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Lesson 9 meat preservation and cookery

1.Read and memorize the following words:

to can ['kæ n] консервувати, canning ['kæ nı ŋ ] консервування

e.g. The fish is canned in this factory.

to cure ['kjʊ ə ] заготовляти; curing ['kjʊ ə rı ŋ ] консервування, соління

e.g. Pressure curing is useful to make meat more tender.

to smoke ['smə ʊ k]коптити, smoking ['smə ʊ kı ŋ ] коптіння

e.g. When meat is smoked there is some loss of thiamin, but generally this process has little effect on the nutrients.

merchandising ['mɜ: tʃ ə ndaı zı ŋ ] торгівля

e.g. Meat is processed for preservation and merchandising.

moist ['mɔ ı st] вологий, мокрий

e.g. The thick steam in the room made the walls moist.

to decompose [ˌ dı: kə m'pə ʊ z] руйнувати, псуватися

e.g. Incorrect preservation and processing decompose most of nutritional value of meat.

drip [drı p] рідина, що витікає (з м’яса тощо)

e.g. There is not any significant loss of nutrients from meat during freezing, but the drip which collects on thawing will contain some soluble nutrients.

stock [stɒ k] бульйон (із м’яса або кісток)

e.g. Stock is a liquid made from the juices of meat, vegetables etc. used in cooking.

humidity [hju(:)'mı dı tı ] вологість

e.g. It was difficult to work because of the humidity.

2.Match the words with their definitions.

1. to can 2. to cure 3. to smoke 4. merchandising 5. moist 6. to decompose 7. stock 8. humidity 9. drip a) to decay b) the drop-by-drop falling of the liquid c) a degree of moisture in the air d) to preserve food by putting in a closed metal container without air e) buying and selling f) slightly wet g) to preserve and give a special taste to meat, fish etc., by hanging it in smoke h) liquid in which bones have been stewed i) to preserve food by drying, covering with salt


3.Read and translate the text.

Meat may be preserved for future in several ways:

1.Canning is one way. Fresh meats and some of the sundry parts are canned.

2.Curing is a very important method of preservation. Common salt is the basis for all curing and is the only really essential ingredient. Smoking aids in preserving meats and it gives a pleasant flavour. Sugar and saltpetre are the other ingredients of the curing formula. Examples of cured meats are: corned beef, dried beef, ham, bacon, salt pork and some other types of sausage.

3.Meat may be held in cold storage to preserve it.

4.Freezing quickly at a very low temperature is a new development in meat preservation and merchandising.

Meat is cooked to make it more palatable. The two general methods of cooking meat are by dry heat and moist heat. With dry heat, the meat is cooked in an oven, in a frying pan, or directly over a flame. By this process, the protein is coagulated, some of the fat melts always, some water evaporates, and if the temperature is high enough the meat browns. When meat browns, the carbohydrate, protein and fat decompose. Losses of fat and meat juice increase as the temperature rises. Thus the effects of frying and grilling are similar. With dry heat, there is practically little change in the connective tissues, as under the conditions of dry heat, collagen does not change to gelatine. Therefore, it is important to select only the tenderest cuts to cook by the dry-heat method.

The moist-heat method is applicable to the less tender cuts, as by this method, the collagen of the connective tissue is converted into the soluble gelatine. With moist heat, the meat is either cooked in water or cooked in moist atmosphere.

Cooking does not affect the minerals present in meat by a proportion of those which are soluble pass into the drip or dissolve in the cooking water. There is not any significant loss of nutrients from meat during freezing, but the drip which collects on thawing will contain some soluble nutrients. Meat extractives are water-soluble substances from meat which include peptides, B-vitamins and mineral salts. They provide with fat most of flavour and aroma of meat. Also they act as stimulant to appetite.

Stock can be made by boiling meat bones in water. Stock is generally used as basis for soups and is the addition to other ingredients.

Sausage manufacture

Sausage is considered to be one of the most popular forms of meat food. The art of sausage making has been developed to a high degree through long experience and careful tests. Good sausage can be made only from good materials, and the selection of the raw products is therefore very important.

There are two general classes of sausage – fresh sausage and summer or dry sausage. Fresh sausage depends entirely upon the seasoning, cooking and smoking for its flavour and palatability. Summer sausage is subjected to a further process; namely, that of curing at specified temperatures and humidity in a curing room. Summer sausage – or dry sausage, as it is more accurately designed – requires the very highest quality of meat products.

4.Answer the following questions.

1.What are the ways meat may be preserved?

2.What are the two general methods of cooking meat?

3.What goes on when meat is preserved by dry heat?

4.What are the features of the moist-heat method of meat cooking?

5.In what ways does cooking affect the minerals, vitamins and other nutrients present in meat?

6.Why do they consider sausage to be one of the most popular forms of meat food?

7.What are two general classes of sausage?

5.Fill in the gaps with the appropriate words given below.

1. … is the basis for all curing and is the only really essential ingredient.

2. … quickly at a very low temperature is a new development in meat preservation.

3. By the moist-heat method the collagen of the connective tissue is converted into…

4. … are water-soluble substances from meat which include peptides, B-vitamins and mineral salts.

5. … depends entirely upon seasoning, cooking and smoking for its flavour and palatability.

6. … requires the very highest quality of meat products.


dry sausage; meat extractives; common salt; fresh sausage; soluble gelatine; freezing

6.Match the attributes with the nouns and compose sentences with them.

1. corned 2. essential 3. cold 4. dry 5. moist-heat 6. water-soluble 7. summer 8. curing a) storage b) room c) method d) sausage e) substances f) heat g) beef h) ingredient

7.Remind the information from the text and use the required form from given in brackets.

1. (Freeze/freezing/frozen) quickly at a very low temperature is a new development in meat (preservation/preserved/preserving) and merchandising. 2.By the process of dry heat, the protein is (coagulating/coagulate/coagulated), some of the fat melts always, some water (evaporates/evaporation/evaporated) and the meat browns. 3. (Cookery/cooked/cooking) does not affect the minerals present in meat. 4.There is not any significant loss of (nutrition/nutrients/nutritionists) from meat during freezing. 5.Meat (extractives/extracting/extracts) are water-soluble substances from meat which include peptides, B-vitamins and mineral salts. 6. (Dried/drying/dry) sausage requires the very highest quality of meat products.

8.Make a plan to the text “Meat preservation and cookery” and retell it.

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