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Management practices the center of mass of aircraft on the route

Automated output LA at a given point (goal, AMP, etc.) using the CND may be performed roadway, course and route method, and a combination thereof. The choice of method is determined by the kind of control the trajectory of the aircraft, which is assigned with the goals and solve tactical problems.

Track method provides ground speed vector orientation towards a certain goal or waypoint from an arbitrary initial position. With this method, the aircraft displayed at a given point on the line of the shortest path.

Control signal for the ACS is formed as follows (Figure 4):


where the bearing of a given navigation point is calculated from the known (dead reckoning) aircraft position coordinates , and unknown (entered in the onboard computer memory) coordinates of the point ,


Signal given course worked through the channel bank ACS.

Foreign exchange method can be considered as a special case of track, when not taken into account the drift angle. In exchange method, the longitudinal axis of the aircraft sent to the navigation point, ie.


A distinctive feature of this method is that the trajectory of the CM aircraft, dubbed radiodromii. Radiodromiya characterized in that, because of the wind the aircraft deviates from the original course line connecting the navigation point. Therefore, the aircraft must be constantly turn on target. In the vicinity of the set point delta angle is undergoing drastic changes. Therefore, at some distance from the set point signal set course record.

The downside limit and course management is not returning the aircraft to the original line of the path after accidental or deliberate deviations. Output at a given point continues with a new direction. Thus, the line of the actual path may take a random position. Entering the target with a given direction is not provided.


The essence of the method is a route that the coordinates and length of the route is determined by the line of a given path (LGP), the aircraft is transferred to the line and continues to fly on it.

Aircraft control is performed by one parameter - the lateral deviation , which is most easily obtained by dead reckoning in particular orthodromic coordinates. In the case of a common system of coordinates lateral deviation of LZP can be calculated as follows (Figure 5)


where ; ; ,

- Calculus coordinates center of mass motion of the aircraft.

ACS to stabilize the aircraft to LZP uses signals and or .


Shuttle control method provides flight LZP and access to the target with a given direction.
Thus, the motion control of CM in a shuttle flight involves addressing three interrelated tasks:

- obtain information on the current status of aircraft (dead reckoning coordinates and correction);

- formation of lateral movement of the control signal in the form of aircraft and ;

- testing of the control signals.


The first two tasks are solved CND. Testing of the control signals performs ACS (Figure 6)


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