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On Technologies of Digital Signal Processing and Storing⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 79 из 79
Woern Heinz, University of Karlsruhe, Germany Kovacs George, Hungarian Acad. of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Corbera Jordi, Cartographic and Geologic Institute of Catalonia Mcmillan Susan, British Geological Survey, Edinburgh, UK Nikolaikin Nikolay, MSTUCA, Moscow, Russia Milovzorov Georgy, USU, Izhevsk, Russia Lomaev Gely, IzhGTU, Izhevsk, Russia Verevkin Aleksander, USPTU, Ufa, Russia Enikeev Farid, USPTU, Ufa, Russia Smetanina Olga, USATU, Ufa, Russia Vasilyev Vladimir, USATU, Ufa, Russia Wolfengagen Viacheslav JurInfoR-MSU Institute, Moscow, Russia Gvozdev Vladimir, USATU, Ufa, Russia Kulikov Gennady, USATU, Ufa, Russia Massel Lyudmila, Energy Systems Institute, Irkutsk, Russia Melnikov Andrey, ChSU, Chelyabinsk, Russia Petunin Alexander, USTU-UPI, Yekaterinburg, Russia
CALL FOR PAPERS 1st Announcement
The 1th International Workshop DSPTech’2015 on Technologies of Digital Signal Processing and Storing (DSPTech’2015) December 10 - 13, 2015
The Workshop is held with the assistance of:
Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia
Important Dates: November 10, 2015 Paper submission November 20, 2015 E-mail notification of December 1, 2015 MS Word version of camera-ready paper
In the modern world the international scientific cooperation is one of the key factors in the development of innovations, including interdisciplinary areas of research, solving the most complex and urgent problems of science and technology, improving the quality of human resources in the research and innovation fields.
A special role is played by international cooperation in the field of information technology, reflecting the intensive transfer and integration of innovative technologies in this field. Today it is impossible to assess their membership of a particular country - information technology become global.
DSPTech'2015 Conference aims to promote discussion of the development of research and innovation in the field of information technology and its applications. The conference will discuss a wide range of problems associated with the storage, processing, analysis and visualization of data relating to different scientific and applied areas of human activity.
The conference will involve leading foreign scientists and scientific schools of faculty of computer science German (Karlsruhe, Dresden, Bochum, Duisburg, Freiburg) Universities, Research Helmholtz Centre Dresden-Rosendorf, the Technical University of Vienna (Austria), Technical University of Budapest (Hungary), Meiji University (Japan), University g.Trento (Italy) and Russian (Ufa, Chelyabinsk, Yekaterinburg, Samara, Omsk, Moscow, Taganrog, Krasnoyarsk, Orenburg, Kazan, Tyumen, Penza) universities and organizations.
The workshops aim at bringing together researchers from different areas, including System Engineering, Geoinformatics, Models, methods and algorithms of data processing and storing, Software and Hardware for Automation and Control, Innovative Technologies and methods of economical and social data processing. These areas are heavily related nowadays. The Workshop organizers would be happy to provide a platform for cross disciplinary discussions in the framework of the announced topics.
The Workshop program includes reports by leading experts, and special sessions, such as industrial and research projects in Russia, Eastern Europe and other countries.
Selected presentations and contributions are to be identified for including into full Proceeding papers. The submissions will be judged not only for scientific quality but also for suitability as a basis for broader discussion.
Place of Workshop:
The Workshop will take place in Ufa State Aviation Technical University, Ufa, Russia.
The topics are but not limited to:
– SYSTEM ENGINEERING - Conceptual Modeling and Decision Support Systems - Knowledge Engineering - Web Information Systems – GEOINFORMATICS - Geoinformation Systems and Technologies - Geospatial data web services - Models and methods of geospatial data processing – MODELS, METHODS AND ALGORITHMS OF DATA PROCESSING AND STORING - Mathematical Models, Algorithms and Simulation - Text, Data Processing - Data Warehousing - Сloud Computing – IMPORT SUBSTITUTION SOFTWARE AND HARDWARE FOR AUTOMATION AND CONTROL - Information Security Systems and Safety - IT Applications - Programming Technologies – INNOVATIVE TECHNOLOGIES AND METHODS OF ECONOMICAL AND SOCIAL DATA PROCESSING - IT in Social and Economic Modeling - IT in Educational Systems
Submission Guidelines: Submitted papers must clearly describe new ideas or experimental results, which have not been previously published in journals and Proceedings of conferences. Papers will be judged on originality, clarity, relevance, and soundness of methodology. Each paper should include a short abstract and a list of keywords indicating subject classification.
Authors' names and institutions should be identified on a cover page. Papers should be written in English. Authors may submit drafts of full papers. Submissions are recommended to be limited to 6 pages (A4-format), with 1 inch margins and 11 point font (the paper template will be sent to you by e-mail).