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Macrocosmic systems


If we can understand the elements of the collective unconscious as genetic in origin, as patterns latent in our physical composition, then we may suggest that exploration of these patterns and development of them constitutes the fulfillment and unfoldment of our full potential. Our only guides at this point in our evolution are the mythologies and systems of categorization discussed in the previous chapter. Some of these are complete in a way that we can call microcosmic. " Microcosm" suggests that a concept or system is a fully balanced reflection of the cosmos or universe. Thus, we may consider the Biblical description of man created in the image of god as a kind of microcosm. The Hermetic rule, as above, so below, also connotes the relationship between microcosm and macrocosm (or cosmos). A symbol of the microcosm called wo/man, as depicted in the chapter on banishing, is the pentagram: the four elements surmounted by spirit.


Intentionally microcosmic systems such as the I Ching, tarot or qabala are attempts to create systems with the capability for describing, categorizing and exploring the totality of the human mind - or the cosmos. Each category in these systems is open-ended, designed to provide a place for a whole range of different things. For instance, the Six of Wands card in the tarot represents an idea of balanced victory of will. This card might include such specific events as winning a chess game, successfully developing a ritual to reveal True Will, getting a new job in accordance with your will, and many others. The shuffling of a deck of cards, each card of which represents some such aspect of reality, provides a metaphor for the combination and recombination of elements and events in the universe.


Other systems are not particularly complete. Some of these mythological guidebooks that have been handed down to us are stronger in some categories while totally neglecting others. The Bible contains descriptions of codes of behavior which are, at times, fairly useful (and were probably even more useful at one time). 1 believe, however, that the failure of the book to be complete, microcosmic, is the root of its failure to be applicable in all situations or times. The Bible's conception of cosmos is of a male, anthropomorphized, kind of vengeful character who acts like a judge, jury and legislative system to maintain all creation. If, according to some logic (or illogic) implicit in this thinking, we are created as a microcosm of god, then development of our full potential is to become male politicians. Brief observation of the species proves that there are also females in evidence. Are they also to become male politicians? If not, whose image were they created in? And what of the many factors of modern life that are common now but had not yet been considered by the society which produced the Bible: computers, nuclear weapons, belief systems of other lands, mass communication, etc.? Where is their place in this mythology? Being a vengeful, territorial politician in this age of atomic overkill is probably not a survival trait. The Bible, as it is understood now, is not open-ended enough to expand to include much of this.




THE PENTAGRAM SYSTEM (An alternative to this exercise is the Greater Ritual of the Pentagram. See Appendix A.)


1. Banish each of the elements in turn. To do this, use the pentagram ritual described in exercise 4. Repeat the ritual four times, once with a banishing earth pentagram, once with a banishing water pentagram, once with a banishing air pentagram, once with a banishing fire pentagram. (All other parts of the ritual remain the same.)


2. Consecrate your circle and/or tools.


3. Choose one element and perform the ritual with invoking pentagrams for that element.


4. Sit in circle and imagine the circle, and yourself, filling with the energy of your chosen element (as you do for that particular archangel, but allow the energy to form from every direction at once, rather than from one specific direction). You may hold and concentrate on the specific magickal tool appropriate to that element: fire=wand, air=sword, water=cup, earth=disk. Do this for a specific period of time (you choose, just so the time is a constant factor each time you repeat the ritual).


5. Close the circle




6. Repeat this banishing and invocation for that specific element daily for a week. The following week practice it with another element. And so on, for four weeks and four elements.


7. Keep careful records. How does the quality of the ritual change from day to day? Is the invocation as successful? Is your concentration as strong each time? What is your state of consciousness throughout the rest of the day?


8. Combine the whole operation into a single ritual: banish each element, then invoke each element. Practice this for a week.


9. Keep careful records.


This kind of ritual work can be adapted for other microcosmic systems. Invocations can be designed for qabalistic qualities or paths, astrological houses or planets, etc. In each case, it is suggested that you go through the different categories systematically. I will endeavor to provide more clues to developing these particular rituals as we go along. Let us now look at a different kind of microcosmic system.



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