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Cultural Marxist/multiculturalist/suicidal humanist/globalist media



" [In the West] unpopular ideas can be silenced, and inconvenient facts kept dark, without any need for an official ban."


George Orwell, UK writer



The ultural Marxist media (politically correct MSM) are actively propagating multiculturalism and anti-traditionalism/nationalism and are therefore actively contributing to the annihilation of European identities, cultures and national sovereignty. The thinking seems to be that if you scratch any random European there is usually a Nazi lurking underneath, just waiting to get out. There are only two possible versions of Europeans: the politically correct “surrender-monkeys” and the Nazis. If we are not the former, then it follows by logic that we have to be the latter. This attitude betrays an all-pervasive hatred that demonises absolutely anything Europeans do to protect their dignity, culture and heritage. It closely mirrors multiculturalism, which is an anti-Western, but especially an anti-European hate ideology.


Ask yourself, do you know a single media company who openly opposes multiculturalism and the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist world view? More than 95% of journalists, editors, publishers support the Islamisation of Europe indirectly or directly by supporting and propagating the European multiculturalist world view[3]. Yet, almost 50% of Europeans would support cultural conservative policies. Very few will admit it as it would involve certain stigma. In other words, the so called “free press” is not free at all. The mainstream media has been hijacked by cultural Marxists, humanists and globalists and are not acting in the interest of Europeans and Europe.


The Muslim riots in France, on July 8th-15th, 2009, illustrated this well. The French Interior Ministry issued orders to the prefects not to communicate to the media the crime statistics and other essential information. Furthermore, mainstream media companies were specifically instructed not to cover the riots as the Interior Minister ordered a full Media Blackout. In addition; Orders not to speak to the media were given to firemen, gendarmes and police. Leaksindicated however that aprox. 800-1500 cars, tens of buildings and forests were burned down in this period, more than 13 police officers were injured and more than 300 Muslim youths arrested[1][2]. The frightening thing is that no mainstream media companies (Western Europe/US) reported anything about this to their populations. This specific incident and hundreds of “similar” incidents prove that the cultural Marxist/multiculturalist governments and the media companies are colluding against their people by doing everything to keep the truth from them. They know that the multicultural doctrines will lead us to disaster but are intent to continue to propagate, implement and “protect” the European multiculturalist system, despite how much human misery it will result in along the way (just like Soviet Russia during the 70s and 80s).





1. https://atlasshrugs2000.typepad.com/atlas_shrugs/2009/07/media-blackout-violence-in-france.html

2. https://www.brusselsjournal.com/node/4015

3. https://www.document.no/2009/05/intet_nytt_blant_norske_journa.html



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