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Модальные глаголы и перфектный инфинитив


  Значение Перевод
may + Perfect Infinitive предположение возможно, может быть
must + Perfect Infinitive большая степень вероятности должно быть, вероятно
could + Perfect Infinitive действие, которое могло бы произойти, но не состоялось возможно, мог, мог бы
might + Perfect Infinitive мог бы
should + Perfect Infinitive следовало бы, должен был бы, надо бы
ought + Perfect Infinitive
cаn not и could not + Perfect Infinitive сомнение в возможности совершения действия в прошлом не может быть, чтобы + глагол в прошедшем времени, не мог + неопределенная форма глагола


1. Дайте русский эквивалент речевых отрезков, модальный глагол которых имеет значение:

a) могу, мог, сможет;

b) должен (должно);

c) можно (может быть, возможно).


1. the amount must be reached; 2. the task is to be executed in time; 3. the scientist may choose; 4. the results can be reprocessed; 5. the information had to be distributed equally; 6. the fact cannot be denied; 7. the magnetic field may be defined; 8. there must be a close relation; 9. the matter is to be considered; 10. he could calculate the intensity; 11. the measurement should be accurate; 12. the students were able to observe; 13. they may have discussed the problem; 14. you should be careful with acids; 15. the participants of the conference will be able to make their reports.


2. Найдите модальные глаголы в предложениях и дайте их русские эквиваленты:


1. You should remember the names of the scientists who have made a great contribution to the study of semiconductor physics.

2. You may use carbon steel in the construction of this building.

3. She cannot explain the properties of this group of alloys.

4. The students needed to study the influence of temperature on the strength of plastics.

5. I can do research on semiconductors now.

6. I want to become a materials engineer but I don’t know what I must study.

7. You may apply alloy steels for various engineering purposes.

8. The engineers can use copper for electrical conductors.

9. They could do research on copper alloys last term.

10. Students mustn’t be late for their classes.

11. Alex must perform all the experiments according to the instructions.

12. You ought to be more attentive in the laboratory.


3. Найдите предложения, в которых глагол «to be» переводится как «должен», «должен был», «должен будет».


1. The main task of this article was to show the results of the research.

2. The analogue systems of television are to be replaced by digital systems in the near future.

3. The lecture was to begin at 9 o’clock.

4. Our aim is to study well.

5. The participants of the conference are to arrive tomorrow.

6. This personal computer has been constructed at our lab.

7. It was Faraday who discovered the electromagnetic induction.

8. The next logical step is to apply electronic methods.

9. The machine was to be tested by the workers two hours ago.

10. Measuring temperature is necessary in many experiments.

11. The professor is to make a report at the conference.

12. The scientists are carrying on an important research.

13. For many centuries men were interested in obtaining new sources of energy.

14. The quality of these metal parts is to be very high.


4. Найдите предложения, в которых глагол «to have» переводится как «должен», «должен был», «должен будет».


1. You have to remember the names of the scientists who have made a great contribution to the study of semiconductor physics.

2. Optical computers will have two important advantages over the electronic machines in use today.

3. Efficient long-distance communication had to wait for the discovery of electricity.

4. Most research has been done on crystalline semiconductors such as silicon and germanium.

5. I had my laptop repaired yesterday.

6. The computer will have to do a great deal of work to analyze the data.

7. Very few of the robots we have talked about up to now have looked like men.

8. Robots have shown scientists many of the things they will have to watch out for.

9. Many businessmen have to write a great many letters which are very much the same.

10. A rocket will have specially designed seats to protect its passengers.


5. Сравните сказуемые по форме и дайте их русский эквивалент.


1. He should help you.

2. He should have helped you.

3. You should do your homework properly.

4. You shouldn’t have done that.

5. You ought to help her.

6. The experiment ought to be finished today.

7. You ought to have helped her yesterday.

8. He needn’t have done it.

9. Need I come at 8 o’clock?

10. You may take part in the research work.

11. He may have come to the University.

12. He may have forgotten about it.

13. She must take these books.

14. She must have taken these books.

15. This work must be done later.

16. You can find him here.

17. He cannot have done it.

18. This device cannot be repaired today.


6. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующих предложений, учитывая особенности перевода модальных глаголов:


1. First we should consider the arrangement of atoms in metals, i. e., in substances having thermal and electrical conductivities.

2. This field of force might be a simple static electric or a simple magnetic field.

3. Electronic devices must be built to fine limits if they are to function in the predicted manner.

4. A stream of electrons may be regarded as a large number of small bodies all moving in the same direction.

5. Electrons can be removed by the application of a very high electric field.

6. The fields might be very complicated ones.

7. From the purely physical point of view, electronics could be defined as the study of the motion of electrons in, or the interaction of electrons with, a field of force.

8. Matter may exist in any of its states: solid, liquid, gaseous.

9. We have to find another form of energy.

10. Several methods exist whereby sufficient energy may be supplied to the electrons in a metal in order that some of them may leave the metal.

11. You won’t be able to speak to him before the conference.

12. Electrons may be released from a gas in several different ways.

13. One of the requirements of an ideal optical system is that the magnification is to be constant.

14. We were not allowed to use our notes at the exam.

15. If there is a force between any pair of objects, we ought to be able to measure the force between them.

16. No further mention need be made of this elementary phenomenon, except to notice that excitation may be caused by any form of energy.

