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Comprehension Questions

1. What has become evident in recent years?

2. What are governments determined to do?

3. What do they work together for?

4. What instruments help governments to ensure political and economic sta­

5. What was the IMF set up for?

6. What services does the World Bank provide?


Ex. 26. Find in the text English equivalents for the following Russian phrases:

международная организация; процесс глобализации; вызывать; решимость; обеспечивать экономическую и политическую стабильность;

- укреплять международную

- существующий экономиче­
ский, политический и торго­
вый порядок;

- налоговые освобождения;


П. International Organisations


process n strengthen т exemption и developed adj globalisation n existing adj promote v determination n trading n financial adj stability n marketing и lender n
В relations obligations disputes principles problems action assistance peace and security
World Trade Organisation

- поддержка международных ор­

-... был создан;

- устанавливать правила;

- выступать в качестве кредито­

Ex. 27. Give derivatives of:


- страны, имеющие временные
трудности с осуществлением
внешних платежей;

- предоставлять ссуды;

- по банковским ставкам;

- проект экономического раз­

Ex. 29. Match the infinitives in A witb the nouns in B.


to maintain to develop to fulfil to settle to give to take to set forth to solve

Ex. 30. Render the article.


Ex. 28. a) Read the text and translate it into Russian, b) Does the UN provide essential help in economic and social development? Does it stabilise international relations?

Purposes and Principles of the UN

The purposes of the United Nations, as set forth in the Charter, are:

- to maintain international peace and security;

- to develop friendly relation? among nations based on respect for the prin­
ciple of equal rights and self-determination of peoples;

- to cooperate in solving international economic, social, cultural and hu­
manitarian problems.

The United Nations acts in accordance with the following principles:

- it is based on the sovereign equality of all its Members;

- all Members are to fulfil their Charter obligations;

- they are to settle their international disputes by peaceful means;

- they are to give the United Nations every assistance in any action it takes
in accordance with the Charter, and shall not assist States against which
the United Nations is taking preventive or enforcement action.

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