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Lecture 3


Subtopic 2:

Problematic questions:

What is language?

What do we understand by speech-acts?

What do we understand by speech?

What are the differences between language and speech?

Language is special…

Language is what makes us human;

Language is species specific and species uniform: it is unique to humans and essentially similar in all humans;

Human language is characterised by:

Productivity (we can many new utterances and recombine the forms we know to produce forms that we have never heard before)

Semanticity (it can represent ideas, events and objects symbolically)

Displacement (messages are not tied to the immediate context)

A consolidation of a number of possible definitions of language yields the following composite definition

  1. Language is systematic.
  2. Language is a set of arbitrary symbols. Those symbols are primarily vocal, but may also be visual. The symbols have conventionalized meanings to which they refer.

Ferdinand de Saussure’s language and speech distinctionLanguage is used for communication.

  1. Язык (langue) – явление чисто психическое, а речь (parole) – явление психофизическое.
  2. Язык есть система знаков, а речь асистемна, поскольку представляет собой некий «сверхъязыковой остаток» речевой деятельности.
  3. Язык - социальное явление, тогда речь – явление индивидуальное.

Язык – сущность, речь – явление

L. V. Sherba’s triangle

The first aspect of the language phenomenon - speech-acts. It is the process of speaking and understanding.

    1. The second aspect of the language phenomenon – speech. It is the system of language.
    2. The third aspect of the language phenomenon - language material. (texts, literature, books)

A consolidation of a number of possible definitions of language yields the following composite definition

Language operates in a speech community or culture.

Language is essentially human, although possibly not limited to humans.

Language is acquired by people in much the same way; language and language learning have universal characteristics.

… Речь есть воплощение, реализация языка, который обнаруживает себя в речи и только через нее выполняет свое коммуникативное назначение.

Если язык- это орудие (средство) общения, то речь есть производимый этим орудием вид общения; она создается, организуется, реализуется по правилам речи, речевой деятельности говорящим

С.Е. Исабеков

Lecture 4

Theme: Speech and thinking


Mechanisms of Speech

Physiological development of human brain

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