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Law of custom of parliament

· relates to etiquette governing the internal working of parliament and the conduct of its members

· guide lawmakers (when they are faced with the problem of integrating sth. new into the UK legal system



- different to many Continental societies

- great emphasis on personal ability and merit of the individual

- regardless of their social background

- snobbism, elitism – not too much

- Self-made man – respected

- individual effort

- civil society

· responsible behaviour

· voluntarily from the individual

- sport fans



- hierarchical structures – as flexible as possible

- “ideas from bellow”

- boss – has his door always open; willing to listen to all reasonable comments and suggestions from subordinates

- power distance – 35 – very low (x French – 68)

- individualism – 89 (3rd position behind USA and Australia)



- no document outlining citizens rights

- what is not forbidden is allowed => “ negative rights”

- free speech – not guaranteed

- state – the same freedom as individuals

- Human rights act – 1998 – similar to European Convention of Human rights. Guarantee: freedom of expression; freedom from unlawful detention; right to privacy, …



Capital: London – one of the largest cities in the world

· more than 1 million inhabitants

· cosmopolitan city

Country of industry

· highly efficient agriculture

Dotted with “Stately homes” – former seat of the great Aristocratic families of England

The South of England – associated with Aristocrats, the Royal family, fox hunting, “snobbish accent”

· seen as: soft, lazy, impractical

The North of England – industrial, populated by very practical, realistic, cynical people

· friendly, open, great dislike to snobbish and humbug

Not only urban society


· great place to see a cross section of England society

· every village has its “big house” – member of local “great family”

· in every village: gossip, drunk, village idiot

· order people – view their home as the centre of the Universe => do not criticize

· them

For foreigners: do not criticize or poke fun at the Royal Family


· ritual

· in the past afternoon tea – served with sweet cake or cucumber sandwiches – high point of the day

· symbolize their homeland



- many jokes by foreigners

- have character

- contains so much fat, sugar, salt

- breakfast:

porridge, fry up, tomatoes, beans, large slice of bread

- lunch

boiled potatoes, vegetables, bacon or roast beef

fish and chips

- pub grub (bar snacks)

soup, sandwiches, steak, kidney pie



- Celtic kingdom

- industrial power

- famous for shipbuilding

- capital: Glasgow

- agriculture – highlands

- sheep => wool, meat

- hospitable

- proud of their nation - Celts

- happy to be British

- never call a British person “English”

- love family

- interested who is related to whom



- Celtic

- different from Scottish

- own language

- dependent on coal mining and agriculture



- its own parliament and government


The Republic of Ireland

Young people

o well educated

o articulate

o sophisticated

o forward looking

o very sure of their position in the world

o if you say: “ I love your music, writers, dance,..” => you will lost their goodwill

and respect

o friendliness


- power distance: 28

o managers do not hold themselves aloof from their subordinates

o first name terms – but – doesn´ t mean familiarity

o invisible border


- individualism: 70

o highly prized in firms

o you get task to be done in a certain time – how you complete is up to you

o high level


- masculinity: 68


- uncertainty avoiding index: 35

o unwritten, unspoken limits

o they need less explicit laws


Japanese Culture



- 3000 islands

- the eastern coast of Asia

- population: over 120 million

- 70 % of the people live in the area from Tokyo to Kyushu Island

- 75 % of the area is covered by forests

- parliamentary democracy under the rule of a constitutional monarch

- official language: Japanese

- literacy: 100 %

- secondary school education: 95 % of the population

- masculinity is the most significant value (=> Hofstede)

- the lowest ranking factor – individualism

- collectivistic culture

- status: age, rank and hierarchy determine position

- tradition: focus on heritage and precedent

- idealism: doing things the “right” way

- ambiguous work roles: no specific job description

- formality: respect demonstrated trough formality

- indirectness: saving face is the priority

- highly non-verbal: understanding from context

- reserved: avoid any position on others

- focus on relationship

- group come first!!!

- physical pleasure

o good and worthy

o love hot baths, sleeping, eating



- conversational counterpoint phrases

o listener – active part in the dialogue – short phrases every few seconds

o ensuring speaker of your attention

o keep conversation going

- indirect expressions

o large hedging vocabulary – neither yes or no

- abundant number of greetings and social phrases

o social phrases – in introduction, when entering / leaving the room, when starting a dialogue



- high context

- implicit culture

- same gestures as at us, but with different meaning

- bowing rather than shaking each others hand

- poker face

- mask of smile – use in adverse situations

- face of surprise – form of flattery14

- eye contact – give themselves privacy in crowded places

- silence – important part of non-verbal communication; pauses between words



- starts with small talk (weather, golf tournament,..)

