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Immigration Control Platform (ICP) https://www.immigrationcontrol.org/ (anti-immigration org)
Websites: Irish Nationalism Website https://irish-nationalism.net/forum/
Italy Alleanza Nazionale (AN) National Alliance - https://www.alleanzanazionale.it/ (anti-immigration party) Lega Nord (LN) League North - https://www.leganord.org/ (anti-immigration party) 8, 3% in 2008 election. Tricolour Flame (Movimento Sociale Fiamma Tricolore, MS-FT) https://www.fiammatricolore.net (anti-immigration party) La Destra (LD) - https://www.partitoladestra.com/ (Nationalism) 2, 4% in 2008 election in joint coop with Fiamma Tricolore Fronte Sociale Nazionale - https://www.frontenazionale.it (anti-immigration party) Forza Nuova - https://www.forzanuova.org - (nationalist movement) Destra Nazionale https://www.destranazionale.org (nationalist org)
Luxembourg Alternative Democratic Reform Party (Alternativ Demokratesch Reformpartei) right wing: https://www.adr.lu/
Malta VivaMalta – https://www.vivamalta.org (Nationalist media site) Imperium Europa (IE) - https://www.imperium-europa.org/home.asp (Nationalist media site) Maltese Nationalist Party - https://www.pn.org.mt/ National Action - https://www.azzjoninazzjonali.org/
Netherlands Partij voor de Vrijheid (PVV) Freedom Party https://www.pvv.nl/ (anti-immigration) 5, 9% in 2006 election, Geert Wilders Lijst Pim Fortuyn (LPF) List Pim Fortuyn (dissolved)) (anti immigration) Nederlandse Volks Unie - NVU - https://www.nvu.info/ (Racial Conservative)
Norway Fremskrittspartiet (FRP) Progress Party https://www.frp.no/ (moderate, anti-immigration) 22, 1% in 2005 election NorgesPatriotene (anti-immigration party/org) https://www.norgespatriotene.org Federlandspartiet https://fedrelandspartiet.no/ (nationalist party)
Portugal Popular Party - The Democratic and Social Centre - People's Party (Centro Democrá tico e Social - Partido Popular) (CDS-PP) moderate anti-immigration: https://www.cds.pt/ Partido Nacional Renovador, PNR - National Renewal Party https://www.pnr.pt/ (nationalist party) 0, 2% in 2005 election Frente Nacional (Radical micro party) The People's Monarchist Party - https://www.ppm.pt New Democracy Party - https://www.pnd.pt
Nationalist websites/blogs: https://www.causanacional.net/ https://blogidentitario.wordpress.com/ https://www.juvenac.org/
Spain In Spain the scene of radically restrictionist parties is very fragmented. The leading but tiny restrictionist party Democracia Nacional has contested the last two Spanish general elections as the head of a coalition named Plataforma Españ a and Frente Españ ol.
La Falange (Falange Españ ola de las J.O.N.S.) (tiny political party + militant movement,) - https://www.falange.es HQ in Madrid. Vastly reduced in size and power today, three smaller organisations under the Falange banner received 27, 166 votes between them in the 2004 Españ a 2000 - https://www.esp2000.org - anti-immigration party, Has taken Valencia by storm, winning councillors in three town halls. Minor presence in Catalonia, Granada and Madrid. Alianza Nacional - www.alianzanacional.es - anti-immigration party, Democracia Nacional - https://www.democracianacional.org – (anti immigration party) DN won three seats last election and is led by Manuel Canduela, founding member of the nationalist band Divisió n 250. Fuerza Nueva (New Force) www.fuerzanueva.org – anti immigration party Plataforma per Catalunya (PxC) https://www.pxcatalunya.com (anti immigration party) gained 17 councillors in Catalonia last election The Partido de Acció n Demó crata Españ ola (PADE) won 20 councillors in Madrid and Guadalajara. The new anti-immigration parties gained 50 extra councillors in Spain’s local elections in 2007. Expect the 2011 elections to see a further boom in this field - unless Spain manages to combat prejudices and consolidate growing multiculturalism at the community level.
Other: Moviment Social Republicà de Catalunya https://es.geocities.com/msrcatalunya/ (nationalist Catalunya) Estado Nacional Europeo https://www.n-europa.org/ Carlist Traditionalist Communion - https://www.ctcarlista.org/
Sweden Sverigedemokraterna (SD) Swedish Democrats www.sverigedemokraterna.se (anti immigrant party) 4% on national level and 11% in Malmø last election