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Lecture 1


Lecture Thesises

Lecture 1

Theme: Theory of first language acquisition

Subtopic 1: First language personality

Second language personality

Problematic questions:

- Who do we understand by the first language personality?

- What factors influence the first language personality?

- Who do we understand by second language personality?

- Why is the first language personality important in creating second language personality?

- What are the disciplines related to the Principles of theory of first language acquisition?

- Why should an FL teacher know the process of first language acquisition and what causes does it have?

As a future FL teacher to form second language personality in teaching Foreign Language you should know the principles of first language acquisition. In order to understand the content of this discipline you are to know the subject, aims and interdisciplinary relations. And also, you should know theoretical approaches of first language acquisition.

Language Acquisition- The meaning..

Language acquisition - process by which the language capability develops in a human.

First language acquisition or ‘Child Language Acquisition’ concerns the development of language in children. da --> daddy --> daddy loves me.. Language acquisition is interactive, emergent, non-modular

2) First language acquisition …??

• Do children have to be “taught” how to speak?

• Do children generate creative utterances?

• How long does it take a child to become “fluent” in her native language?

• What does it mean when a child says “I seed the dog” or “Daddy eated his supper”?


ü What factors predict language production?

ü What factors predict language comprehension?

ü What factors improve word learning?


ü Language comprehension predicts language production

ü Auditory and visual short-term memory predict language comprehension

ü Hearing also predicts grammatical morphology & intelligibility

First language personality gets to know the world, environment in mother tongue and on the basis of native culture. The child’s cognitive development forms on the basis of triad “language-culture-personality”.

The early formed semantic structure in his/her mother tongue becomes the basis of learning the structure of FL words in learning FL.

Inner speech in L2 learning and use

Vygotsky (1987: 221) on the difference between L1 and L2 learning:

“The development of the native language moves from below to above; the development of the foreign language moves from above to below. With the native language, the lower, more elementary characteristics of speech arise first. Its more complex forms develop later in connection with conscious awareness of its phonetic structure, its grammatical forms, and its volitional use. With a foreign language, it is the higher, more complex characteristics of speech that develop first, those that are associated with conscious awareness and intention. The more elementary characteristics of speech, those associated with the spontaneous and free use of speech, develop later”

«Кто не знает ни одного иностранного языка, тот не знает и своего собственного»


«Ребенок усваивает родной язык неосознанно и ненамеренно, а иностранный – начиная с осознания и намеренности»

Л.С. Выготский «Мышление и речь» Глава 6

«Исследования развития научных понятий

в детском возрасте» стр 226-234

«… развитие иностранного языка потому и является своеобразным процессом, что оно использует всю семантическую сторону родного языка, возникшую в процессе длительного развития. Обучение школьника иностранному языку, таким образом, опирается как на свою основу на знание родного языка»

Л.С. Выготский «Мышление и речь» Глава 6

«Исследования развития научных понятий

в детском возрасте» стр 226-234

«… на базе родного языка и национальной культуры формируется «первичная языковая личность», в отличие от управляемого и целезаданного результата обучения иностранному языку, обеспечивающего формирование, в зависимости от существующих концепций, либо «субъекта межкультурной коммуникации», либо – «вторичной языковой личности».

С.С.Кунанбаева «Современное иноязычное образование:

методология и теории»

«… егер бала ана тілінде табиғ и тү рде ө зі ө скен ортада, ө з мә дениеті жә не ұ лттық қ ұ ндылық тармен сусана отырып сө йлесе, шетел тілінде сө йлеуі (яғ ни, шетел тілін ү йренуі) сол тілді сө йлейтін ұ лт мә дениетінің жә не қ ұ ндылық тары негізінде мақ сат қ ойып отырып белгілі бір жү йелік арқ ылы іске асады»

Т.Т.Аяпова “Шетел тілі оқ улық тарының когнитивтік

жә не лингвомә дени негіздері”

Adult L2 learning relies on…

L1 competence; general problem-solving systems general understanding about the nature of human interaction intentional / purposeful motivation

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