- during the meeting all related matters should be discussed (systematically, in great details)

- relationships

- loyalty to the group

- long term orientation

- mutual trust – personal trust is more important than the contract

- people-oriented business – business relations = family ties15; agreement to work together

- reaching the agreement – need of trust; long time

- working style – job assignments are given to team, not to the individual

- team – one big open space office

- group orientation

o the main difference between Japan and West

o group defines the individual and the individual is only significant as he/she

represents the group

- emotions

o negative one – not openly expressed

- hierarchy

o hierarchical relationships are essential in the whole society

o ranking – very important

o seniority – traditionally an important criterion for promotion

- shame society



- “down to top” system



- two main points which characterize Japanese history:

o over 10 000 years of cultural continuity

o the ability to adopt imported culture and technology to improve Japanese living


- 1945-55 post war recovery

- 1955-72 rapid growth

- 1987-90 period of domestic demand-led expansion; increasing industrial and lifestyle sophistication

- 1990´ s collapse of bubble economy

- 1998 - recovery

- nowadays 1, 3 million corporations; concentration of economic power



- tertiary sector – 60 % of all Japanese workers

- primary sector – less than 10 % of workers

- employment system – 3 essential institutions

o lifetime employment

 mutual commitment and loyalty

 recruited immediately upon graduation, continue till retirement (65)

 academic credentials – very importan

 graduating from good university – essential

o the seniority system

 based on employee´ s rank

 salary, qualification – based on length of service in the company

o Enterprise Unionism

 unusual link between individual employee – company

 this relationship should be harmonious


- hard workers

- strong Buddhist traditions

- women

o lower salaries (60 % of men´ s salary)

o administration positions (men – managerial positions)

o expect to leave the position when they marry


What behavior would offend the Japanese in a business situation:

- losing your temper

- slouching in a chair

- putting your feet on your desk

- interrupting someone, or not letting someone finish his sentence

- refusing to accept a drink when offered, it can be non-alcoholic

- wearing shoes in the house, using the wrong slippers for the toilet



- 1, 3 bn people => 1/5thof the world´ s population

- changing lifestyle

- “One child” policy

- minority groups live in border areas

- world´ s fastest growing economy

- trading giant, 5thworld´ s exporteur

- communist party


- traditional values in Chinese society

o high power distance

o low ranking factor – individualism

 strong relationships in society

 everyone takes responsibility for fellow members of his / her group

o masculine country

 high degree of gender differenciation

 men take decisions in their families => accepted by Chinese women => part of culture

o long-term orientation

 very high level


- the value of harmony

o harmony in all aspects of life is very important

o all people have to depend on each other

o in a broad sense

 hierarchy (dependence)

o in a narrow sense

 dependence within a family


- to achieve harmony one must fulfill duties and obligations in five cardinal relationships:

o between the emperor and the subject

o between father and son

o between husband and wife

o between brothers

o between friends


- group orientation

o one of the most characteristic features

o the group defines the individual

o belonging to the group / family gives the Chinese a feeling of psychological and

social security


- face consciousness

o shame society

o keeping face – very important

o shame = reaction to public criticism

o one does not need to worry as long as his bad behaviour does not get him out from

the group, as long as does not lose “face”


- family

o very important

o sociability, security, support in need, loyalty, faithfulness16, devotion17, “face”

o grandparents + in-laws + other relatives => in one house

o children

 have to obey their parents

 centre of attention


- communication

o high context; implicit communication

o fixed word phrases


- Chinese weakness

o corruption

 almost every commercial transaction in China

o nepotism18

 distance between ordinary people and government

 the Chinese as a whole never desired to change the structural arrangement of

Chinese society

o unemployment

 especially in rural areas


 1.3 million people is infected

o the ageing population


- religion

o before communist revolution - number of religious

o Taoism, Confucianism, Buddhism, Christian, Islam, …


- Chinese conservatism

o modernization, compromise – typical

o interpretation of law – based on human feelings and situation

o what is right / wrong – relative


- business culture

o do not like doing business with foreigners

o establish relationships

o presenting business card has its own etiquette – both hands, face up

o last name + given name – use both!

o like to ask personal questions

o do not like to be touched

o business launches, evening banquets – very popular

o giving gifts – Chinese decline it two or three tomes before they accept it

 they should not be open immediately

 never wrapped in white paper

 fine whisky, cognac, foreign cigarettes, quality wines, …

o better than saying NO – MAYBE

o being late for appointment – rude


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