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Магазины США и Великобритании

Магазины США и Великобритании очень разнообразны. Они отражают идеалы общества потребления, поэтому практически невозможно придумать вещь, которую Вы не могли бы там найти.

Лондон- большой город, и в различных его районах Вы можете найти магазины на любой вкус и уровень доходов. Особо модные и дорогие магазины одежды (fashion-conscious boutiques) расположены на King’s Road. Обладатели менее толстых кошельков, желающие купить высококачественную модную одежду, посещают, как правило, Knightsbridge, Bond Street и окрестные районы.

Oxford Street_ один из крупнейших и популярнейших торговых центров Лондона. Там Вы найдете много универмагов, обувных магазинов и точек, где можно быстро перекусить. Самый большой универмаг Selfridge’s насчитывает около 235 отделов. Более дешевую одежду Вы найдете в Marks and Spenser’s. Covent Garden предлагает сочетание классических бутиков с магазинами супермодной одежды в приятном окружении кафе и мест уличных развлечений.

В конце каждого сезона в магазинах проводятся распродажи (sales), когда товары продаются очень дешево. Большинство магазинов работают до 6 часов вечера, кроме вторника, когда они открыты до 8 часов. По воскресеньям магазины не работают.

Вы можете почувствовать себя в Лондоне относительно безопасно, однако было бы не разумно рисковать. Воры и карманники могут встретить Вас в оживленных местах. Для личной безопасности соблюдайте основные правила, которые указаны во многих путеводителях и проспектах по Англии и Америке.

Task 2. Read the following rules and translate them into Russian.


- Don’t keep your wallet and purse out of sight.

- Don’t wear a wrist wallet. Keep your handbag securely closed.

- Don’t leave a handbag, bag or coat unattended, especially in pubs, cinemas, department stores, fast-food shops, in the crowds.

- Don’t put your bag on the floor near the door of the public toilet.

- Don’t wear expensive jewellery or watches that can be easily snatched.

- Don’t put your purse down on the table in a restaurant or on a shop counter while you scrutinize (критически изучаете) the bill

- Don’t carry a wallet in the back pocket of your trousers.


Task 3. Say what rules you follow in Russia.


Task 4. Read the following rules and. Translate them into Russian.


Complaining about faulty goods or bad service is never easy. Most people dislike making a fuss. However, when you are shopping, it is important to know your rights.


There are four golden rules:


1. Examine your goods at once. If you are faulty, tell the seller quickly.

2. Keep your receipts you are given. If you have to return something, the receipt will help to prove where and when you bought it.

3. Don’t be afraid to complain. You are not asking a favor to have faulty goods put right. The law is on your side.

4. Be persistent (but not aggressive). If your complain is justified, it is somebody’s responsibility to put things right.


Task 5. Say what rule is the most difficult to follow, why?


Task 6. Read the text to understand the main idea of it.


Harrison’s Department Store in the Northside Shopping Center invites you to a winter clearance sale. Check these bargain prices: men’s suits, regularly one-hundred eighty dollars, now only one-fifty; sportscoats, regularly one-twenty, now just eighty dollars. And to go along with these suits and sportscoats, you’ll find dress slacks, long-sleeved sport shirts and ties, all colors, all sizes, at low, low prices.

In the ladies’ department, better dresses have been reduced to prices as low as half price and some lower. New merchandise has been added, and the selection in sizes eight through sixteen is outstanding.

Open until six Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays. Open until nine Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays. Closed all day on Sundays.

Come to Harrison’s winter clearance today. Bank American and MasterCharge welcome.


Task 7. Think of a Heading of the text. Give your ideas.


Task 8. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of a sale in Harrison’s Department Store.


Task 9. Compare the system of sale in Russia and in America / Great Britain.


Task 10. Pay Attention to the following Information to use it in your Communicating Activity.

Money, money, money…


The unit of currency in Britain is the pound, sometimes called the pound sterling. The pound is a yellow coin. There are 100 pence (p) in a pound. There are 1p, 2p, 5p, 10p, 20p, 50p coins. There are 5, 10, 20, 50 notes.


The unit of currency in the USA is dollar. This name comes from the old German word Taler. There are 100 cents in a dollar. There are coins for 1 (a penny), 5 (a nickel), 10 (a dime) and 25 (a quarter). The dollar is a bill. There are dollar bills for 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 500, 1000 dollars. All these bills are the same size and the same color.


Task 11. Read the Conversation to understand it. Think of some phrases to finish it.

It’s time to think of presents

- Mary, I am leaving tomorrow. Time has run very quickly. I need to think of gifts for relatives and friends. Could you advise me anything?

- Sure. Let’s go shopping today. It will take us almost all Saturday rest. Let’s make a shopping list first. What sum of money is at your disposal?

- Well, about … pounds.

- And what would you like to buy?

- Say, body-shop perfumes and cosmetics for my wife. Besides she ordered a fashionable blouse. Shoes and a couple of ties for myself. A watch and cassettes for my daughter. T-shirt and souvenirs for friends. Could you recommend me anything to begin with?

- Not far from here there is a very good shopping center. Look, here is a shopping guide with a map and here is a discount coupon (талон). You may take it.


Task 12. Read the Conversation and translate the Russian part into English.


- Что Вы желаете, сэр?

- I have chosen this toaster. Could you check it in operation?

- Конечно. Посмотрите, все в порядке. Берете? Как будете платить?

- Cash. It costs … pounds, doesn’t it? And what is the term of guarantee?

- 2 года. Вот гарантийный талон и квитанция о покупке.


Task 13. Read the Conversation. Use the Information of it to make up your own one.

Buy: a) a dress for your sister (modern, red)

b) a suit for your father (classic, dark-blue)

c) a T-shirt for your friend (light, rose)


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