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Act as an interpreter. Джон Мартин: Это комплексная сделка

Джон Мартин: Это комплексная сделка. Мы все подробно просчитали. Правда цены придется установить немного ниже обычных, ведь у нас есть серьезные конкуренты. Наши производственные мощности позволяют выполнить этот заказ, и это будет в дополнение к продукции, предусмотренной бюджетом, а все, что мы получим сверх затраченных средств, будет прибылью. Я уверен, что это приведен к другим заказам в этой стране.

Hector Grant: “A representative of our Ministry of Works will be coming to London … obliged if you would book him accommodation... glad to visit your factory and view the merchandise... special requirements...” Here what's this about 'special requirements'? What do they mean by that?

Джон: Не знаю. Это единственная загадка. Об этом говорилось и в первоначальном письме-запросе.

Grant: I don't much like the sound of that. What do they mean by 'special requirements'? I suppose we'll soon find out. What's the method of payment?

Джон: Мы потребовали безотзывный аккредитив, подтвержденный Лондонским банком. Мы указали цены в местной валюте, но это, конечно, условно. То есть при условии, что за основу берется котировка по обменному курсу на день ее предоставления, плюс-минус три процента. Мы будем защищены, даже если, например, курс валюты Абраки упадет по отношению к фунту стерлинга.

Grant: Hmm! Is Peter happy about delivery dates?

Джон: Да, мы сможем уложиться в сроки. Это потребует огромной работы по части планирования.

Grant: Well, you'll arrange some sort of meeting for us all then?

Have you booked their representative into a hotel?

Джон: Заказал. Я думаю, что надо предоставить в его распоряжение машину и немного показать ему страну.

Grant: All right. But you'd better find out more about the special requirements. It may be some condition we can't fulfil.

Exercise 3

Listen to the following extract from the conversation between Grant and John, which shows how the situation progressed after Mr. Mahawi, the government representative, arrived and was entertained royally. Try to complete the gaps, using no more than three words in each case.


Grant: A mahogany desk with … … …, secret drawer … …! Leather top? Oh, really, John, what … … … does he think we are? Our business is mass-produced … … …!
John: I said we'd … …. It's for the … … …. They are prepared … …. It would be additional to … … ….
Grant: Don't be ridiculous. We've dropped … … of line from … …. That was part of … … ….
John: Couldn't … … make it?
Grant: That … …?
John: Yes. He's … … … of the old school. Look at … … … he made … …. You said at the time we introduced … …, during … … …, that … … redundant Well, here's … … he can be … … on, and he'd be delighted to do it. He'd produce a magnificent … … …, it'd be the envy of all … … … and a splendid advertisement for us.
Grant: Well, you have committed us to it, so we must … …, I suppose.

Exercise 4

Match the terms on the left with an appropriate explanation on the right. Five of the phrases have more than one explanation. Fill in the grid below.


1. overheads a. overhead expenses incurred in running a business
2. c.i.f. b. costs of the day-to-day running of a business or of part of a business, i.e. any cost, other than the cost of the goods offered for sale
3. f.o.b. c. asking for information
4. budget d. price at which one currency is exchanged for another
5. letter of inquiry e. plan of income or expenditure for an exact period of time
6. rate of exchange f. every quarter or three months’ analysis of statistics or figures
7. irrevocable letter of credit g. this price includes all costs to a named port of shipment free alongside ship - the buyer pays for loading, onward shipment and insurance
8. quarterly breakdown h. a sample list of goods supplied, with prices and charges sent to a potential buyer so that he can see clearly what total costs will be
9. pro forma invoice   i. a contract for the sale or buying of goods at a special all-in price, where any condition is contingent on all the others being accepted
10. package deal j. the agreement to pay a certain sum of money that cannot be changed or revoked
    k. the price of the goods includes all the charges (shipping, insurance, forwarding) until the goods reach the port
    l. a fixed relation or proportion in value between the money used in different countries
    m. the cost of the goods includes all charges up to the time when the goods are put on board the ship; after that, the charges must be met by the buyer
    n. in accounting, estimate of future needs calculated for a definite period
    o. this price covers cost, insurance and freight to a named port of destination in the buyer’s country


1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
a, …                  

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