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Особенности перевода некоторых союзов и предлогов

Which в значении «что». Относительное местоимение which может относиться не к одному существительному в предшествующем предложении, а ко всему предложению в целом. В таком случае предложение, начинающееся с which, отделяется запятой. Само местоимение which переводится словом «что»; например:

The trees round the house are very tall, which makes the room dark.

Деревья вокруг дома очень высокие, что затемняет комнату.


1. Определите значение which в каждом случае. Переведите предложения.

1. Later Robert, Earl of Leichester married the countess of Essex, which he also kept secret.

2. The words in Japanese are regularly more than one syllable, and the roots appear to be modified by affixes which, however, are treated as separate words, yet are not really independent.

3. Lydgate is a really complete portrait of a man, which seems to us high praise.

4. The fish, he thinks, were eaten raw, which, to some extent, still is the custom of the Aleuts.

Двойные союзы the... the. Перевод двойных союзов the... the — чем... тем — может представлять трудность потому, что по внешнему виду они совпадают с определенным артиклем the и могут довольно далеко отстоять один от другого. Отличительный признак конструкции в том, что за союзами следуют прилагательные или наречия в сравнительной степени, причем обе части предложения разделяются запятой.

The more we read, the better we know the language. Чем больше мы читаем, тем лучше мы знаем язык.

Иногда во второй части конструкции употребляется инверсия сказуемого:

The longer I looked at the picture the more did it appeal to me.

Чем дольше я смотрел на картину, тем больше она привлекала меня.

Возможно также отсутствие сказуемого в обеих частях конструкции или во второй ее части:.

The nearer the winter the shorter the days. Чем ближе зима, тем короче дни.


2. Найдите двойные союзы the... the и относящиеся к ним прилагательные в сравнительной степени. Переведите предложения.

1. The less frequently a word is used, the smaller the need for reducing its length.

2. The more we read Shakespeare the more do we desire to read him, and the more do we unconsciously regard his work as the standard of all poetry.

3. Engels wrote: «... The further men become removed from the animals, however, the more their effect on nature assumes the character of a premeditated, planned action, directed towards definite ends known in advance..».

4. The more precise we wish the analysis of frequency to be, the longer must be the duration of the tone to enable it to be determined.

5. The further we go back into the earlier stages of Chinese, the easier it is to gather instances of interchange of function between these two parts of speech.

Употребление двух разных предлогов к одному существительному одновременно. В том случае если два разных предлога одновременно относятся к одному существительному, части предложения, содержащие предлоги, разделяются запятой. (Эти части предложения всегда представляют собой однородные члены предложения). Кроме того, предлог отделяется запятой от существительного, к которому относится. Такая необычная пунктуация затрудняет перевод подобных конструкций. Например:

After a second journey to, and stay in, France he returned to England once again in 1793.

При переводе следует каждый предлог присоединять к существительному порознь, так что иногда существительное может быть повторено (или вместо него употреблено местоимение или наречие):

После второй поездки во Францию и пребывания там (во Франции) он снова вернулся в Англию в 1793 году.


3. Переведите.

1. The prose of the 19th century is, apart from fiction, mainly concerned with, and achieved its greatest success in, history and criticism.

2. Soviet literature is at once a chronicler of, and an active participant in, life. The 1917 Revolution wrought great changes in the minds and hearts of Russian men of letters.

3. The consciousness of their (Anglo-Saxons') origin •from and their strong links with the North-West Europeans

(Germanic tribes) continued long in the new land.

4. His style is good, resembling that of More; his constructions are occasionally cumbrous, and he sometimes overdoes the references to, and illustrations from, Latin and Greek history.

Повторение трудностей синтаксиса Переведите.

1. What the author really meant, and what he showed in his own work, was something quite different from what he actually stated.

2. The number of possible sounds (in a language) runs into the hundreds, and probably, the thousands. No one language uses more than a small fraction of all these possible sounds, usually — no fewer than twenty and no more than sixty. Even where two languages use what seems to be the same sound, there are almost always small differences that a trained ear can catch.

3. Whatever subject comedy dealt with, its purpose was to expose and ridicule the follies and vices of what Johnson 10 called real men. That this was the end 11 of Johnson's comedies is made very clear throughout his work.

