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A Generalized Approach Using Outlines and Pseudo Code⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 38 из 38
Software virtually never springs to life in any sort of initially finalized form. It typically evolves through multiple revisions, and often develops in directions originally unanticipated. There's no perfect process to achieve final designs from scratch, but certain approaches typically do prove helpful. Having a plan of attack is what gets you started writing line 1 of your code, and it's what eventually delivers a working piece of software to your user's devices. Here's a generalized routine to consider:
The basic plan of attack is to always explain to yourself what the intended program should do, in human terms, and then think through how all required code structures must be organized to accomplish that goal. As an imagined program takes shape, organize your work flow using a top down approach: imagined concept -> general outline -> pseudo code description / thought process -> working code -> finished code. The majority of code you write will flow from one user input, data definition or internal function to the next. Begin mapping out all the things that need to " happen" in the program, and the info that needs to be manipulated along the way, in order for those things to happen, from beginning to end. The process of writing an outline can be helped by thinking of how the program must begin, and what must be done before the user starts to interact with the application. Think of any data or actions that need to be defined before the program starts. Then think of what must happen to accommodate each possible interaction the user might choose. In some cases, for example, all possible actions may occur as a result of the user selecting from a list of menu options. That should elicit the thought of certain bits of select function structure, and you can begin to write the code outline to implement those choices. Whatever your conceived interface, think of all the choices the user can make at any given time, and provide a user interface component to allow for those choices. Then think of all the operations the computer must perform to react to each user choice, and describe what must happen in the code. As you tackle each line of code, use natural language pseudo code to organize your thoughts. For example, if you imagine a menu choice doing something for your user, you don't need to immediately write the RFO Basic code that the menu choice runs. Initially, just write a description of what you want the choice to do. The same is true for functions and other chunks of code. As you flesh out your outline, describe the language elements and coding thought you conceive to perform various actions or to represent various data structures. The point of writing pseudo code is to keep clearly focused on the overall design of the program, at every stage of the development process. Doing that helps you to avoid getting lost in the nitty gritty syntax details of actual code. It's easy to lose sight of the big picture whenever you get involved in writing each line of code. As you convert your pseudo code thoughts to language syntax, remember that most actions in a program occur as a result of conditional evaluations (if this happens, do this...), loops, or linear flow from one action to the next. If you're going to perform certain actions multiple times or cycle through lists of data, you'll likely need to run through some loops. If you need to work with changeable data, you'll need to define some variable labels, and you'll probably need to pass them to functions to process the data. Think in those general terms first. Create a list of data and functions that are required, and put them into an order that makes the program structure build and flow from one definition, condition, loop, menu selection, action, etc., to the next.