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Заместители существительного. Заместители существительного употребляются в предложении во избежание повторения уже названного существительного. Они согласуются в числе с существительным, которое заменяют, и могут иметь перед собой предлог. Местоимение that, those употребляется без артикля, местоимение one, ones может иметь перед собой определенный артикль. При переводе на русский язык существительное повторяется:

His handwriting resembles that of his father.

Его почерк похож на почерк его отца.

В том случае если после слова-заместителя идет определительное придаточное предложение, возможен перевод «тот, который»:

This system of writing is quite different from the one described in the book.

Эта система письма совсем иная, чем та, которая (система, которая) описана в книге.


1. Найдите слова-заместители существительного. Переведите предложения.

1. In reading Shakespeare's works, one finds many common everyday words that are used with meanings quite different from those they have today.

2. The phonology of Korean is similar to that of both Japanese and Chinese, perhaps slightly favouring the latter.

3. Amber finds from North-Russian neolithic sites, in addition to those already mentioned in literature, are known at any rate from the dwelling places on the lake of Rostov.

4. I have pointed out that the language used by the child is determined far more by that of its playfellows than by that of its parents.

5. Aymara 7 is generally termed the «older» language, that is, that of wider extent in pre-Inca days, and one that has yielded ground to the Quecchua.7

6. The Ainus 8 live in conditions somewhat similar to those of the Indians of the United States in certain areas of the Japanese islands, and are evidently the remnant of the people who inhabited the island empire before the Japanese came.

7. Hebrew has apparently successfully revived in Israel though Israeli Hebrew, too, is something quite different from that spoken in ancient times.

|8. This sonnet and the one quoted above need, in fact, to be considered together.

9. Of course, the hieroglyphic writing had a stock of thousands of characters, and might well have included the ones we are looking for in texts which have disappeared or not yet been discovered.

10. Like that of Aztec, the bibliography of Quecchua is very large both early and recent. The best grammar seems to be that of Middendorf.

11. The later culture layer is poorer in forms and is more monotonous than the older one: many of the older types of harpoons and arrows are missing.

7 Aymara, Quecchua — названия индейских наречий.

8 Ainus — небольшая часть населения Японии, неродственная японцам.

12. The skeletons were found in the trunk of a great tree. That of King Arthur was of a very large man, and Queen Guinevere was shrouded by her long golden hair.

Заместители прилагательного. Повторяющееся прилагательное может заменяться словом so. При переводе на русский язык прилагательное следует повторять, либо не переводить слово so:

The first chapter was very difficult, the second one less so.

Первая глава была очень трудная, вторая — менее (трудная).


2. Найдите прилагательные, которые заменяются словом so. Переведите предложения.

1. This list was criticized on various grounds, some quite legitimate, others less so.

2. The style of this novel is not more ornate than that, let us say, of Robinson Crusoe, and incomparably less so than that of many Japanese books of later date.

3. Of the criticism which appeared in the eighteen major reviews in England, nine were favourable, some very much so, three were lukewarm, but more favourable than hostile.

Заместители глагола. Для того чтобы избежать повторения, смысловой глагол может заменяться глаголом to do в соответствующем времени, лице и числе. Перед заместителем глагола могут стоять слова as — как — или than — чем, нежели, — а также nor — а также... не — или so — также, такой же, — требующие эмфатической инверсии сказуемого.

При переводе глагола to do на русский язык необходимо учитывать следующее.

Если время смыслового глагола и глагола-заместителя совпадает, то последний можно не переводить:

Не stayed there much longer than he usually did. Он оставался там значительно дольше, чем обычно (чем он обычно это делал).

Если время смыслового глагола и глагола-заместителя не совпадает, то глагол-заместитель следует переводить

на русский язык смысловым глаголом в том времени, в котором он употреблен:

Не stayed there much longer than he usually does. Он оставался там значительно дольше, чем остается обычно (чем он обычно это делает).

Во избежание повторения сложной формы смыслового глагола обычно повторяется лишь первая часть всей формы и тем самым служит ее заместителем:

Today he is reading better than he was yesterday. Сегодня он читает лучше чем (он читал) вчера.


3. Переведите.

1. «The eagle sees much further than man, but the human eye sees considerably more in things than does the eye of the eagle», wrote Engels.

2. We know much more about Giovanni Pisano 9 than we do about his anonymous contemporaries who were at work on the Gothic cathedrals in France.

3. The typological classification of languages is not necessarily preferable to the genetic classification, nor does it supplant the genetic (as the latter does geographic).

4. There is a super-refined Oxford accent which produces as artificial an effect, in its own way, as does the pronunciation of some of the American stage stars.

5. Jones' surmise that the Germanic languages were related to Latin, Greek and Sanscrit, at once proved true, as did later his surmise about Celtic.

6. The Chinese cannot properly be said to have an alphabet, since the characters used in writing do not represent sounds as do the letters of the alphabets that have been described.

7. The Roman baths (Bath) are the only hot springs in England. The Rump Room was ruined by the blitz during the war as were the Assembly Rooms.

8 Pisano — Джованни Пизано (1240—1328), скульптор и архитектор.

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