special subjects. Sanitary engineer may work with one of the government agencies that deal with water resources and plumbing. Or he can work as a consultant in a construction company providing his knowledge to solve the problems in environmental or sanitary engineering field. I like my future profession very much and I will do everything to be a good specialist.


I am a second year student. I study at Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. My future profession is a civil engineer. My qualification is hydro power engineering. My future job is very interesting, creative and challenging. This speciality is of great importance in the national economy of the country. At the University we study such subjects as Hydro engineering, Hydraulics, Theory of Hydro-power Plants Design, Maintenance of Hydro-Technical Structures and many others. Civil engineering and Hydro power engineering are very similar but each hydro power station is a unique project and it often means thatengineers from other disciplines are involved. In a dam project, for example, electrical and mechanical engineers work on the design of the powerhouse and its equipment. So we should learn a lot of information concerning dams and their types, reservoirs of water, generators, and special features of the site and so on. In the 21st century civil engineer must combine the characteristics of the scientist, researcher and technologist. His main function is to integrate the abstract-theoretical world and the technical-practical one.


I am a second year student. I study at Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. My future profession is a mechanical engineer. My speciality is of great importance in the national economy of the country. At the University we study such subjects as Resistance of Materials, Structural Mechanics, Processes and Equipment, Principles of Production, Technology of Structural Materials.

The profession of mechanical engineer is of specific character which makes it distinct from other professions. The responsibilities of mechanical engineer are servicing of mechanical equipment, calculation of the strength of mechanical equipment and design of mechanical gears. Mechanical engineer is faced with a number of important and complex problems to be solved. This is why a future engineer must know well the most up-to-date achievements in modern science and technology. It is necessary for mechanical engineer to have a profound knowledge of the special subjects such as Structural Mechanics, Structural Materials, and Resistance of Materials and so on. I like my future profession very much and I will do everything to be a good specialist.


I am a second year student. I study at Kharkiv National University of Civil Engineering and Architecture. My future profession is a manager. My speciality is of great importance in the national economy of the country. At the University we study such subjects as History of Economic Studies, Theory of Economic Analysis, International Economic Relations, Basics of Foreign Economic Activity and many others.

In its meaning the term manager applies to the people who are responsible for making and carrying out decisions within a certain system. Personal manager directly supervises people in an organization. Financial manager is a person who is responsible for finance. Sales manager deals with selling of goods. Managing is a hard job. There is a lot to be done and relatively little time to do it. In all types of organizations managerial efficiency depends on manager’s direct personal relationships, hard work on a variety of activities and preference for active tasks. So if I want to be a professional of high level I should have a profound knowledge in many fields including jurisprudence, sociology, finance and marketing. I like my future profession very much and I will do everything to be a good specialist.


Activity 5. Formulate your questions according to the following answers.

  1. …. …………………………………………………………………...?

D. This faculty trains architects, designers and restorers.

  1. : …. …………………………………………………………………...?

D.: At the University we study such subjects as Resistance of Materials,

Hydraulics, Technology of Structural Materials, and Geodesy.


  1. : …. …………………………………………………………………...?

D.: In the 21st century civil engineer must combine the characteristics

of the scientist, researcher and technologist.

  1. : …. …………………………………………………………………...?

D.: A mechanical engineer is faced with a number of important

and complex problems to be solved.

  1. : …. …………………………………………………………………...?

D.: A personal manager directly supervises people in an organization.

  1. : …. …………………………………………………………………...?

D.: He must also have professional computer skill and use modern programs

in his work.

  1. : …. …………………………………………………………………...?

B: His main function is to integrate the abstract-theoretical world and

the technical-practical one.


Activity 6. Answer the questions you have formulated about your profession.



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