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V. Experimental approaches to studying essential activities of animal intelligence ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 6 из 6
14. CONDITIONAL DISCRIMINATION AS A BASIC TECHNIQUE FOR STUDYING RULE LEARNING Experimental paradigm of discrimination learning Discrimination and reversal shift Conditional discrimination and rule learning 15. CATEGORISATION, ABSTRACTION, AND CONCEPT FORMATION: ARE ANIMALS LOGICAL? Acquisition of the same/different concept in animals Categorisation in animals Abstraction in animals Animals’ natural concepts: Classification at different levels of abstraction Mental representation (Imagery) 16. CONCEPTUAL BEHAVIOUR BASED ON RELATIONS Cross-modal transfer in discrimination tasks Ordering and serial learning Transitive inference Relation matching-to-sample VI. Advanced intelligence in animals: rule extraction, tool using and number related skills 17. INSIGHTFUL BEHAVIOUR What is Insight? Learning how to learn: Learning sets Latent learning and exploration 18. TOOL USING AS A TOOL FOR EXPERIMENTAL STUDYING OF ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE Briefly about tool behaviour in animals Experimental studies on tool use and cognitive abilities in animals 19. NUMERICAL COMPETENCE IN ANIMALS Criteria of numerical competence for comparative studies Experimental approaches to studying numerical competence in animals Numerocity discrimination and estimation in animals Counting animals Animals use symbolic representation of numbers Wild arithmetic: an insight from comparative studies VII. Knowledge is power but not for all: species-specific intelligence 20. IS FINDING A COMMON METRIC OF INTELLIGENCE POSSIBLE IN REAL ANIMAL LIFE? Never laugh at fishes: some species and members of species are more intelligence than others Misbehaviour of organisms”: Learned behaviour drifts Toward instinctive behaviour 21. A SCETCH ON INSTINCTIVE BEHAVIOUR Displays of complex instinctive behaviour Room for intelligence in the context of selective perception and specific responses 22. GUIDED LEARNING AND COGNITIVE SPECIALISATION Learning preparedness: some associations can be built more readily than others Is it easy to distinguish between instinctive and learned behaviour? Harsh environment for pluralism in animal societies: behavioural specialisation within populations 23. DEVELOPMENTAL STUDIES OF ANIMAL INTELLIGENCE: ROLE OF INNATE AND ACQUIRED BEHAVIOUR How an instinct is learned: early experience How intelligence is wired: innate complex patterns or acquired coordinations? 24. IMPRINTING