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Lesson 10 BEEF
1.Read and memorize the following words: horn [hɔ: n] ріг e.g. Before the time of Christ, British native cattle were small, brown, and had short horns. hoof [hu: f] копито e.g. Animals were often driven on hoof from the production areas to railroads heads. to grind [graı nd] (ground, ground) розмелювати, молотити e.g. Grind a pound of coffee for me. vinegar ['vı nı gə ] оцет e.g. Vinegar is often used in canning vegetables. butcher ['bʊ tʃ ə ] м’ясник e.g. Butchers must keep themselves and their tools clean. steak [steı k] шматок м’яса/риби (для смаження) e.g. A steak that has reached a temperature of 145°F is safe to eat. fillet ['fı lı t] філе e.g. Cuts with the tender loin are known as fillet. flank [flæ ŋ k] бік (м’ясиста частина між ребрами та стегном) e.g. The aroma and flavour of the ham made from flank are usually excellent. rump [rʌ mp] огузок e.g. Roasted rump steak is his favourite dish. brisket ['brı skı t] грудинка e.g. The brisket is a good choice for corning (соління). rib [rı b] ребро e.g. When middle rib is boned, it makes a very good stewing or braising steak. shin [ʃ ı n] голень e.g. Shin means the meat from the fore leg. loin [lɔ ı n] філейна частина e.g. Some pork cuts, such as the loin are shipped as fresh cuts. 2.Match the words with their definitions.
3.Read and translate the text. Beef is the meat which comes from cattle. Beef comes mainly from young bulls and cows. Bulls, and cows have had calves, are used mainly for breeding, because their meat is tougher. The different parts of the animals are used in many ways. The hide (or skin) can be made into leather for shoes, briefcases, handbags and many other goods. The horns and hooves are ground up and made into glue and fertilizer. The stomach becomes tripe, which is boiled and eaten, often with onions. In the north of England a favourite way to eat it is on its own with vinegar. Tripe is easy to digest and so is a good food for young children, old people and invalids. It is about the best value-for-money meat you can buy. Other parts of cattle which can be eaten are sweetmeats, brains, heart, liver and kidneys. Good beef should have small flecks of fat on its lean (red) areas. These flecks are called ‘marbling’ and they add flavour to the beef. The fat (cream parts) should be soft but firm, from light to dark cream colour, depending on what the animal has been given to eat. You may have seen carcasses of cattle hanging up in the butchers’ shops ready for cutting into joints. Great skill is needed to cut and process meat, and butchers have to be carefully trained. But cutting meat into joints is only part of the butcher’s job. Butchers must learn how to choose good meat at the market and how to keep it in good condition for their customers. This means that butchers must know how to inspect meat, how to freeze it and many other technical things. They must also learn how to make sausages and pies. Each part of the beef carcass has a special name, although these names and the size of the cuts sometimes vary in different parts of the country. Topside, which is lean and without bone, is not very tender meat to eat unless it is cooked in an oven for a long time. The three main methods used are slow roasting, pot roasting and braising. Most pieces of topside are cooked in fat or a liquid to keep the meat wet, which helps the flavour to come out and to cut it easily. Rump steak should be cooked by grilling or frying. You can roast sirloin with its bone (this is called ‘on the bone’), or remove the fillet from the bone and cut it into steaks for grilling. Boned and rolled sirloin should be roasted. Steaks can be cut also from the upper part of the sirloin. Loin is a very expensive cut. It is said the King of England Henry VIII was so delighted with a loin of beef at a banquet that he knighted it, calling it “Sir” Loin, its modern name. Thick flank, or top rump, is very lean and rather like topside. It comes from the lower and inner part of the hind leg. It is best for braising, roasting or pot-roasting. Boned and rolled brisket needs long, slow cooking. It may be pot roasted, braised, or salted and boiled. Fore rib and middle rib are cuts next to each other. Both are best roasted on the bone, or boned and rolled. Shin is the meat from the fore leg, and leg is the meat from the hind leg. The meat on both is lean and good for stewing. 4.Answer the following questions. 1.What is beef? 2.What can the hide be made into? 3.What parts are ground up and made into glue and fertilizer? 4.What is a favourite way to eat the stomach in the north of England? 5.What other parts of cattle can be eaten? 6.What are the features of good beef? 7.What must butchers know to work with meat? 8.What are the three main methods of cooking meat in an oven? 9.How should rum steak be cooked? 10.What is thick flank? 11.How can boned and rolled brisket be cured? 12.What are fore rib and middle rib? 5.Correct the statements and give true information. 1.Beef is the meat which comes from pig. 2.The hide can be ground up and made into glue and fertilizer. 3.Tripe is difficult to digest and that’s why it can’t be a good food for children and old people. 4.The horns and hooves are called “marbling” and they add flavour to the beef. 5.Cutting meat is the only skill of the butcher’s job. 6.Most pieces of topside are cooked in fat or liquid to keep the meat dry, but it can’t help the flavour to come out and to cut it easily. 7.Thick flank is cooked by grilling or frying. 8.Leg is the meat from the fore leg, and shin is the meat from the hind leg. 6.Translate the following words and word combinations into English and compose your own sentences with them. Яловичина, шкіра, шлунок, найкраще недороге м’ясо, м’яке та пружне м’ясо, м’ясні туші, ніжне м’ясо, повільне запікання, дуже дорогий шматок, засолювання, передня нога, задня нога. 7.Fill in the gaps with the required terms. 1. … can be made into leather for shoes, briefcases, handbags, and many other goods. 2. … are ground up and made into glue and fertilizer. 3. … becomes tripe, which is boiled and eaten, often with onions. 4. … is not very tender meat to eat unless it is cooked in an oven for a long time. 5. … comes from the lower and inner part of the hind leg and is best for braising, roasting or pot-roasting. 6. … are cuts next to each other, which are best roasted on the bone, or boned and rolled. 7. … is the meat from the fore leg and … is the meat from the hind leg. 8.Divide the text into the logical parts, entitle each of them and retell the information from each part.