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To suit

Translate into English:

1) Меня все устраивает.

2) Это меня не устраивает.

3) Ваши требования меня не устраивают.

4) Вас устраивает наша программа?

5) Ваши специализации меня устраивают.


• The verbs frequently used with the words are: to sit, to take, to pass, to fail
an examination/test.

1. Translate into English:

1) Он завтра сдает экзамен.

2) Она сдала эктамен? - Да, а ее подруга провалилась на экзамене.

3) Я уверена, что он сдаст экзамен.

4) Эти студенты не сдали экзамен,

2. Work in groups and discuss the questions:

1) Do you get prepared for exams well?

2) Do you fed nervous when you take exams?

3) What exams are difficult for you 10 pass successfully?

4) Have you ever failed an exam?

To contact

• Do no! confuse it with the verb to connect.

Complete the sentences with either la contact or to connect.

1) These two cities are...by anew road.

2)... Mr. Brown. He is responsible for that.

I.First Challenges and Accomplishments

Unit 1


3) I tried to... you on the telephone, but failed.

4) My modem enables me to... to the Internet.

5) My computer is not... yet.

attendance, to attend, to attend to (уделять внимание, заботиться) 1. Ihuislak' into Russian:

1) We are strict about students' attendance.

2) Students must attend all lectures.

3) I attend all meetings of our student committee.

4) We slill have some matters to attend to.

5) I'm very busy now. I'll attend to the matter first thing tomorrow morning.

6) I'll attend to you in a minute.

7) Many students attended the scientific conference held at the institute.

1. Discuss 2) with я partner.

3. Docs your university hold scientific conferences for students? If yes, comment on students' attendance.


Translate into English:

1) Я только что написал свою курсовую, работу.

2) Нам нужно изучить ваши документы.

3) Вы читали сегодняшние газеты?

4) У нас мало бумаги.

5) Нам пришлось показать наши документы.

6) Он написал свой адрес на листке (piece) бумаги.

to look, to look at, to look around, to look up, to look smth up, to look forward to, to look after, to look through (просматривать), to look for Insert prepositions:

1) He was looking... work as a teacher.

2) " Can I help you, madam? " - " No, I'm just looking... "

3) I'm looking... to my trip abroad.

4) Who looks... your baby?

5) He turned and looked... her.

6) Look... the word in the dictionary.

7) 1 am looking... Ann. Have you seen her?

8) Have you looked... the mail?
Ex. 20. Sum up Text В (orally/in writing).

Situation: Imagine that you are at the office of an American university in Mos­cow. You want to enrol at the university. Get the information you need.

Л Language Teacher's Personal Opinion

Every day 1 see advertisements in the newspapers and on the buses sayingthatitiseasytolearn English. According to these advertisements, with very little effort on the student's part, he/she will be able to speak the language fluently in three months or even ten days. When 1 see ad­vertisements like this, I don't know whether to laugh or cry. If it were as easy to learn English as they say I would have to look for another job because very few qualified teachers would be needed. But a large num­ber of people must believe these claims'. If people didn't believe il, such advertisements would not appear.

It is natural for students to he attracted - to methods that will teach them as quickly, efficiently and cheaply as possible. But it is no use pretending1 that anyone has discovered a perfect way of teaching En­glish in every possible situation.

For a long time people believed that the only way to learn a lan­guage was by spending a great deal of time in a country where it was spoken. Of course it is clear that the students who go to England to learn English have a great advantage over others, but a large number of students cannot afford to do so. Some students go to the opposite ex­treme and think they can teach themselves at home by learning words in dictionaries. But it is wrong to assume that each word in English has an equivalent in another language and that any translation method can produce good pronunciation and intonation.

In my personal opinion no one can ever learn to speak English or any other language unless he is interested in learning it. There is an­other relevant point worth mentioning here. One should remember that language learning is an active thing that needs effort and time. It is worth remembering that language is a means of communication. So students.of English should forget about being shy, nervous, afraid of saying something incorrect or silly and should start learning by talking. It's far better to make a few mistakes than to say nothing. If you make the effort to speak you'll find that little by little you'll get more confidence and enjoy speaking,

(based an " A language teacher's personal opinion" by Wit! Pidcrofn

Unit 1

1. First Challenges and Accomplishments


GrammarPresentation Условныепредложения второго типа(Conditional Sentences Type II)

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