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Consolidating the moderate cultural conservative forces of Europe


Creating the foundation for a Second European Renaissance, pre-2083


The essence of consolidation for all European cultural conservative is:



1. Defining who we are and whom we are willing to include/exclude

2. Describing the problem/what we want ”fixed”

3. Conclusions/Solutions/The way ahead



It’s an extremely complex subject which eventually boils down to the following:


We (the moderate cultural conservatives of Europe) will need to create a consensus (a political ideology preferably) which must appeal to AT LEAST 20-35% of the Western European population (which makes up the bulk of the moderate right wing in Europe today). It’s worth noting that aprox. 70% of European patriotic conservatives are male while only 30% female.


The new political ideology has to be inclusive enough so that enough Europeans support it. At the same time it has to ”solve” the current weaknesses of the Western European countries.


The problem with today’s political climate and political correctness in general however is that it is considered inappropriate and offensive to discuss 1. and 2. Therefore it is considered even more so to even mention 3…


The cowardice that most people show (by their reluctance to discuss this) is appalling, even among conservatives. If the moderate conservatives DO NOT, then extreme conservatives will, and we eventually risk ending up with another nasty/racist form of fascism (thanks to the moderate cowards who for various reasons were reluctant to contribute).


I believe Europe should strive for:


A cultural conservative approach where monoculturalism, moral, the nuclear family, a free market, support for Israel and our Christian cousins of the east, law and order and Christendom itself must be central aspects (unlike now). Islam must be re-classified as a political ideology and the Quran and the Hadith banned as the genocidal political tools they are.



Someone once said: ” Believe in something or be defeated by anything” which describes Western Europe’s problem correctly at the moment.



Fjordmans book; ” Defeating Eurabia ” concluded with the following points;


- Mass Muslim immigration will continue (or more precisely, the cultural Marxists/multiculturalists will continue to import voters).

- Muslim birth rates remain above 3 while non Muslim birth-rates remain below replacement rate.

- The Muslim “ghettofication” process in major cities continues (less than 50% of Muslims will be considered " successfully integrated” in the future.

- The majority of Muslims continue to abide by the ground rule of Sharia: a Muslim girl will never be allowed to marry a kuffā r. Most people today forget that this rule is the most important rule within Sharia and theoretically places 90% of all Muslims in the same category as Islamists.

- The factors above results in a scenario where the " Muslims/Multiculturalist alliance" remain in power (despite that more and more non-Muslims move right in the political landscape). They therefore set a stop to all democratic attempts or " solutions" which can stop or reverse the Islamisation of that specific Western European country. It basically cripples the democracies and uses the democratic mechanics against the non-Muslims).

- 2030 - Muslims reach critical mass (20%), which basically means that the MI6 or other European intelligence agencies will not be able to stop all attacks.

- 2070-2080 - the Muslim population becomes a majority - 50%+.


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