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Ex. 24. a) Learn the following words referring to countries and languages.

Country Languages Countiy Languages

Italy Japan Korea Luxemburg The Netherlands Norway Portugal Russia Spain Sweden Switzerland Turkey United States of America Italian Japanese Korean French Dutch Norwegian Portuguese Russian Spanish Swedish French, German, Italian Turkish English

Australia English

Belgium Flemish, Dutch, French

Brazil Portuguese

Canada English, French

China Mandarin Chinese

Cyprus Turkish, Greek

Denmark Danish

Egypt Arabic

England English

Finland Finnish, Swedish

France French

Germany German

Greece Greek

India Hindi, English

Iraq Arabic

Israel Hebrew, Arabic

b) Answer the questions:

- When you meet an Englishman you will understand him. because you
know English. What about a Swede (швея), a Dutchman (голландец),
a Swiss (швейцарец), a Dane (датчанин)? Will you understand them?

- Do you know Swedish, Dutch, Danish?

- What language do ihe Danes / the Dutch/ the Scots / the Welsh / ihe
Swiss / the Swedes speak?

c) Translate into English:

1. На каком языке говорят в Голландии?

2. Существует ли ишейцарский язык? - Нет. В Швейцарии говорят на
францучском, немецком и итальянском языках.

3. Какой город является столицей Голландии (Дании/Швеции)?

Ex. 25. Rewrite the sentences as in (he Model.

Model: — It is easy to learn English. — One can learn English easily. — He speaks English well. - His English is good.

1. He can speak several foreign languages fluently.

2. Students are attracted to methods that will teach them quickly, efficiently

and cheaply.

3. Language learning is sin active thing.


I. First Challenges and Accomplishments


4. He is a careful driver.

5. His pronunciation of some words was incorrect.

6. His English is perfect.

Ex. Zd. Practise these words and word combinations: advertisement, to advertise Answer these questions:

1) Are there many advertisements in our newspapers and on our TV these
days? Do you like it?

2) Do you believe the information in the advertisements?

3) What goods and services are advertised most often?

4) Have you ever placed an advertisement in a newspaper?

5) Have you ever bought anything advertised in a newspaper or on TV?

effort, to make an effort Answer these questions:

1) Does learning a foreign language require much effort and time?

2) Does studying in institutes of higher education require much effort?

3) Do you make every effort to help your friends when they need help?

4) What subjects lake much effort?

advantage, to have an advantage (over) Ant. disadvantage Translate imo English:

1) У него есть большое преимущество перед другими студентами: он
изучал английский язык в Англии.

2) Этот метод имеет ряд преимуществ.

3) Моя новая квартира имеет преимущество перед старой.

4) Интернет даст большие преимущества пользователям.

5) Учеба за границей имеет преимущества и недостатки.

to afford smth/to do sinth

1. Answer these questions:

1) Can you afford an expensive holiday?

2) Can you afford to buy a collage in the country/a new flat?

3) Can you afford to have a holiday during the academic year?

2. " Translate into English:

1) Я не могу позволить себе поехать в отпуск сейчас. У меня много ра­

2) Я не могу позволить себе купить машину. Это очень дорого.

3) Мне это не по средствам.


4) У меня нет времени на это.

5) Вам больше нельзя пропускать занятия.

to mention smlli

Make up sentences using the English equivalents of the following:

- упомянуть цифры; - упомянуть чье-либо имя;

- упомянуть факты; - упомянуть о том, что...

- упомянуть дату;

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