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Ex.1. Визначте тип лівого означення до іменника і перекладіть сполучення на українську/російську мову

1) Tax services, 2) operating results, 3) cost control, 4) enormous growth, 5) computer system, 6) company accounts, 7) accounting function, 8) well-known company, 9) most recent survey, 10) management accounting, 11) public accounting, 12) interested people, 13) private property, 14) working population, 15) purchasing power, 16) leading supplier.


Ex.2. Перекладіть такі групи слів, звертаючи увагу на ланцюжки визначень. Пам'ятаєте, що якщо на початку групи слів стоїть іменник у присвійному відмінку, то воно перекладається іменником у родовому відмінку останнім із усієї групи.


High-priced items, country's total export, familiar oversea customers, trade union movement, consumer protection, the " Sale of Goods Act", high school students, proper financial reports, certified public accountants, auditor's professional opinion, accepted accounting practices, small business services, credible financial report, considerable economic freedom, product development, advertising campaign, manufactured goods.


Authorized banks, anti-trust laws, exchange system, modernized production plans, a one-year maintanance agreement, interested reader, Research and Development Expenditures, short-term and long-term planning, cash flow, company goals, marketing information system, pre-paid rent account, job application form, management decision making, professional competence, company's financial reports, high-speed computers, right-to-work law, " blue-collar" workers.


The American work week, free enterprise system, periodic stock dividents, computer software company, the 20-th century two world wars, isolationist foreign policy, North American Free Trade Agreement, government regulations, the National-Economic Development Council, R and D program, management and economic stimulation expenses, money and financial institutions, organized labour's most cherished programs, the Consumer Protection Act, the Fair Trade Act, worker's compensation programs, some country's accounting principles, foreign annual reports users, mixed economy, under-developed nations, a one-year maintenance agreement, rigidly controlled economy, company's financial statement.


Ex.3.Встановіть відповідності.


1) chief accounting officer a) освіта в сфері бухгалтерського обліку

2) cost control b) незалежний бухгалтерський облік

3) assistant controller c) посадова особа – бухгалтер

4) accounting education d) контроль за цінами

5) plant accountant e) помічник контролера

6) management accounting f) вищий керівний робітник

7) top-level business executive g) консультаційні послуги в області керування

8) accepted accounting practices h) результати діяльності

9) operating results i) дипломований бухгалтер вищої кваліфікації

10) management advisory services j) загальноприйнята бухгалтерська практика

11) public accounting k) бухгалтерський облік в сфері управління

12) certified public accountant l) заводський бухгалтер


1) змішана економіка a) free enterprise system

2) слаборозвинені країни b) exchange rate

3) профспілковий рух с) mixed economy

4)захист споживача d) price movement

5) купівельна спроможність e) under-developed countries

6) рекламна кампанія f) union movement

7) споживчі товари g) accounting system

8) рух цін h) consumer protection

9) дипломований бухгалтер i) purchasing power

вищої кваліфікації

10) система бухгалтерського обліку j) certified public accountant

11) курс обміну k) advertising campaign

12) система вільного підприємництва l) consumer goods

Ex.4. Перекладіть речення, беручи до уваги ліві означення .

1. At the beginning of the month, the Joan Miller advertising agency paid two month's rent in advance. 2. Modern marketing management is creative, dynamic and exciting. 3. Today we are on the threshold of new discoveries in the understanding of buyer behavior.4. Ecological considerations are introducing a new social consciousness and challenging existing conсepts.5. Per capita consumption of tomatoes expanded by 50 percent.6. The Hever Brothers Company's introduction of hydrogenated shortening into India required a substantial marketing effort.7. An undeniably significant bit of advice in new product production is that price must be a consideration from the beginning of the new product process.8. Old products have a price history and a price experience.9. Old products have an existing market demand and existing volumes that permit the calculation of unit costs 10. Favorable payment terms can encourage sales by functioning as a substitute for a lowered price. 11. The marketing objectives of most ball-point pen manufacturers is to lower prices.12. When the marketing mix includes larger proportions of promotion expenditures added values may be attributed to the product in the minds of the buyers. 13. In recent years the 10-cent candy bar has become smaller than the one that once sold for 5 cents. 14. Black-and-white television receivers were successfully promoted in the early days of television.15. Branded products enjoy a better reputation than unbranded products. 16. The company's name appears in dark blue letters beneath a three-toned red triangle on a square white background.



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