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Lesson 1 types of meat

1.Read and memorize the following words:

meat [mi: t]м’ясо

e.g. Most of the meat consumed by humans comes from domesticated and aquatic animals.

tissue ['tɪ ʃ u] тканина

e.g. Meat consists of muscular tissue, connective tissue, bones, glands and edible organs.

flesh [fleʃ ] м’якоть

e.g. Meat means the flesh of any animal used for food.

muscle ['mʌ sl] м’яз

e.g. Myoglobin is the muscle protein which provides the red colour of raw meat.

sweetbread ['swi: tbred] підшлункова залоза тварини, що використовується як їжа

e.g. Sweetbread is useful source of animal protein.

liver ['livǝ ] печінка

e.g. Liver is rich in vitamin A, folic acid, iron and B-vitamins.

tripe [traip] рубець, кендюх

e.g. Tripe contains more calcium than other meats.

2.Match the words with their definitions.

1. meat 2. tissue 3. flesh 4. muscle 5. sweetbread 6. liver 7. tripe a) pancreas of a calf or lamb used as food b) large, reddish-brown organ in the body which produces bile and cleans the blood c) part of the wall of the stomach of an ox or cow used as food d) animal or plant cells, esp. those that make up a particular organ e) soft part, esp. muscle, between the skin and bones of animal bodies f) elastic substance in an animal body that can be tightened or loosened to produce movement g) flesh of animals used as food

3.Remember the names of different meats.

Beef [bi: f] яловичина; pork [pɔ: k] свинина, veal [vi: l] телятина; lamb [læ m] м’ясо ягняти; mutton ['mʌ tə n] баранина; poultry ['pə ʊ ltrɪ ] м’ясо свійської птиці; game [geɪ m] дичина.

4.Read and translate the text.

Animal tissue suitable for use as food is called meat. While meat can be obtained from nearly every species of animal, most of the meat consumed by humans comes from domesticated and aquatic animals. Meat from domesticated animals is generally subdivided into two categories: red meat and poultry. Red meat, the largest category, consists of beef, pork, veal, lamb and mutton. Poultry meat is the flesh of domesticated birds. It includes chickens, turkeys, geese, ducks and fowl. Seafood includes fish, lobsters, oysters, clams and crabs. Another type, game meat, consists of the flesh of all nondomesticated animals. In many countries humans eat the meat of horses, water buffalo, camels, goats and rabbits.

The muscle of domesticated animals is known as red meat. The names for the various types apply to the specific animals from which they are obtained. The term beef, for instance, refers to meat from cattle over 9 months old. Meat from cattle that are 3 to 9 months of age is classified as calf. Veal comes from calves ranging in age from 1 to 3 months.

Pork is derived from hogs that are generally 5 months of age or older. Fresh cuts of pork sold in retail stores usually come from hogs that are 5 to 9 months old and weigh 200 to 300 pounds (90 to 140 kilograms) Most of the meat from older and heavier hogs is utilized in various processed meats.

Lamb comes from sheep less than 14 months of age and usually weighing from 90 to 140 pounds (40 to 65 kilograms). Mutton refers to meat from sheep over 14 months of age.

Variety meats include liver, heart, tongue, brain, kidney, sweetbread (thymus gland), tripe (stomach of ruminant) and chitterlings (large intestine of pig). Each of these meats has a distinctive flavour and consistency when it is cooked.

5.Answer the following questions.

1.What is called meat?

2.What does it come from?

3.What does red meat consists of?

4.What does seafood include?

5.What do the terms beef, veal, pork lamb, mutton refer to?

6.Fill in the required term.

1. … - flesh of a pig (usually fresh, not salted or cured) used as food.

2. … - flesh of an ox, bull or cow, used as meat.

3. … - flesh of a calf eaten as food.

4. … - flesh of fully grown sheep, eaten as food.

5. … - flesh of animals and birds hunted for sport and food.

6. … - hens, ducks, etc., considered as meat.

7.Speak on different types of meat.

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