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Lesson 6 meat as a source of VItamins and minerals
1.Read and memorize the following words: abundant [ǝ 'bʌ ndǝ nt] щедрий, величезний e.g. The country has abundant supplies of oil. appreciable [ǝ 'prɪ ʃ ǝ bl] значний, суттєвий e.g. There is appreciable difference between goat and cow milk. prevention [prı 'venʃ n] запобігання e.g. Prevention is better than cure. deficiency [dı 'fɪ ʃ ǝ sı ] відсутність, нестача e.g. Many people in the world suffer from a deficiency of food. to absorb [ǝ b'sɔ: b] поглинати e.g. Only about 20-30 per cent of the calcium in the average diet is normally absorbed. to enhance [ı n'hɑ: ns] збільшувати, підсилювати e.g. Physical activities enhance the demand for energy and food. to inhibit [ı n'hɪ bı t] стримувати e.g. Some ingredients can inhibit the process of absorption. intake ['ɪ nteı k] споживання e.g. An adequate intake of all the nutrients is necessary for health, activity and growth. cereal ['sı ǝ rı ǝ l] хлібний злак e.g. Cereals are rich in protein. unleavened ['ʌ n'levnd] прісний (про тісто) e.g. As she is keeping to a special diet she eats only unleavened kinds of bread. 2.Match the words with their definitions.
3.Read the following words. Remember the pronunciation. Niacin ['naɪ ə sı n] ніацин, нікотинова кислота, biotin [baɪ 'ɒ tı n] біотин, pantothenic acid [ˌ pæ ntə 'θ enı k'æ sı d] пантотенова кислота, manganese [ˌ mə ŋ gə 'ni: z] марганець, anaemia [ə 'ni: mı ə ] анемія. 4.Read and translate the text. Meat and meat products are important sources of all the B-complex vitamins including thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, biotin, vitamins B6 and B12, pantothenic acid and folacin. The last two are especially abundant in liver, which together with certain other organs is rich in vitamin A and supplies appreciable amounts of vitamins D, E and K. Meats are excellent sources of some of the minerals, such as iron, copper, zinc and manganese, and play an important role in the prevention of zinc deficiency, and particularly of iron deficiency which is widespread. Meat Iron. The amount of iron absorbed from the diet depends on a variety of factors including its chemical form, the simultaneous presence of other food ingredients that can enhance or inhibit absorption, and various physiological factors of the individual including his/her iron status. Overall, in setting Recommended Daily Intakes of nutrients the proportion of iron absorbed from a mixed diet is usually taken as 10%. Half of the iron in meat is present as haeme iron (in haemoglobin). This is well absorbed, about 15-35%, a figure that can be contrasted with other forms of iron, such as that from plant foods, at 1-10%. Not only is the iron of meat well absorbed but it enhances the absorption of iron from other sources – e.g. the addition of meat to a legume/cereal diet can double the amount of iron absorbed and so contribute significantly to the prevention of anaemia, which is so widespread in developing countries. Zinc is present in all tissues of the body and is a component of more than fifty enzymes. Meat is the richest source of zinc in the diet and supplies one third to one half of the total zinc intake of meat-eaters. A dietary deficiency is uncommon but has been found in adolescent boys in the Middle East eating a poor diet based largely on unleavened bread. 5.Answer the following questions. 1.What vitamins are meat and meat products rich in? 2.What minerals do meats contain? 3.What does the amount of iron absorbed from the diet depend on? 4.Does iron of meat enhance or inhibit the absorption of iron from other sources? 5.How much zinc do meat-eaters get from meat? 6.Find in the text the English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. Важливе джерело, багатий на, значна кількість, нестача цинку, широкорозповсюджений, залежати від, ряд факторів, одночасна присутність, підсилювати або стримувати поглинання, частка заліза, їжа рослинного походження, додавання м’яса до, робити значний внесок, прісний хліб. 7.What parts of speech are the following words? Translate them into Ukrainian. Make up your own sentences with each of them. To prevent, preventive, prevention; to absorb, absorbed, absorption. 8.Read the following text and say what the main functions of minerals and vitamins are. Minerals are inorganic elements. Most of them can be found in the body, but only fifteen of them are known to be essential and must be taken from food. The main functions of minerals are: they are constituents of the bones and teeth; they help to control the composition of body fluids and salts; they are essential adjuncts to many enzymes, and other proteins such as haemoglobin. The major minerals are calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, sodium, chlorine, potassium, iron and sulphur. Vitamins. Half a century ago analysts used chemical methods to estimate the proteins, fats, carbohydrates, mineral elements and water in foods. It became plain to the scientists that proteins, fats, carbohydrates, minerals and water are not the only essential constituents of food. Such studies led to the discovery of the vitamins.They are known to be exceedingly important in nutrition even though they are required only in small amounts. They are essential for good nutrition and health and for normal growth. Though many vitamins may be found in the form of concentrate, in pure synthetic preparation or both, foods still remain the best source of these important substances. 9.Speak about meat as an important source of some minerals and vitamins.