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Learning from cultural Marxists/multiculturalists


It's clear they've done more than merely mess up our countries; they've also, quite intentionally, messed with our minds.


As it turns out, messing with our minds wasn't just one part of the plan; it was the essential goal of the entire plan of conquest (Implementation of the EU’s Eurabia project/European multiculturalism/Islamisation of Europe). They used sociology, social psychology, linguistics, and a subtle understanding of human motivation to get into our heads and change the way we processed reality itself, in ways that made it impossible to question all the other things they were up to.


Ending cultural Marxist/multiculturalist dominance will require us to undo the vast memetic and ontological damage they've wrought on two entire generations of Europeans. We have no choice but to fight this fire with fire of our own. And the first thing we need to do is understand, very specifically, how they did it. Fortunately, this isn't hard: the basics are all laid out in their original written plans.


We must win the people over culturally—by defining how man ought to act, how he ought to perceive the world around him, and what it means to live the good life.


What is the meaning of life? How should we relate to each other? Our families and communities? Other nations? God? The planet? What is good, and how do we recognise it? What is evil, and how should we respond?


These are the basic ontological questions on which our ability to parse the rest of reality depends—the foundations of every human's cognitive model of the world. Change these underlying assumptions, and the way we prioritise and evaluate everything else in the world necessarily changes, too. We must recognise this and focus on selling the cultural conservative worldview, via every possible channel. We must make this the central focus of our movement. Once we get them to accept our basic assumptions about reality (rationalism), we know, the rest of our agenda will follow naturally.


We must set ourselves up as a daring and controversial counterculture that offers an original and rebellious alternative to the prevailing set of cultural Marxist/multiculturalist assumptions.


Our status as a mass movement begins and ends with our ability to inspire the masses to share our worldview. Promoting that worldview is the only goal that matters; and every action we take should be aimed at moving us toward that outcome. When that epistemology is widely accepted, implementing our policies will proceed easily and naturally, with minimal opposition.


Unfortunately, we're starting from a place of weakness. cultural Marxist/multiculturalist ideals are far more compelling (emotionalism, multiculturalism, humanism which has led us towards the ongoing Islamisation of Europe), however they are suicidal to any civilisation and cannot be accepted or tolerated. History teaches that all great civilisations who have fallen in the past have been self defeated. A civilisation is born on rationalism and defeated on emotionalism. Our goal is to prevent our civilisation from dying by basically ”resetting” the current values by replacing them with our ”old core, rational and cultural conservative values. Implementing our principles throughout Europe which will be known as the second cultural European renaissance can only be done after assuming power politically supported by the military. Before that is even possible Europe will burn once again, people will die, but Europe will be reborn as strong as it once was.


Everything Europeans do, the institutions and physical infrastructure we build, the investments and decisions we make, the goals we set and the ideals we cherish, emerges from and is evaluated according to our essential assumptions about how the world works. Getting people to understand and embrace the basic premises of the conservative (rationalist, cultural conservative worldview is the first and most critical step to creating a lasting progressive era in Europe. When that's accomplished, we can set about reforming every one of society's institutions so that it reflects those values starting with school curriculum’s and disallowing cultural Marxist propaganda in the mass media.


People may be desperate for change and some new ideas—but even so, we'd be wise not to underestimate how much time it's going to take to remove all the constraints they've put on people's thinking. We'd be even wiser to become very energetic about promoting ourselves as a new, fresh alternative counterculture that's not afraid to confront a crusty and crumbling status quo.



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