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Adjectives applied to literary characters


Well-drawn; vividly-drawn; true-to-life; convincing; complex; subtle; poorly-drawn; superficial, flat; lacking in depth; unconvincing, lifeless,


All characters can nearly always be subdivided into main and minor. If there is one main character who deserves our praise, sympathy and admiration, he or she may be called the hero/heroine. Note that the words hero/heroine imply that he or she is the most important character of the book and a person whom a reader can admire Main hero/heroine is therefore incorrect. We say either main character or hero/heroine. The main character may also be called the protagonist. The antagonist is the personage opposing the protagonist. (hero). The villain is the character with marked negative features. Sometimes in a literary work the writer will give us two characters with distinctly opposing features, we then say that one character serves as a foil to the other. (For example Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson), If a character is developed round one or several! features, be becomes a type or a caricature. A type is characterized by qualities that are typical of certain social group or class A caricature is a character so exaggerated that he appears ridiculous and distorted, yet recognizable.

" Characters may be simple (fiat) or complex (well-rounded). Simple characters are constructed round a simple trait, Complex characters undergo change and growth, reveal various sides of their personalities. Contradictory features within a character make it true-to-life and convincing.

The words positive/negative are not applied to literary characters in the sense of положительный-отрицательный. There are no English equivalents for these words as used in literary criticism. Such words are preferable when speaking about characters: sympathetic, unsympathetic, admirable, virtuous, wicked, immoral, selfish, etc,


to offend smb..

to adore smb. for smth.

to insult smb. with smth

to despise smb- for smth.

to treat smb- well (badly, with respect, unjustly, etc.)

to be indifferent to smb,

to feel (have) contempt for smb

to hate smb for smth.,

to praise smb. for smth.

to blame smb. for smth./doing smth.

lo condemn smb. for smth/doing smth.

to humiliate smb. with smth.

to betray smb,

to find fault with

to make fun of smb.

to annoy smb. by smtn.

to frighten (scare) smb. by smth.

to cringe before smb.

lo reproach smb. for smth./doing smth.

to flatter smb.

to worship

to admire

to let smb. down

to bore

to feel pity for smb

to threaten smb. with smth

to jeer at smb. = to sneer at smb. = to mock at smb = to poke fun at smb.


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