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The Outstanding People of Ukraine

Our country is rich in talented people.

Ukraine has given the world many outstanding scientists. Ukrainian scientists achieved great successes in the fields of mathematics and physics, biology and medicine, music and literature, science and technology.

Ukraine has given the world many talented doctors and researches. Mykola Amosov is a well-known Ukrainian surgeon. He has worked out and carried out a new method of making an operation on heart and lungs. Great doctors Mykola Pirogov, Mykola Sklifosovskyi, Olexandr Bogomolets, Volodimir Philatov made influence on the development of world medicine.

Yevhen Paton was the great scientist whom we take pride in. He is considered to be the father of electric welding. He was the first to apply electro-welding in bridge construction. He designed over 35 bridges, including the famous bridge across the Dnipro River that was named after him. In 1930 Paton organised the Research Institute Of Electro-welding at the Academy of Sciences. His son Boris Paton became an outstanding scientist, too. For many years he headed the Institute founded by his father and was the President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences.

Ivan Pulyuy was born in the town оf Grimailo in Ternopil Region. He was appreciated for his invention of electric lamps and cathodes. It was Pulyuy, not Roentgen who discovered X-rays. Nowadays Ternopil State Technical University is named after him.

Volodymyr Vernadsky was the founder and the first President of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. He was a prominent naturalist, mineralogist, the founder of geochemistry and biochemistry, the creator of the biosphere chemistry. He was the first to suggest the use of radioactivity in studying geological processes.

The name of mathematician and cyberneticist Viktor Hlushkov is connected with the creation of computers and discovery of principally new way of calculation, development of national computation center network, creation of artificial intelligence.

Serhiy Pavlovych Korolyov (1907-1966) was a prominent mechanic and engineer of rocket-space systems. His ideas are widely used in rocket and space technologies.

Leonid Kadenyuk is the first astronaut of independent Ukraine.

Modern Ukrainian science can also boast of many talented researchers. Unfortunately many of them have emigrated from Ukraine.

Max Levchin is a Ukrainian-born computer scientist. He was born in Kyiv, in 1991 he moved to the USA. In 2002 he took part in development of a popular payment product known as PayPal. In 2004, Levchin founded Slide, a personal media-sharing service for social networking sites such as MySpace and Facebook. Slide was sold to Google in August 2010 for $182 Million and, on August 25, Levchin was named Google’s newest Vice President of Engineering.

Ukraine has rich literary traditions. Such writers and poets like Taras Shevchenko, Lesyua Ukrainka, Mykhailo Kotsyubinsky, Olena Teliha, Ivan Franko, Vasyl Symonenko, Oles Gonchar, Lina Kostenko are known all over the world.

Prominent Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Kotsyubinsky was born and lived in Vinnytsia. Now there is a museum here. Both children and adults will always read with pleasure “Charutya”, “The Fir-Tree”, “At a high price”, “On the stone”, “The Witch”, “Persona Grata”, “On the Island”, “Intermezzo”, “Fata Morgana” and many others.

Olexander Dovzhenko (1894-1956) is an outstanding Ukrainian writer, scriptwriter and film director. He was an important innovator in world cinematography. His most famous works are: “Enchanted Desna”, “Zvenygora”, “Arsenal”, “The Earth”, “Mother”, “Night before Battle”, “The Ukraine on Fire”. Ukrainian film studio in Kyiv is named after him.

Ukraine has strong sports traditions. Everyone knows the names of boxer-brothers Vitaliy Klitschko and Vladimir Klitschko. They are the world heavyweight champions.

Andriy Shevchenko, Sergiy Bubka, Yana Klochkova, Lilia Podkopayeva, Vasyl Virastyuk have brought fame to our country.

Many talented musicians and singers come out of Ukraine: Mykola Leontovych, Mykola Lysenko, Anatoliy Solov’yanenko, Ivan Kozlovsky, Volodymyr Ivasyuk, Nazariy Yaremchuk, Sophia Rotaru and many others.

Ukraine has also given the world great painters such as Illia Repin, Kateryna Bilokur, Mariya Pryjmachenko, Tetyana Yablonska.


