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The composition and control laws ACS

Automatic control of the trajectory in the horizontal plane of the channel bank provides ACS aileron. The channel provides a predetermined yaw ACS directional stability and vibration damping yaw.

For the withdrawal of the aircraft and the subsequent retention of desired path trajectory path ACS generates a signal given by one roll of the following laws

; (3)

; (4)

; (5)

. (6)

The composition of ACS include:

aerobatic part, including the roll angle sensors and angular velocity of the roll, the calculator, the servo;

Trajectory computer circuit that generates the signals given bank, for example, the laws of (3)... (6);

separate information systems, generates signals and .

1.5. The dynamic properties of the system, " ACS - the plane" in trajectory control in the horizontal plane

The dynamic properties of the system we consider for ACS with Jos, which manages the laws (3) and (4). Here we assume that at each moment of time ACS provides equality . This reduction is related to the fact that the adjustment time for roll control about an order less than the time of regulation for trajectory control. The equations of the control system are as follows:




or .

Input control loop is the mismatch , and weekends - to change the current coordinate . Block diagrams of the control loop, the corresponding control law (3) and (4) are shown in Figure 7 and 8.

Structural patterns correspond to the following transfer function


. (8)

The transfer function (7) describes the dynamic properties of the " ACS - LA" in the implementation of the law in ACS (3), and the transfer function (8) - the law (4).

Analysis of transfer functions leads to the following conclusions:

the assumptions made in the denominator of the transfer function is of the second order, ie, dynamic properties of the circuit element describes the second order;

dynamic properties of the circuit parameters are determined primarily by ACS and do not depend on the properties of the aircraft. Choice of the control law can ensure the required quality of the transition process. In this vibration damping trajectory provided the best gear ratios or , a resistance movement - a choice ;

vibration damping using the law (3) depends on the speed of flight. To ensure the high quality of the transition process when the speed must be changed and the transmission coefficient.


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