17. Efficient long-distance communication had to wait for the discovery of electricity.

18. It should be kept in mind that the initial electrons may be supplied by any of the methods discussed above.

19. We were to share the room with foreigners.

20. You shouldn’t have forgotten to leave a message for her.

21. They might have completed the research in that field.


7. Объясните способ образования выделенных глаголов. Дайте их русские эквиваленты.


1. I work on a keyboard connected to a computer.

2. Will traditional newspapers ever disappear?

3. You've seen brilliant people devise computer viruses that bring down whole systems.

4. These inks are designed to provide better halftones, which are necessary to reproduce photographs.

5. The microprocessor, or CPU, works with the operating system to control the computer.

6. Many people believe that in 1796 Cugnot created the first mechanical vehicle moving by itself.

8. В правой колонке найдите значения слов и словосочетаний, данных в левой, и запомните их.

1.battery charger 2. solid medium 3. extensive laser collection 4. heavy duty service 5. aluminium carrying case 6. laser pointer 7. short sight 8. household products a. зарядное устройство b. близорукость c. алюминиевый кейс d. тяжелые условия e. лазерная указка f. товары для дома g. обширная коллекция лазеров h. твердая среда


9. Найдите в тексте упражнения 11 однокоренное слово к глаголу to connect. Назовите другие однокоренные слова к этому глаголу.


10. Сгруппируйте слова и словосочетания а) близкие, б) противоположные по значению.


a) Technology, numerous, apply, technics, movement, cable, direction, multiple, way, connect, wire, process, use, study, link, handle, motion, research.

b) Efficient, include, solid, discharge, unsteady, weak, inefficient, liquid, obsolete, charge, exclude, modern, visible, different, weak, similar, continuous, powerful.

11. ТЕКСТ 1 A. Просмотрите следующий текст, определите тему текста и озаглавьте его.


This is the newest of our already extensive Laser collection. The «Mars™» Series was created purposely for the beginner. From 200mW up to 500mW, this thin 532nm Laser beam will amaze you, every time you turn it on. Its thin green beam can paint targets hundreds of feet away!

Made of sturdy extruded aircraft aluminium, this Laser is made tough. At a weight of only 190 grams, it is a very light Laser Wand. The more powerful is the Laser, the more visible is its beam. Being totally focusable, it can be used in expedition trip, and serve as a designator beacon in case of emergencies. At night, its beam will be visible to the search and rescue team miles and miles away.

It comes complete with its battery charger, a pair of red goggles and its aluminium carrying case, making an excellent gift idea!

However, since the UPS 747 Airplane crash on Sept. 3rd 2010, we are no longer allowed to ship batteries overseas. Therefore, Batteries are NOT included.

Made from Military Specification Aircraft Aluminium, this Laser Pointer is made to last years and years through heavy duty service. Its beam is able to focus from a few inches, for super hot burning applications, to infinity, for long range rescue applications.



B. Прочитайте следующие утверждения и скажите, которые из них являются верными. Исправьте неверные утверждения.


1. The «Mars™» Series was created purposely for the advanced user.

2. The Laser can be used in expedition trip, and serve as a designator beacon in case of emergencies.

3. The more powerful is the laser, the more visible is its beam.

4. It comes complete with its battery charger only.

5. Since 2010, we are no longer allowed to ship batteries overseas.

6. The Laser Pointer is made from Military Specification Aircraft Silicon.

С. Переведите на русский язык 2 абзац текста.

12. ТЕКСТ 2 A. Прочитайте текст. Выберите наиболее подходящее название.

1. Laser and its characteristics.

2. Laser and its application.

3. Laser and its structure.

Lasers are not a new technology. Indeed they have been with us for over 40 years and they were first theorised by Albert Einstein in 1917.Since then lasers have spread into numerous industries. Today lasers are widely used in medicine, industry, communications and scientific research in a myriad of ways. In the medical field doctors use them to perform bloodless surgery, to correct short-sight and to treat many dermatological conditions. In everyday life lasers are found at the checkout till of most supermarkets and in numerous household products including DVD players, and personal computers while via fibre optic cables lasers have become the cornerstone of modern telephone lines, cable TV and internet connections.

Although the medium can be a solid, liquid or gas, today most lasers use a solid medium which takes the form of a cylindrical laser crystal. This medium is then 'pumped' from an energy source to excite the atoms in the medium. Typically, this is done using very intense flashes of light or electrical charges. Atoms are the building blocks of everything around us but they are also in continuous motion – vibrating and rotating, even in solid objects like chairs or tables! They can also be in different stages of being excited. Consequently, if we apply a lot of energy to an atom we can make it more excited. For a laser to work efficiently we have to ensure that a large number of atoms reach an excited state.

B. Дайте ответы на вопросы:

1. Are Lasers a new technology?

2. When were lasers first theorised?

3. Where are lasers widely used in?

4. Where can you find lasers in everyday life?

5. What medium do most lasers use today?


С. Переведите последний абзац текста.

Part V

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