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Perussuomalaiset (PS) True Finns - https://www.perussuomalaiset.fi/ (anti-immigration) 4, 1% in 2007 election

Suomen Sisu - https://www.suomensisu.org/ (nationalistic org)

Assosiation of Finnish Culture and Identity - https://www.suomalaisuudenliitto.fi/ (nationalistic culture org)

Bluewhites of the Finnish People - https://www.kolumbus.fi/sinivalkoiset/ (nationalist party)

Independence party-League of Free Finland - https://www.vapaansuomenliitto.fi/




Front National (FN) National Front https://www.frontnational.com (Nationalism) 4, 3% in 2007 election

Front National de la Jeunesse – National Front Youth https://www.fnj.info/ (anti immigration org)

Renouveau franç ais - " French renewal" (nationalist party/org) https://www.renouveaufrancais.com/

The National Republican Movement (Mouvement National Ré publicain or MNR) – far right: www.m-n-r.net

The Movement for France (Mouvement pour la France or MPF), Conservative: www.pourlafrance.fr

Les Identitaires (NR): www.les-identitaires.com/ (nationalist org)

Jeunesses Identitaires (Youth): www.jeunesses-identitaires.com/

Bloc Identitaire - https://www.bloc-identitaire.com (politics)

Terre et Peuple https://www.terreetpeuple.com/ (Nationalist org)

Britanny (Regional)

ADSAV - https://adsav.free.fr (Separatist, Nationalist org.)

Alsace d'Abord / Elsass Zuerst www.alsacedabord.org/ (Alsatian regionalist)




National Democratic Party (anti-immigration) NPD (Nationaldemokratische Partei Deutschlands (Hamburg?) https://www.npd.de/

In Hamburg - Law and Order Offensive, led by judge Ronald Schill, won nearly 20 percent of the vote last autumn.

Pro-Kö ln had 4, 7% in Kö ln - www.pro-koeln.org (Moderate nationalism)

Deutsche Volksunion, DVU https://www.dvu.de/ (anti immigration party).

Deutsche Liga fü r Volk und Heimat (German League for Folk and Homeland) https://www.dlvh.de (anti immigration org)

Die Republikaner https://www.rep.de/ (anti immigration party)

Bü rgerbewegung pro Nordrhein-Westfalen - pro NRW - https://www.pro-nrw.org/




Hellenic Front https://www.metopo.gr/ – (anti-immigration)

Laikos Orthodoxos Sunagermos (LAOS - Popular Orthodox Rally) https://www.laos.gr/ (Nationalism) 3, 8% in 2007 election

Patriotiki Summahia/Patriotic Alliance (nationalist movement) disbanded Jan 07, its newspaper/website Eleutheros Kosmos is still active - https://elkosmos.gr/site/

Chrysi Avyi (Golden Dawn) - www.xrushaugh.org (nationalist/racial conservative org) Website of youth Front and “Resistance Hellas-Antepithesi” magazine: https://www.antepithesh.net/



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