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Phrase list

Listen to the tape and practise the pronunciation of the following words and word combinations, quote the sentences in which they are used in the unit. Consult a dictionary and translate them into Russian.

income per capita

to keep up with something

to convince somebody to do something / in something

to back somebody up

to be a waste of time and money for very little profit

the scheme to do something

the expense is worth something

an attempt to break into the market (to open up a new market)

the Board of Trade

to be liable for duty

shipping facilities

to be trans-shipped via Rotterdam

red tape

to be involved in getting an import licence

to sort out an import licence

to have (to make) a field survey

preliminary desk research

to work up a demand for goods

on balance

to want the expense of doing something

to do something in the home (foreign) market

to live on old markets

to have a different way of looking at things

to feel strongly about something

to be forward-looking / to have an old-fashioned outlook

to cool somebody’s temper

to be bound to do something

to get fed up with something

to accept the resignation

a reservation for a first-class flight


Task 1

Listen to the introduction to the unit. Answer the following questions and be ready to give a story line. Use the word combinations in brackets.

1. What kind of decision does Hector Grant have to make?

(the Managing Director; to allow somebody to do something; John Martin; the Sales Manager; to go on an expensive fact-finding tour of a country; Africa; Abraca)

2. What was the matter that John Martin was discussing with Peter Wiles?

(the Production Manager; The Times newspaper; the recent discovery of oil; in Abraca; to find out; to export to; the capital city, Djemsa; a lot of new government offices; to be built; to open up a new market)

3. Is Hector Grant positive about opening up a new market in Africa?

(H.G.; one’s staff; to use one’s initials; to remember a disastrous attempt; to export to a country in South America; to lose a lot of money; to be inclined to be cautious, a bit worried about; the difficulties involved and the expense)

Task 2

Give the English equivalents for the following word combinations:

§ стоить того, чтобы сделать что-либо (о расходах) § быть связанным с получением лицензии на импорт
§ попытка пробиться на рынок § транспортные средства
§ быть перегруженным в Ротердаме § разобраться с получением лицензии
§ идти в ногу с чем-либо (поспевать за чем-либо) § изучение спроса путем сбора информации на месте
§ убедить кого-либо сделать что-либо § подлежать обложению пошлиной
§ Министерство торговли § доход на душу населения
§ обзор, подготовленный в офисе фирмы с привлечением всех статистических данных § быть напрасной тратой времени и денег при очень малой прибыли
§ добиться спроса на товары § иметь передовые взгляды
§ бюрократическая волокита § поддержать кого-либо
§ принять отставку § охладить чей-либо пыл

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