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Часи Групи Indefinite (Passive Voice)

  Present Past Future
Стверджува-льна форма I am promoted in business You/they/we are promoted in business He/she/it is promoted in business Мені допомогають (сприяють) в бізнесі.   I/he/she was promoted in business We/you were promoted in They business Мені допогли (сприяли) в бізнесі.   I/we shall be promoted in business She/he will be promoted You/they in business Мені допоможуть (посприяють) в бізнесі
Питальна форма Am I promoted in business Are you/they promoted in business? Are we promoted in business? Is he/she/it promoted in business? Чи допомогають (сприяють) мені в бізнесі? Was I/he/she/it promoted in business? Were you/ they promoted in business? Чи допомогли (сприяли) мені в бізнесі? Shall I/we be promoted in business? Will she/he/it be promoted you/they in business Чи допоможуть (посприяють) мені в бізнесі?
Заперечна форма I am not promoted in business You/they/w are not promoted in business He/she/it is not promoted in business Мені не допомогають (не сприяють) в бізнесі I/he/she/it was not promoted in business They/we/you were not promoted in business Мені не допомогли (не посприяли) в бізнесі I/we shall not be promoted in business He/she will not be You/they promoted in business Мені не допоможуть (не посприяють) в бізнесі


Пасивний стан (Passive Voice) - показує, що підмет пасивний, тобто він піддається дії з боку іншої особи або предмета.

Способи перекладу речень з присудком в пасивному стані.

1.) сполученням дієслова “бути” з дієприкметником пасивного стану минулого часу:

The goods were examined yesterday.

Товари були оглянуті вчора.

2.) дієсловом з часткою -ся, сь: Товари оглядалися вчора.

3.) дієсловом в активному стані в 3-тій особі множини з неозначено-особовим значенням на -ли, -ють, -уть. -

Товари оглянули (оглядали) вчора.

4) сполученням дієслова “бути” з дієслівними формами на –но, -то в безособових реченнях:

That house was built last year.

Той будинок було збудовано торік.


Ex.5.Перекладіть речення на рідну мову. Визначте час і стан дієслова-присудка.

1. All values in the economic system are measured in terms of money. 2. Our goods and services are sold for money. 3. And money in turn is exchanged for other goods. 4. Commodity prices were always based on supply and demand. 5. Most of the world's future exchanges are located in the United States. 6. Coins are sent back to the Mint for melting and recasting. 7. The Commodities Exchange (COMEX) was formed from the merger of the Rubber Exchange, Hide Exchange, Raw Silk Exchange and Metals Exchange. 8. How will commission be paid? 9. Today, new coins are struck at the Bureau of the Mint's Philadelphia, Denver and San Francisco branches. 10. Worn out and dirty money is shipped back to the Federal Reserve Banks. 11. The future market was created to help business minimize risks. 12. The number " one", as a numeral or word is found 16 times on a dollar bill (front and back side). 13. In today's global economy currencies are valued by measuring them against each other. 14. Lincoln's employees are paid by piecework system. 15. Almost every discussion about a nation's economy is based on a concept GNP (gross national product). 16.Such high price will not be accepted by the buyers and the firm will meet troubles. 17. This consignment of coffee will be imported from Brasil at adequate prices as soon as we fax our address. 18. The guarantee period will be prolonged to 10 months from the date of the start-up of the equipment. 19. The firm is assured that the equipment will be delivered within two months from the date of opening the Letter of Credit.


Особливості перекладу пасивних зворотів на українську мову

1. Пам'ятаєте, що якщо в реченні говориться про особу або предмет, що впливає на підмет, який виражений іменником (або займенником) із прийменником by, то можливий переклад:

1) дієсловом у пасивному стані;

2) дієсловом в активному стані. У цьому випадку особа або предмет стає підметом українського речення.


Financial documents were signed by the manager and the accountant.

1) Фінансові документи були підписані керівником і бухгалтером (пасивний стан).

2) Керівник і бухгалтер підписали фінансові документи (дійсний стан).


Ex.6. Перекладіть речення на українську/російську мову.

1. This contract is accepted by the partners without delay. 2. The draft contract was prepared by the new team of the staff. 3. All the points under dispute will be settled by us. 4. Costs are reduced by the suppliers though it is not easy at this period. 5. No doubt financial control will be tightened by the new authorities.6.Valuable metal is replaced by paper notes.7. Small business are affected by the problem of organizing an affective distribution strategy. 8. Europe is still regarded by many small business an another planet – referring to the Continent. 9. In many cases the speed of transport is determined by the type of cargo. 10. The importance of transport is now more widely accepted by larger firms but the massage has to spread to business of all sizes. 11. The automobile industry was helped by the government restrictions on Japanese imports.


