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There is a certain order to everything. Our present, however, is a time of scientific validation of disorders, and a new quantum physics that reaches (some might say even preaches) a level of poetic linguistics and speculative consensus reality adjustment that powerfully redefines and reMINDS us of the implied origin of as arcane a species as meta-physics.


In a very real sense, and in an increasingly synaesthetic individual experience of this process called " being alive, " every possible concept, material, input or output, any measurable transfer of any form in any conceivable dimension is equal. Or consists of the same profane matter. The post-industrial, quasi-religious confidence in a separate autonomy for any and all biological, neurological, chemical or mechanical manifestations has been eroded to a point of intersection that is at best a vestigial act of faith.


Individuals, who by their contact with this book one must assume have chosen a path reflective of an inquiring and potentially hungry MIND, are fully immersed in a future environment of infinite possibility and boundless information. This world is as dark and mysterious as those oft-mentioned places on the floor of oceans inhabited by creatures that glow with electrical fibers, suck nourishment from the primeval soup through gelatinous sieves and breed without contact, releasing slivers of organic light in plumes that swirl like twisters into the blackness.


The potential is already here for any individual to log-on to a global database network and access everything ever recorded to this point in time. In this future, by having infinite choice, we have infinite options and are suddenly confronted with a deeper challenge to our SELF than our species had previously conceived: how to navigate and survive such a deep experience of intellectual and conceptual freedom.


In the already all-pervading territory of the internet or cyberia, the psychosphere, as I would prefer to delineate it, there is inevitably and relentlessly a proliferation of manuals, how to's, where to's, do and don'ts, can you's, will you's, when's and won'ts for the instruction or admonition of the most intrepid and least inane.


It would seem that much as the Qliphoth is a binary structure interdependent with the Tree of Life; so an equivalent means of perception shadowing and revealing the implicit " chaos" of contemporary comprehensions and manifestations of existence in and of itself must inevitably unfold and be revealed. This is a process not so much of discovery, but of remembrance and synthesis in roughly equal parts essential to the " evolution" and survival of us all as individuals. Individuals graced, 1 believe, by our very existence with both innate genius and an ability to transcend and transform base matter that is our physical vehicle and transubstantiate our flesh into that state of potential and expression that is no longer of " this world."


At various times this process of discorporate change has been called " magick." FUTURERITUAL is a focused and precise manual that serves as an anchor in the present flood of chaos and possibility. It is also a map that re-MINDS us as individuals, in demystified language and nonsense clarity, of the basic orienteering skills and preparations we might require in order to explore effectively and safely neurological dimensions and physical transformations that are now more consistent options for a far greater number of inquiring and searching individuals than at any time previously.


FUTURERITUAL describes very precisely an essential set of Thelemic magickal considerations and exercises with full instructions and texts. These are invested with the authority of the past, especially that collated and developed by Aleister Crowley and associates. They are also permeated with the considerations and prerequisites of the present, illuminated with wit, linguistic precision, and interdisciplinary parables by the astute and pared commentaries of Philip H. Farber. Most crucial, and most particularly, though: FUTURERITUAL is a point of intersection between past, present and future. It suggests, quite rightly, that the individual has an innate right to explore and to know; to expect the unexpected in all ways, to divine the divine inside and outside their physical vehicle; to accumulate an effective and rewarding system of " magick" by means of which to maximize both their known, and potential comprehension of this state of being we call being alive,


This book is a personal political rallying point. In a sense it recognizes us all as, in a way, being like lenses. We all have an infinite ability within us to manifest that mysterious yet critically inspiring quality that is usually referred to as " true Will." When it deals with " banishings" in a relatively literal way, for a text on magick, it is also more deeply, I feel, re-MINDing us that there is a need to understand the implication and essence of banishing in every aspect of how we experience and perceive our lives. That each process herein described and analyzed is more than a ritual of self-empowerment or academic tradition. Each process is a portal, through which the individual can choose to pass, a skill for spiritual survival, and a key to unlock the crippling restriction and debilitating oppression of social, sexual and perceptual control by the malignant forces that have administered our options and qualities of life for far too long.


Our individuality, our present moment of mortality, is merely a point in time at which we rest temporarily in a physical vehicle. As we learn to move arbitrarily, or magickally, these points, past present and future, become malleable, they can shift and dance. Time refracts through our lens in any direction we choose to conceive or perceive. Through each of us passes a line, a lineage of TIME, of magick, and it illuminates any and all possibilities and impossibilities. We transmit and we transmute. This process is occurring in every possible location that our individual point could be. Which means everywhere simultaneously. Thus the sum total of individual points becomes a form of matter, solid only in how we visualize it. Connected to everything in all times and all places, all ways.


We can conjure everything, and we can describe nothing. Magick as proposed in FUTURERITUAL is the method that " can assume whatever configuration is pleasant and useful for the moment."


Genesis P-Orridge, California 1995


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