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Past US interventions


Year Country Reason Given Actual Reason
    Syria   Communism   Elected government against USA political interests and pro-Palestinian.
  Greece Communism Elected government against USA political and economic interests.
  Cuba None Elected government against USA business interests.
  Iran None Elected government against USA oil interests.
  Br. Guyana None Access to sugar and bauxite.
  Guatemala Communism Elected government against USA business interests.
  S. Vietnam Communism French backed leader replaced by USA backed leader.
  Haiti Haiti is near the USA Previous government against USA business interests.
  Laos None Pro-USA government wanted.
  Laos None Pro-USA government wanted.
  S. Korea Communism Previous leader not strong enough for USA.
  Laos None Pro-USA government wanted.
  Ecuador Communism Previous government too independent in foreign policy.
  Dominican R. Business Interests Elected government against USA business interests.
  S. Vietnam None Previous leader's policies led to televised suicides.
  Honduras Communism Pro-USA government and access to resources.
  Guatemala Communism Military government was about to allow elections.
  Ecuador None Elected government too independent.
  Brazil Communism Access to resources and cheap labour.
  Bolivia Communism Previous government too independent in foreign policy.
  Zaire None Access to cobalt, copper and diamonds.
  Ghana None Previous government too independent in foreign policy.
  Greece None Military bases.
  Cambodia None Previous king against USA political interests.
  Bolivia None Country took ownership of its oil and tin.
  El Salvador Communism Elected leader against USA business interests.
  Chile Communism Elected government against USA business interests.
  Australia None Elected government had unsuitable foreign policy.
  South Korea None Pro-USA government wanted.
  Liberia Democracy Pro-USA government wanted.
  Chad None Pro-USA government wanted.
  Grenada Democracy Pro-USA government wanted.
  Fiji Democracy Previous elected government supported nuclear-free Pacific.
1992-1994 Serbia Montenegro Human rights violation Divide and conquer strategy. Initiation of blockade of Serbia and Montenegro.
1993-1999 Bosnia Human rights violation Divide and conquer strategy. Jets, bombing No-fly zone patrolled in civil war; downed jets, bombed Serbs. Divide and conquer strategy.
  Serbia Human rights violation (War on Fascism) Pro-USA government wanted. Divide and conquer strategy. Bombing, missiles, heavy NATO airstrikes after Serbia declines to withdraw from Kosovo. NATO occupation of Kosovo.
  Austria War on Fascism Pro-multiculturalist government wanted. Media war with subsequent boycott is directed at Austria from the EUSSR/USASSR hegemony.
  Venezuela None Disagreed with foreign policy of elected government.
  Haiti Fraudulent elections Disagreed with economic policy of elected government.
  Georgia None Backed the Georgian government push against Russian enclaves to test out Russia’s resolve.
  Honduras Attempted to Change Constit Disagreed with economic and foreign policy of elected government.
-2010 Israel Human rights violation Disagreed with foreign policy of elected government. Israeli nationalists persecuted.


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