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Lesson 8 slaughtering and processing

1.Read and memorize the following words:

fraction ['fræ kʃ (ə)n] частка

e.g. The loss of lysine during heating is nutritionally insignificant since it affects only a very small fraction of the total amount.

sequence ['si: kwə ns] послідовність

e.g. The cook explained the sequence of operations while preparing meat dish.

to stun ['stʌ n] оглушати

e.g. She was stunned into unconsciousness.

to submerge [sə b'mɜ: ʤ ] опускати в воду

e.g. Try not to submerge your hands in the soapy water, it will harm the skin.

scalding ['skɔ: ldı ŋ ] ошпарювальний, гарячий

e.g. Before dressing operations they put a slaughtered animal into the scalding tank.

belly ['belı ] живіт

e.g. Such cuts as ham and belly undergo further processing, curing and smoking before distribution as processed meats.

internal [ı n'tɜ: nl] внутрішній

e.g. To be safe, a product must be cooked to an internal temperature high enough to destroy any harmful bacteria.

to split [splı t] розділяти, розколювати

e.g. Can you split up this piece of wood?

backbone ['bæ kbə ʊ n] хребет

e.g. The Cordilleras are the backbone of America.

to suspend [sə s'pend] підвішувати

e.g. The butcher suspended the carcass by the hind legs.

hide [haı d] шкіра

e.g. The hide of cattle can be made into leather for shoes, briefcases and other goods.

shrinkage ['ʃ rı ŋ kı ʤ ] втрата маси, усихання, уварювання

e.g. The changes that occur when fish is cooked are similar to those in meat but the shrinkage is not so great.

pelt [pelt] шкіра

e.g. After slaughtering the pelt of the lamb is removed.

2.Match the words with their definitions.

1. fraction 2. sequence 3. to stun 4. to submerge 5. scalding 6. belly 7. pelt 8. to split 9. backbone 10. to suspend a) to divide along a length b) put under water c) the part of the body which contains the stomach and bowels d) to make unconscious by a blow, esp. one on the head e) a small part or amount f) column of bones down the middle of the back g) the order in which things or actions follow one another h) to hang up i) animal’s skin with the fur or hair on it j) boiling or nearly boiling


3.Read the following words. Remember the pronunciation.

Blood [blʌ d] кров, carotid artery [kə 'rɒ tı d 'ɑ: tə rı ]сонна артерія, jugular vein ['ʤ ʌ gjulə 'veı n] порожниста вена, viscera ['vı sə rə ] внутрішні органи.

4.Read and translate the text.

The slaughter and processing of meat animals into meat and numerous by-products make up a disassembly process. Although the value of by-products is only a fraction of the live animal value, they are of considerable economic importance to the meat industry. Choice-grade cattle yield an average of about 62 percent of their live weight as carcasses; veal calves yield about 60 percent; pigs – 70 percent; choice lambs – 50 percent. The following description of slaughter and processing operations is a general sequence of operations performed in most large modern plants in the world today.

Pig slaughter. After stunning, the pig is bled by severing the carotid arteries and jugular veins. It is then submerged in a scalding tank of water to loosen the hair and is dehaired, cleaned and hung from a rail ready for specific dressing operations. The carcass is opened by a straight cut down the midline of the belly, and most of the internal organs and some fat are removed. The carcass is then split down the center of the backbone and, after washing and inspection, is moved into a chill cooler. Before cooling, a grader records the weight and grade of the carcass with the aid of a computer.

Cattle slaughter. After stunning, the cattle carcass is vertically suspended by the hind legs, and the neck arteries and veins are severed to remove the blood. The hide and feet are then removed from the carcass by “rail dressing” operations that utilize movable platforms, mechanical knives, hide pullers and power saws. The splitting and the removal of the viscera, or internal organs, are similar to those of pig slaughter. The carcass is then placed in the chill cooler for about 24 hours.

Veal and calf slaughter is similar to beef slaughter, except the hides are frequently left on during chilling to protect the carcass from excessive shrinkage due to moisture loss. These carcasses have very little surface fat to prevent shrinkage from occurring.

Lamb slaughter is similar to veal and calf slaughter. The pelts (skin and wool) are removed, however, and the carcasses are not split.

5.Answer the following questions.

1.What is a disassembly process?

2.Are by-products of any importance to the meat industry?

3.Why is the just slaughtered pig submerged into a scalding tank?

4.What equipment is used for “rail dressing” operations?

5.What is different in veal and calf slaughter from that of beef?

6.Put the following operations into the correct order (as they are carried at the slaughterhouses).

Pig slaughter: cleaning; submerging in a scalding tank; cooling; stunning dressing operations; dehairing. Cattle slaughter: dressing operations; splitting; cooling; suspending by the hind legs; stunning; removing of the hide and feet.

7.Discribe the process of cattle (pig, lamb) slaughter at the slaughterhouses.

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