Finish the sentences:

1. Mykola Amosov is a well-known Ukrainian __________.

2. Danylo Zabolotnyi was an outstanding _______________.

3. Yevhen Paton is considered to be the father of_______________.

4. It was Ivan Pulyuy, not Roentgen, who discovered ______________.

5. Volodymyr Vernadsky was _____________.

6. The name of mathematician and cyberneticist Viktor Hlushkov is connected with____________________.

7. The ideas of Serhiy Pavlovych Korolyov are widely used in ___________.

8. Leonid Kadenyuk is the first________________.

9. A Ukrainian-born computer scientist Max Levchin developed __________.

10. Prominent Ukrainian writer Mykhailo Kotsyubinsky wrote such works as _________.

11. Olexander Dovzhenko is an outstanding _____________.

12. Vitaliy Klitschko and Vladimir Klitschko are ____________.

13. Mykola Lysenko, Mykola Leontovych, Anatoliy Solov’yanenko, Ivan Kozlovsky, Volodymyr Ivasyuk, Nazariy Yaremchuk are _____________.

14. Kateryna Bilokur, Mariya Pryjmachenko, Tetyana Yablonska are ______________.


Make up riddles. The students prepare some riddles on the text.

For example: Riddle: This great Ukrainian scientist founded the Academy of Sciences of Ukraine.

Answer: Volodymyr Vernadskiy.


Compile a list of:

ü top five Ukrainian writers/poets (mention why you like the author, give a description of the type of book or read an extract from a poem);

ü top five scientists (including their contributions made to the scientific field and to mankind);

ü top five discoveries (mention its importance for the world);

ü top five musicians/composers (including a final presentation with their most popular songs or lyrics);

ü top five sportsmen (mention their achievements and records);

ü top five painters/architects (including the presentations of their works);

ü top five famous people of Ukrainian origin (mention their Ukrainian routs and the sphere of activity in which they became famous).



Guess who it is. Look at the photos of these famous people. Try to guess who they are and tell what they have done.



Create a biography:

Step 1: Take a biography of a famous person and write each detail on strips of paper.

Keep the identity secret so they have to guess, if appropriate.

Step 2: Draw a table on the board for students to copy and make notes e.g. place of birth, early years, education, place of work, famous for, a list of works, life facts.

Step 3: Give out the strips (split the class in two if large and give out 2 sets).

Students mingle and ask each other questions until they have as many details as possible about the person.

Step 4: Take away the strips and put students in pairs or small groups to use their table of notes to write the biography.


Основна література:

1. English Topics: Найкращі 1000 усних тем з паралельним перкладом для учнів 5-11 класів та абітурієнтів. Ч. І. / Укл. О.П. Фіщенко, Г. В. Ярцева та ін. – 3-тє вид., випр. і доп. – Х.: Веста, 2009. – 640 с.

2. Т.Гужва Английские разговорные темы: Для абитуриетнов и учащихся средних школ, лицеев и колледжей. / Т.Гужва – Киев: Тандем, 1996г. – 192с.

3. Кисунько Е. И. Английский язык: [устные темы: для подготовки к ЕГЭ] / Е.И. Кисунько, Е.С. Музланова – М.: Астрель, 2008. – 479с.


Додаткова література:

4. Плюхина З. А. Англичане говорят так: [учебное пособие] / Z. A. Plukhina. – М.: Высшая школа, 1991. 175 с.


Інструктивно-методичне видання

Завдання з англійської мови

для формування комунікативної компетентності

Методичні вказівки для майбутніх фахівців у галузі інформаційних технологій


Редактор В. Дружиніна

Укладачі Ірина Анатоліївна Вяхк

Світлана Олександрівна Медведєва

Ірина Сергіївна Степанова


Оригінал-макет підготовлено І. А. Вяхк



Підписано до друку

Формат 29, 7× 42¼. Папір офсетний.

Гарнітура Times New Roman.

Друк різографічний. Ум. друк. арк.

Наклад 75 прим. Зам. №


Вінницький національний технічний університет,

навчально-методичний відділ ВНТУ.

21021, м. Вінниця, Хмельницьке шосе, 95.

ВНТУ, к. 2201.

Тел. (0432) 59-87-36.

Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи

серія ДК № 3516 від 01.07.2009 р.



Віддруковано у Вінницькому національному технічному університеті

в комп’ютерному інформаційно-видавничому центрі.

21021, м. Вінниця, Хмельницьке шосе, 95.

ВНТУ, ГНК, к. 114.

Тел. (0432) 59-87-38.

Свідоцтво суб’єкта видавничої справи

серія ДК № 3516 від 01.07.2009 р.

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