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Text D. Students


The number of higher education students at universities and colleges in England has increased dramatically over the past 40 years and now totals more than 2 million.

Over half of these students are studying full-time. But many people study part-time at both undergraduate and postgraduate levels. The normal minimum age for an undergraduate to start a course is 18. But the student population includes large numbers of mature students (that is, those that are older than 21 on entry) and most postgraduate students are over 21 because they usually need to have done a degree-level qualification before their postgraduate course.

Higher education is part of ‘lifelong learning’, which extends through an adult’s working life and sometimes into retirement. Universities and colleges are now trying to widen participation to groups of people who are under-represented in higher education.

The higher education sector in the UK reaches way beyond national borders. Many staff and students are recruited from overseas, and international collaboration in research is very common.



has increased dramatically – значительно возросло

student population – студенчество

lifelong learning – обучение на протяжении всей жизни

extends through an adult’s working life and sometimes into retirement – продолжается на протяжении зрелой трудовой жизни и иногда до выхода на пенсию

reaches way beyond – выходит за пределы


Vocabulary and Comprehension Exercises


Ex. 1. Match English and Russian equivalents.


1. higher education a. студент
2. postgraduate b. дистанционное обучение
3. thesis c. профессиональное образование
4. research d. курс обучения
5. full-time course f. выпускник
6. ancient universities g. научное исследование
7. civic universities h. высшее образование
8. further education i. дневное отделение
9. undergraduate j. общественные университеты
10. graduate k. аспирант
11. distance learning l. диссертация
12. course m. старинные университеты

Ex. 2. Find English equivalents for the following Russian words and word-combinations in the text “Classification and History”.

Сельскохозяйственный институт, высшее учебное заведение, основывать (2 варианта), старейшие университеты в мире, второй по величине университет, современная архитектурная конструкция, различные средства дистанционного обучения, старые (традиционные) университеты, присвоить степень.


Ex. 3. Find English equivalents for the following Russian words and word-combinations in the text “Courses and Degrees”.

Большое разнообразие учебных программ и дипломов, первая ученая степень, профессионально-техническая степень, степень бакалавра с отличием, программа для специалистов, уровень подготовки, диплом о неполном высшем образовании, степень магистра, степень доктора наук, студенты вечернего (заочного) отделения, закончить диссертацию в письменном виде.


Ex. 4. Find English equivalents for the following Russian words and word-combinations in the text “The Academic Term”.

Длиться (об учебном времени), осенний (весенний, летний) семестр, неделя для повторения пройденного материала, постоянная (неизменяемая).


Ex. 5. Find English equivalents for the following Russian words and word-combinations in the text “Students”.

Cоставлять (насчитывать), учиться на дневном отделении, учиться на вечернем / заочном отделении; учиться как на бакалавриате, так и в аспирантуре (магистратуре); начать обучение; взрослый студент (старше обычного студенческого возраста), на момент поступления, аспиранты, получить степень, не представленные в высшем образовании, профессорско-преподавательский состав, международное сотрудничество в научно-исследовательской сфере.


Ex. 6. Arrange these qualifications according to their attainment level. Start with the lowest.

Master of Science (MSc), Higher National Certificate (HNC), Diploma of Higher Education (DipHE), Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), Higher National Diploma (HND), Bachelor of Arts (BA).


Ex. 7. Translate from Russian into English.

1. Университеты и колледжи – это учреждения высшего образования.

2. В Великобритании существует около 160 университетов и колледжей.

3. Оксфорд и Кембридж – старинные университеты Англии.

4. Краснокирпичные университеты были основаны в конце 19 века.

5. Университеты из листового стекла были основаны в 60-ых годах прошлого века.

6. Открытый университет – это учреждение дистанционного обучения.

7. Новые университеты были учреждены после 1992 года.

Ex. 8. Do the quiz. Choose the right word.

1. The academic year in Great Britain is divided into … terms.

a) three b) two c) four

2. Universities of Cambridge and Oxford run … … terms.

a) eight-week b) eleven-week c) ten-week

3. First degree (bachelor’s) courses normally take … years to complete.

a) four b) two c) three

4. Postgraduate courses usually last … … full-time.

a) two years b) three years c) one year

5. Doctor of Philosophy degree require … … of study and a thesis.

a) one year b) two years c) three or four years

6. A Diploma of Higher Education marks … of his or her undergraduate degree.

a) two-thirds b) half c) one-third

7. The attainment level of a Higher National Certificate (HNC) is … … a Higher National Diploma (HND).

a) equivalent to b) lower than c) higher than


Ex. 9. Make a summary of one of the texts given above. Use the following plan:

1. The title of the text is …

2. The theme of the text is … / The text is devoted to …

3. It consists of … parts.

4. The first part / passage is about …

5. The second (third) part / passage is about …

6. The main idea of the text is …


Ex. 10. Read and translate the dialogue on the topic ''The Open University''. Make your own story using the information below.

A: What are you plans for the future?

B: Well, I'm considering changing a job and getting a Business qualification abroad. But I plan to work part-time and I have a family, you know. Are there any opportunities for me, I wonder?

