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Общие работы



1. Dickens, Ch. “The Personal History and Experience of David Copperfield the Younger” – New York, P.F. Collier & Son, 1917

2. Meredith, D. “The Ordeal of Richard Feverel: A History of Father and Son” – New York, The Macmillan Company, 1926

3. Thackeray W.M. “The history of Pendennis. His fortunes and misfortunes, his friends and his greatest enemy” – New York, Harper and brothers, 1858

4. Thackeray W.M. “Letters and Private papers”/Ed. by G.N. Ray – Harvard UP, 1946

5. Гете И.В. «Годы учения Вильгельма Мейстера»/Собрание сочинений в 10-ти томах, т. 7 - Москва, Художественная литература, 1978

6. Диккенс, Ч. «Жизнь Дэвида Копперфилда, расказанная и самим» - Москва, 1983

7. Мередит, Дж. «Испытание Ричарда Феверела» - Ленинград, Художественная литература, 1984

8. Руссо, Ж.-Ж. «Эмиль, или О воспитании» - Москва, Тихомиров, 1911

9. Теккерей, У.М. «История Пенденниса, его удач и злоключений, его друзей и его злейшего врага»/Собрание сочинений в 12-ти томах, т. 5-6 – Москва, Художественная литература, 1976

10. Честерфилд, Ф.Д. «Письма к сыну» - Москва, Культура и традиции, 1993

Общие работы

1. Бахтин М.М. «Литературно-критические статьи» - Москва, 1986


2. Диалектова А.В. «Воспитательный роман в немецкой литературе эпохи Просвещения» - Саранск, 1972


3. Зуев А.Н. «Традиции немецкого воспитательного романа» - Москва, 1951


4. Ивашева В.В. «Век нынешний и век минувший...»: Английский реалистический роман XIX века в его современном звучании – Москва, Художественная литература, 1990


5. Карлейль, Т. «Теперь и прежде»//Этика жизни – Москва, Республика, 1994


6. Карлейль, Т. «Герои и героическое в истории» - Москва, 2001


7. Михальская Н.П., Аникст А.А. «История английской литературы» - Москва, 1985


8. Тревельян Дж.М. «Социальная история Англии» - Москва, 1959


9. Урнов М.В. «Вехи традиции в английской литературе» - Москва, 1986


10. Allen, W. “The English novel. A short critical history” – Harmondsworth (Midd’x), Penguin Books, 1958


11. Barnard H.C. “A short history of English education. From 1760 to 1944” – London, 1947


12. Briggs, A. “The Age of Improvement” – Longman, London, 1978


13. Buckley J.H. “Season of Youth: The Bildungsroman from Dickens to Golding” – Harvard UP, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 1974


14. Carlisle J. “The Sense of an Audience: Dickens, Thackeray and George Eliot at Mid-Century” – The University of Georgia Press, Athens, Georgia, 1981


15. Ellegard A. “The Readership of the Periodical Press in Mid-Victorian England”, 1957


16. Gash, N. “Aristocracy and People: Britain 1815-1865” – London, Edward Arnold, 1979


17. Gilmour, R. “The Idea of Gentleman in the Victorian Novel” – Allen and Unwin, 1981


18. Grylls, D. “Guardiand and angels: Parents and children in XIXth century literature” – London; Boston, Faber & Faber, 1978


19. Halperin J. “Egoism and self-discovery in the Victorian novel. Studies in the ordeal of knowledge in the XIXth century” – New York, Franklin, 1974


20. Houghton, W.E. “The Victorian Frame of Mind, 1830-1870” – New Haven, 1957


21. Newsome D. “The Victorian world picture: perceptions and introspections in an age of change” – Rutgers UP, New Brunswick, New Jersey, 1997


22. Pugh, M. “A History of Britain 1789-2000” – Perspective publications Ltd., 2001


23. Stevenson, L. “Victorian Fiction: A Guide of Research” – Cambridge (Mass), 1964


24. Wilson, A.N. “The Victorians” – W.W. Norton & Company, Inc., New York, 2003


25. Young G.M. “Victorian England: Portrait of an Age” – Oxford UP, London, 1939


26. “Victorian England”/Ed. Clarice Swisher – Greenhaven Press, Inc., San Diego, California, 2000


27. “The Victorian Experience: The novelists”/Ed. Richard A. Levine – Ohio UP, 1976


28. “A Victorian Reader”/Ed. Peter Faulkner – London, Batsford, 1989



Работы о творчестве Ч. Диккенса


1. Уилсон Э. «Мир Чарльза Диккенса» - Москва, Прогресс, 1975

2. Честертон Г.К. «Чарльз Диккенс» - Москва, Радуга, 1982

3. «Тайна Чарльза Диккенса»/Сб., сост. Е.Ю. Гениева – Москва, Книжная палата, 1990

4. Barnard R. “Imagery and theme in the novels of Dickens” – New York, Humanities Press, 1974

5. Brown I. “Dickens in his time” – London, Nelson, 1963

6. Collins P. “Dickens and education” – London, Macmillan; New York, St. Martin’s Press, 1963


7. Collins P.A.W. “Dickens’s Periodicals: Articles on Education” – Vaughan College Papers, #3, Leicester, 1957


8. Forster J. “The Life of Charles Dickens” – London, Cecil Palmer, 1872-74


9. Hardy, B. “The moral art of Dickens. Essays” – London, The Athlone Press, 1970


10. Leavis F.R. “The great tradition” – New York UP, 1963


11. Manning, J. “Dickens on education” – University of Toronto Press, 1959


12. Maugham, W.S. “Charles Dickens and “David Copperfield””//Maugham, W. Somerset “Ten novels and their authors” – 1963


13. Westburg, B. “The Confessional Fictions of Charles Dickens” – Dekalb, Northern Illinois UP, 1977



Работы о творчестве У.М. Теккерея

1. «Теккерей в воспоминаниях современников»/Сб., сост. Е.Ю. Гениева – Москва, Художественная литература, 1990


2. Carey, J. “Thackeray: Prodigal Genius” – Faber & Faber, London, 1977

3. Colby, R.A. “Thackeray’s Canvass of Humanity: An author and His Public” – Ohio State UP, Columbus, 1979

4. Ferris, I. “William Makepeace Thackeray” – Twayne Publishers, Boston, 1983

5. Hardy, B. “The exposure of luxury. Radical themes in Thackeray” – London, Owen, 1972

6. Ray, G.N. “Thackeray: The Uses of Adversity 1811-1846” – New York, McGraw-Hill, 1955

7. Ray, G.N. “Thackeray: The Age of Wisdom 1847-1863” – New York, McGraw-Hill, 1958

8. Ray, G.N. “The Buried Life: A study of the relation between Thackeray’s fiction and his personal history” – Cambridge (Mass), Harvard UP, 1952

9. Rawlins J.P. “Thackeray’s novels: A fiction that is true” – University of California Press, 1974

10. Williams, I.M. “Thackeray” – Arco Publishing Company, Inc., New York, 1969

11. “Thackeray: A collection of critical essays”/Ed. Alexander Welsh – Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliff, New Jersey, 1968

12. “Thackeray: The critical heritage”/Ed. Geoffry T. Hotson and Donald Hawes – New York, Barnes and Noble, 1968

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