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Quick Review and Synopsis

The list below summarizes some key characteristics of the RFO Basic language. Knowing how to put these elements to use constitutes a fundamental understanding of how RFO Basic works:

  1. To start off, RFO Basic has many built-in function words that perform common tasks. As in other languages, function words are typically followed by data parameters. Parameters are placed immediately after the function word and are typically separated by commas. To accomplish a desired goal, functions are arranged in succession, one after another. The value returned by one function is often used as the argument input to another function. Line terminators are not required at any point, and all expressions are evaluated in left to right order, then vertically down through the code. You can complete significant work by simply knowing the predefined functions in the language, and organizing them into a useful order.
  2. Empty white space (spaces, tabs, newlines, etc.) can be inserted as desired to make code more readable. The tilde character is used to continue code onto multiple lines. Text after a percent sign and before a new line is treated as a comment. Exclamation points comment out entire lines. Double exclamation points comment out multiple lines.
  3. RFO Basic contains a rich set of conditional and looping structures, which can be used to manage program flow and data processing activities. If, while/repeat, do/until, for, and other typical structures are supported.
  4. RFO Basic can increment, compare, and perform computations between items in lists, using FOR loops. Data of any type can be written to and read from files, to SQLite databases, or sent and retrieved to/from Internet servers, either by FTP, by http.post, and by direct socket connections.
  5. Any data can be assigned a variable label. The equal sign (" =") is used to assign variable word labels to values. Many functions include the return variable immediately after the function word, in the function's parameter list. Once assigned, variable words can be used to represent all of the data and/or actions contained in the given string, array, etc.
  6. Multiple pieces of data (lists) are stored in arrays, lists, and bundles. Items can be added to or picked out of lists by index numbers. You can concatenate lists into serialized strings and saved to file, and lists of data can also be saved to database tables. The " split" function can be used to convert strings back to to lists.
  7. You can use graphics screen not only to display images and graphic designs, but also to present useful GUI layouts.

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