A: I see. Have you ever heard about the Open University? My husband has got a degree there. I think, it will suit you perfectly.

B: No, I haven't. Tell me about it.

A: Ok. The Open University provides distance learning courses. Most their courses are available throughout Europe and some worldwide. The Open University is the largest academic institution in the UK. People of all ages and backgrounds and even disabled people study there.

B: Is it an old institution? What do you know about its history?

A: I can’t say so. It marked its 40th anniversary in 2009. But it’s the world’s first successful distance teaching university. Since its foundation in 1969 more than 1.8 million people have got their qualification there.

B: I’d also like to know about its structure. What faculties does it consist of?

A: Well, the Open University consists of several faculties, schools and institutes. It has the Faculties of Arts, Education and Language Studies, Health and Social Care, Mathematics, Computing and Technology, the Faculties of Science and Social Sciences. Besides, there are Business and Law Schools, Institute of Educational Technology, Knowledge Media Institute and some Research Centers.

B: And are there any university teachers at a distance learning institution?

A: Of course. There is a system of tuition at the University. Tutors mark assignments, provide written feedback, and offer support by telephone, e-mail, or computer conferencing. They also run group or online tutorials and day schools.

B: Are they full-time teachers?

A: Some of them are. But I’ve also heard that most of them are associate lecturers. They are experts in their subject who combine their work as tutors with other academic or industry jobs.

B: And what it’s like to study there? What about study materials?

A: Many of the modules include core study materials, such as CDs, DVD’s, books and specially written texts, which you’ll receive by post when your module starts. You can also access course materials on your smart phone or tablet. The students can download textbooks, videos and other materials. You’ll also get access to online resources such as podcasts, broadcasts, computer software and interactive teaching materials. You’ll even have a special website for the module you’re studying.

B: And do students take any exams, write tests there?

A: Yes, they do. Students are assessed through tutor-marked and computer-marked assignments, oral or practical assessment, projects, examinations, dissertations and portfolios.

B: Is the competition stiff there? And what about entrance exams? I’m not sure…

A: Don’t worry. Most of the undergraduate courses don’t have any formal entry requirements.

B: But what if I’ve already got a university degree…

A: If you have already studied at university level, they can reduce the number of modules you need to study.

B: That’s great! But distance learning has one serious disadvantage: it’s very difficult to plan your time.

A: I agree. But don’t worry. You’ll get a study timetable to help you plan your reading, activities and assignments and also details of when and where tutorials and study days will take place (which could be face-to-face and online).

B: That’s good. But I’m a very sociable person, you know. I’d like to share my experience of study with my fellow students, turn to somebody for advice. Do students there have any opportunities to communicate with each other?

A: Yes, they do. Students get together at tutorials, day schools and informal study groups, and through online conferencing, study networks and course forums. In fact, the Open University has the UK’s largest student community. Students, staff and alumni connect on course forums, Facebook and Twitter.



associate lecturer – младший преподаватель

tablet - планшет

podcast - подкаст (цифровая запись радио- или телепрограммы, которую можно скачать из интернета)

broadcast - радио- или телепередача

assignment – задание

assessment - оценка, оценивание

turn to somebody for advice – обращаться к кому-либо за советом


Ex. 11. Revise the tips for writing a formal e-mail (for reference study the table in Appendix 2). Read the following e-mail. Oleg is a student from Russia who is going to continue his studies in the UK.

To: professorbrown@hotmail.com
From: 1………………..
Subject: 2…………..
3……………….., Let me introduce myself. My name is Oleg. I am studying Computing and Mathematical Sciences. Right now I want to choose a good graduate college to continue my study in the UK, but I am still confused which one to choose between School of Computer Science at the University of Nottingham and School of Informatics at The University of Edinburgh. I have seen in your academic biography that you have taken your study at both universities. And I would really appreciate if you could share your experience with me. By the way, the research field that I am interested in is something related to networks and building communications equipment. 4……………………………. 5………………….., Oleg

a) Write the formal equivalents of the similar informal expressions.

Informal E-mail Formal E-mail
Hi Chris, I’m writing to tell you… I hope to hear from you soon, Best wishes  


b) Read Oleg’s letter and complete it with expressions from the box.

asking for help, Thank you for your help, Best regards, Dear Mr. Robert Brown, olegcomp@yandex.ru


c) Write a similar e-mail, asking for the information about a course you are interested in.

Ex. 12. Read the e-mail to the admissions department for the course at the university.Answer the following questions.

1. What course does Patrick apply to?

2. What are the admissions requirements?

3. What grade is required?

4. What grade does he hold?

5. What’s the problem?


To: admissions@psu.edu
From: patbr98@hotmail.com
Subject: questions
Dear Sir / Madam I am interested in applying to study Informatics in the 2015 academic year. I saw in your prospectus that you require a Maths GCSE grade A. However I currently hold a grade B. Is it likely that you will still consider my application with this or will I need to retake and obtain the higher grade? I am apprehensive of doing this because I really struggle with Maths. Thank you for taking time to read this, I look forward to your reply. Yours sincerely, Patrick O’Brian  

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