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Lesson 3 meat chemical composition
1.Read and memorize the following words: protein ['prə ʊ ti: n] білок, протеїн e.g. About one-third of the protein in the diet comes from plant sources and two-thirds from animal sources. carbohydrate [ˌ kɑ: bə ʊ 'haɪ dreɪ t] вуглевод e.g. From carbohydrates we get most of the energy that we need. nitrogen ['naɪ trə ʤ ə n]азот, нітроген, nitrogenous [naɪ 'trɒ ʤ ı nə s] азотний e.g. Unlike carbohydrates and fats, proteins always contain nitrogen as well. extractive [ı ks'træ ktı v] екстракт, екстрактивна речовина e.g. Meat extractives are water-soluble substances from meat. enzyme ['enzaı m] фермент e.g. Copper is associated with a number of enzymes. pigment ['pɪ gmə nt] пігмент e.g. The yellow food pigment carotene is changed in our bodies to the real vitamin A. to vary ['veə rı ] змінюватися, відрізнятися e.g. The amount of fat in different kinds of fish varies greatly. to bring about здійснювати ripening ['raɪ pnı ŋ ] дозрівання e.g. The period of ripening is different for different types of cheese. ageing, aging ['eı ʤ ı ŋ ] визрівання flavour ['fleı və ] смак, запах e.g. Over the past years new flavours regularly appear on the market. juice [ʤ u: s] сік e.g. Losses of fat and meat juice increase as the temperature rises. digestive [d(a)ı 'ʤ estı v] травний e.g. The small intestine (тонка кишка) is the longest part of the digestive tract. lean [li: n] пісний e.g. The vitamin content of white fish is similar to that of lean meat. 2.Match the words with their definitions.
3. Read the following words. Remember the pronunciation. Amino acid ['æ mı nə ʊ 'æ sı d] амінокислота, myosin ['maı ə zı n]міозин, iron ['aı ə n] залізо, phosphorus ['fɒ sfə rə s] фосфор, calcium ['kæ lsı ə m]кальцій, copper ['kɒ pə ] мідь, haemoglobin [hi: mə ʊ 'glə ʊ bı n]гемоглобін, myoglobin [ˌ maɪ ə 'glə ʊ bı n] міоглобін, oxygenate [ɒ k'sı ʤ ı neı t] окислювати(ся). 4.Read and translate the following text. Meats contain proteins, fats, water, inorganic salts, nitrogenous extractives, non-nitrogenous extractives, carbohydrates, enzymes and pigments. Meat is one of the most important sources of protein. The proportion of protein in meat varies somewhat with the kind and cut in beef, lamb and veal and comprises between 14 and 26 per cent in a given weight unit. The protein of meat may be classified under simple proteins which when digested are broken down into groups called “building stones” or “amino acids”. The chief protein found in meat is myosin which is the basis of muscular tissue. Meat contains enzymes which bring about ripening or ageing. Meats are rich sources of iron and phosphorus, however they are low in calcium and must be served with foods rich in calcium salts. Meat also contains copper which functions with iron in haemoglobin formation. Meat contains small amounts of extractives which although they have little food value are extremely important because they give flavour to meat and act as a stimulant to the flow of the digestive juices. The essential extractives found in meat are creatines and purines. They are called extractives because they may be extracted by boiling water. The extractives also contribute to the satiety value, which is one of the characteristics of meat. The characteristic red or pink colour of lean meat is due to myoglobine. The amount of myoglobine varies in animals of different species and increases in amount with the age of the animal. Beef is purplish red when freshly cut but turns bright red after the myoglobine oxygenates with exposure to air. Pork and veal have less myoglobine and are pinkish. 5.Answer the questions. 1.What do meats contain? 2.Why is meat considered to be one of the most important sources of protein? 3.Which is the chief protein in meat”? 4.What minerals is meat rich in? 5.What substances give flavour to meat? 6.Is the amount of myoglobine the same in different types of meat? 6.Fill in the blanks with appropriate words.
7.Give definitions to the following terms. Myosin, creatines and purines, myoglobine. 8.Translate into English. 1.М’ясо – одне з найважливіших джерел білка. 2.Екстрактивні речовини надають м’ясу характерного смаку. 3.М’ясо багате на залізо та фосфор, але містить мало кальцію. 4.Свинина та телятина містять менше міоглобіну, тому мають рожевий колір. 5.Головним білком в м’ясі є міозин. 9. Speak on the chemical composition of meat.