10 Johnson — Бен Джонсон (1574—1637), английский писатель и драматург, современник Шекспира, 11 end — здесь: цель.

4. The vegetation of Japan is luxurious and as much of the land as is tillable responds splendidly to the efforts of the farmers.

5. As interesting as Inge's l2 ideas and comments were, what he was as a human being was even more fascinating.

6. We investigate where interest compels us to search, in the near decades of our youth, or among the inscrutable stone images of vanished races. The subject and the epoch of our labour are subjective choices, and all we shall find is how they appear to us.

7. That translation as an interpretive art is a self- evident truth. Yet it is a paradox peculiar to the translator that he is the only interpretive artist working in a medium which is both identical with, and different from, that of the original he sets out to render in his own terms.

8. What Greece and Rome have been to Europe, China has been to the nations of the Far East.

9. Whether they were direct ancestors or not, the Australopithecine and other fossils at least show us that manlike animals could make and use tools before they reached the brain capacity of Modern Man.


10. What we are interested in is whether there is a linkage, in the sense of selective affinity, between vowels and consonants, between vowels and vowels, and consonants and consonants.

11. Where the text of the poems in this book differs from that of earlier printed versions, the change has been made at the author's request.

12. In some continental European countries, there are language academies which practically legislate the language... Not that the Academies really want to halt the process of language change. They only want to turn it into what they consider desirable channels. But the Academy's view of what is a desirable channel and the view of the great body of speakers aren't always quite the same.

13. Having defined what we mean by a culture area we may now return to the question of how far and in what way these areas are correlated with environment.

14. In «Alice in Wonderland» (1865) Lewis Carrol reached the highest point of what may be called the «nonsense»

Inge — Инге, герой произведения.

story, in which the most absurd things seem to be given for the moment almost the semblance of truth.

15. Why the noble example set by Chaucer should not have been ably followed up or even developed in other directions it is difficult to tell.

16. Human language is in some ways similar to, but in other ways vastly different from, other kinds of animal communications.

17. Man lives in society, and acts together with his fellow-men. His whole mode of life is social. Therefore just as it is in his social activity that he enlarges his perceptions, so it is in his social activity that, starting from these perceptions, he begins to form ideas, to think and to develop his ideas.

18. In comparative lexicology we constantly see how the things to be represented by words are grouped differently according to the whims of different languages, what is fused together in one being separated in another.

19. Between 1400 and 1500 the final «e» which characterised so many Middle English words ceased to be pronounced. Where it occurred after a consonant preceded by a short vowel it was generally dropped; where it succeeded a consonant preceded by a long vowel, it was retained as a sign of vowel-length.

20. The victory was rewarded with the honour of a full triumph: 13 Marcellus was denied a triumph on the technical grounds that he was unable to withdraw his army from Sicily, and had to be content with an ovation.13 That Marcellus and his supporters felt that he had been unjustly treated is indicated by his celebration of an official triumph on the Alban hill.

21. Older books (in the library) should receive fuller treatment, and in many libraries, the greater the age of the book, the more detail included on the appropriate catalogue entries.

22. That many words which are separated in spelling are in reality compounds is also proved by the fact that they are grammatically treated as if they were single words.

23. Material of significance belongs to two categories. The former must be studied by the philologists before it

13 Триумф и овация — виды празднования победы в Древнем


can be utilized by the historian; the latter must similarly pass through the hands of field archaeologists.

24. On the forested plains of Northern Europe the hunters and fishers seem to have been still largely nomadic in Pre'Boreal times, to have shifted annually from summer to winter camps during the Boreal phase, but to have settled down in permanent encampments beside good fishing- grounds or oyster-beds in the Atlantic, at the same time improving their technique.

25. The history of nature reflected bourgeois social relations no less than the theories it replaced had reflected feudal social relations. But just as the new bourgeois social relations broke the feudal fetters and enabled a great new development of the forces of production to begin, so the corresponding bourgeois theory of nature broke down the barriers which feudal ideas had placed in the way of scientific research and enabled a great new development of scientific research to begin.

13 Т. Н. Мальчевская

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