2. Якщо за присудком у пасивному стані слідує прийменник, що відноситься до дієслова, то підмет англійського речення перекладається іменником (або займенником) із прийменником, який ставиться перед ним. Всі речення перекладаються на українську мову неозначено-особовими реченнями.

1) These terms will be insisted on. - На цих умовах будуть наполягати.

2) This man can be depended on. - На цю людину можна покластися.

Такі пасивні звороти можливі тільки з деякими дієсловами:

to act on/upon - впливати, впливати на

to deal with- мати справу з

to look at - дивитись на

to refer to- посилатися на

to rely on/upon- покладатися на

to send for- посилати за

to speak of(about)- говорити про

to work at- працювати над

to experiment on/upon- експериментувати над

to pay attention to- звертати увагу на

to agree upon- домовитися про

to depend on- покладатися на

to insist on/upon- наполягати на

to object to- заперечувати проти


Ex.7. Перекладіть речення на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на дієслова, що потребують після себе певних прийменників.

1.The terms were agreed upon. 2. These terms were insisted upon. 3.This proposal was objected to. 4.I think that this information can be relied upon. 5. I am sure that this business plan won't be objected to. 6. We cannot change the terms of payment which were agreed upon during the negotiations. 7. The terms agreed upon were advantageous for both the parties. 8.The article of the agreement objected to during the negotiations must be reconsidered.9. The alterations and amendments to the contract are insisted on.10. They hoped that the commercial part of the contract would be paid much attention to. 11. The Acceptance Report (акт прийомки)signed in the presence of your experts must be referred to.12. Mr.Smith assured that decisions of the members' meeting were paid special attention to by the consorthium leader.13.He confirmed that the draft of the consorthium agreement was being worked at. 14. Licence materials were sent for. 15. The latest rise in metal price in London is much spoken of in business circles. 16. Frederick W.Taylor is referred to as “the father of scientific management.”

Ex.8. Перекладіть речення на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на дієслова, що потребують після себе певних прийменників.

1.The best-known predecessor of Taylor was Charles Babbage, who is remembered today mostly for the development of the “Difference Engine”. 2. An illustration of Babbage’s scientific attitude is found in the preface to on the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. 3. And after some critics and negative evaluation the faith in the new philosophy of management was strengthened. 4. In this philosophy the emphasis is made on human relations in industry. 5. The research carried on at the Hauthrone Works, under the direction of Elton Mayo, is considered as the classic work in the area. 6. New approaches, based primarily on the quantitative techniques of maths and statistics were applied to the management of industrial enterprise. 7. Operations management is connected with the directing of the activities required to produce the product or service of an enterprise. 8. The liability or compensation payments of these conventions cannot be relied upon. 9. Hanging garment services are insisted upon by exporters and importers of clothes. 10. Supplies delivered as hanging garments are insisted on by many retailers.


Особливості перекладу підмета

Ex.9. Перекладіть речення на українську/російську мову, звертаючи увагу на переклад підмета.. Памятайте, що підмет англійського речення при присудку в пасивному стані може перекладатися на українську мову іменником (займенником) у називному відмінку у всіх непрямих відмінках.


The currency will be exchanged after the rate of the day. (Що?..) -

Валюта буде обмінюватися за курсом дня.

He was appointed manager of the department.(Кого?) - Його призначили керівником відділення.

I shall be paid the difference to cover my loss.(Кому?) - Мені оплатять різницю, щоб покрити мої витрати.


1. They were offered the goods at a low price.2.We are paid twice a month. 3. I was offered interesting work. 4. The buyers were granted a credit of six months. 5. They will be given detailed instructions. 6. The goods will be examined tomorrow. 7. He was seen in the office.8. The agent was sent to inform the buyers of the arrival of the steamer.9. The goods were disposed of in a short time. 10. Regular exporters are better advised to arrange insurance through a registered insurance broker. 11. Whisky and other spirits are considered hazardous if they are packed in containers with a capacity of more than five litres.12. Workers are given little responsibility, authority or flexibility. 13. John Maynard began his studies at Cambridge (maths and philosophy) and was encouraged to go into economics.


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