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Description of the terms of capitulation
You are to immediately order the national police and military forces in the respective countries to stop persecuting any and all armed National Resistance Movements/Indigenous Rights Movements and allow us to create a tribunal consisting of 20 cultural conservative/nationalist intellectuals/political leaders per country. These individuals must oppose Islamisation, multiculturalism and have a long and credible track record in patriotic oriented political activism. All selected individuals must be staunch supporters of nationalistic ideological principles.
You are to immediately allow this tribunal to mobilise a patriotic military force (known as patriotic transitional guards) by allowing the tribunal, the representatives of the National Resistance Movements unrestricted access to the state broadcasting channel.
As soon as a military force/armed militia consisting of 1000 per 1 million citizens has been established, the tribunal will declare a temporary suspension of the constitution. This will be followed by a declaration of martial law which will last until a new government has been established and order has been restored. The force of “patriotic transitional guards”, lead by the tribunal, is then to gain full control of the national military and police forces. Efforts will then be made to immediately secure control of the border and all significant state institutions. The tribunal will exercise the right to veto all new bills and dictate all issues temporarily relating to international agreements, security related issues, border control and all cultural issues until the genocidal policies currently in effect have been removed and appropriate measures have been implemented.
We can say the following to those who are screaming; “fascist coup! ”:
The current multiculturalist regimes of Western Europe are not at all democratic, this country is not democratic. They haven’t been democratic since the 1950s. There is no basis for democracy when all state institutions including schools/universities deliberately use advanced brainwashing techniques (as has been described thoroughly) to condition the people from resisting their own persecution and annihilation through the manifestations of cultural Marxism/multiculturalist doctrines. Furthermore, there is no basis for democracy when 99% of all journalists support and propagate multiculturalism and thus collaborate with the political elites in their quest to indoctrinate the people. There is no basis for democracy when all patriots and nationalists are ignored, ridiculed or persecuted. Factors such as these and many more have resulted in the Marxist tyranny we live under today. The political and cultural elites are deliberately selling their own people into Islamic slavery by allowing Islamic demographical warfare and by their reluctance to ensure a national indigenous fertility rate of 2, 1.
Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States and the author of the US Declaration of Independence, stated;
“The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.”
He also wrote:
" That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organising its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. [...] It is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."
Refreshing the tree is now long overdue as our countries are in a rapid state of disintegration. It is VITAL and essential for the survival of European civilisation and each respective Western European country that we refresh the tree of liberty. The intention of the National Resistance Movement is to do exactly that; to refresh the tree of liberty, and obviously not to cut it down. Refreshing the tree of liberty involves a coup supported by a significant portion of European patriots. It is impossible to guarantee a democratically sanctioned coup as we have to keep in mind that Europeans have been brainwashed now for two generations. Many will oppose us for our stance and call us fascist. Nevertheless, it is essential to acknowledge and understand that we are not. We are not fascists as we do not want a one party state. Only a coup (refreshing the tree of liberty) can ensure the long term survival of the democratic model. All coups involve the temporary suspension of the constitution. Thomas Jefferson himself knew that. However, the goal of the coup is, as stated, not to chop down the tree of liberty but to refresh it.
The cultural conservative tribunal, in light of their newly gained powers will implement the following reforms: