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Lesson 13 meat and meat products for export

1.Read and memorize the following words:

to manufacture [ˌ mæ njʊ 'fæ ktʃ ə ] виробляти, переробляти

e.g. When you manufacture or store food products you must pay much attention to the hygienic preparation of it.

lucrative ['lu: krə tı v] вигідний, прибутковий

e.g. When conducting the negotiations the parties try to get decisions, which are lucrative for both ones.

trade [treı d] торгівля

e.g. The confectioner always does a good trade selling sweets – chocolate bars, candies, biscuits, cakes and others.

stringent ['strı nʤ ə nt] суворий, обов’язковий

e.g. Stringent measures against smoking were taken by the administration.

susceptible [sə 'septə bl] чутливий

e.g. Riboflavin is especially susceptible to light.

to contaminate [kə nˌ tæ mı 'neı t] забруднювати, заражувати

e.g. A wound was contaminated by bacteria.

hazard ['hæ zə d] ризик

e.g. Smoking is a serious hazard to health.

to comply [kə m'plaı ] виконувати, здійснювати

e.g. He promised to comply fully with my requests.

residue ['rezı dju: ] залишок, осад

e.g. Meat for export mustn’t contain any chemical residues.

mandatory ['mæ ndə tə rı ] обов’язковий, примусовий

e.g. When selling things, especially foodstuffs, it is always necessary to have all mandatory, required documents and certificates.

adjacent [ə 'ʤ eı sə nt] суміжний, сусідній

e.g. The two families live in adjacent streets.

debris ['deı bri: ] осколок, сміття

e.g. After the bombing there was a lot of debris.

2.Match the words with their definitions.

1. manufactured 2. lucrative 3. trade 4. stringent 5. susceptible 6. to contaminate 7. hazard 8. to comply 9. residue 10. mandatory 11. adjacent 12. debris a) containing a command which must be obeyed b) to act in accordance with a demand, order, rule c) risk, danger d) made or produced by machinery, esp. in large quantities e) make dirty, impure or diseased f) profitable g) strict, severe, that must be obeyed h) the remains of something broken into pieces, destroyed i) what is left, esp. after chemical treatment j) the business of buying and selling goods k) easily affected; likely to suffered from l) very close, lying near

3.Read and translate the text.

The export of meat and meat products is an important element in the economy of some developed countries including Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States, as well as some developing countries, especially those of South America. There is an ever present worldwide demand for meats of all description – beef, sheep, goat, poultry, game, manufactured meats etc. – both as fresh and processed product. As a result, developing countries have the opportunity of contributing to this international demand and sharing in what is a very lucrative trade, subject of course to their meeting the stringent requirements demanded by all meat importing countries.

Because of its composition, meat of all sorts is highly susceptible to microbiological and chemical contamination and unless handled and processed in a proper manner may present a serious health hazard to consumers. Consequently, meat importing countries set high standards for both product preparation and final involving the severest of quality controls and scientific inspection. It is essential therefore, that countries exporting meat comply result in costly rejections and loss of product.

Export meat quality control and inspection is adopted to ensure that:

- the source animal are healthy and disease free;

- only disease-free meat is exported;

- the meat complies with any special quarantine requirements prescribed by the importing country;

- the meat does not contain residues of agricultural chemicals (pesticide residues, etc.), veterinary drugs (antibiotics, growth promoters, etc.) or any other contaminants above the prescribed tolerance limits of importing countries;

- the meat is correctly graded to mandatory standards of either the exporting country or the importing country.

It is essential that each export meat establishment be approved, and provision for this should be included in the export regulations for meat. An essential part of effective export quality control and inspection is the control of export establishments. A well managed, well equipped, clean and efficiently run establishment is most likely to export safe product of acceptable quality. A poorly managed, poorly equipped, unclean and inefficiently run establishment will not produce goods that are safe and acceptable for export. In the case of meat, importing countries invariably demand that product they import comes from establishments registered by the government of the exporting country.

In brief, meat establishments seeking export registration should comply with the following requirements:

- correctly sited to enable proper drainage and minimize contamination of product from surrounding areas and adjacent premises;

- proper construction of the establishment to enable effective operation thereby ensuring a safe and acceptable final product;

- satisfactory surroundings to minimize dust and accumulation of debris, run-off water and waste;

- efficient and easily cleaned processing and handling equipment, etc.

4.Answer the following questions.

1.What countries is the export of meat and meat products important for?

2.What opportunity do developing countries have as for present worldwide demand for different kinds of meat?

3.What is meat of all sorts highly susceptible to?

4.What standards do meat exporting countries set?

5.What is ensured by meat quality control and inspection?

6.Why is it important to control export establishments?

7.What are the requirements to the meat establishments seeking export registration?

5.Match nouns with proper adjectives.

1) countries 2) demand 3) trade 4) contamination 5) inspection 6) requirements 7) chemicals 8) regulations 9) control 10) drainage 11) areas 12) surroundings a) lucrative b) quarantine c) proper d) export e) satisfactory f) worldwide g) quality h) agricultural i) surrounding j) developing k) scientific l) chemical

6.Make up sentences putting the words into the correct order.

1.(description / there / all / is / of / an / meats / ever / for / worldwide / demand / present)

2.(exported / only / meat / disease-free /is)

3.(exporting / standards / mea t/ set / countries /high)

4.(to export / most likely / well managed / is / establishment / product / safe)

5.(standards / the / mandatory / meat / to / is / graded / correctly)

7.Find the following word combinations in the text. Explain their meaning without translating them or give the synonyms.

Agricultural chemicals; veterinary drugs; meat importing countries; scientific inspection; disease-free meat; export regulations for meat; poorly equipped; satisfactory surroundings.

8.Divide the text into the logical parts, entitle them and retell the text.

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