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Appendix e




Invocation of Holy Guardian Angel

for practical use in the New Aeon


This text is intended to be used along with Aleister Crowley's Liber Samekh (Magick in Theory and Practice, pp. 265-301). The order and text of the ritual has been reorganized to be in harmony with other Thelemic rituals (particulary The Star Ruby and The Mark of the Beast). Magickians working with the earlier Golden Dawn attributions of the quarters, signs, etc., may wish to restore the ritual to its original condition. Anyone wishing to do anything at all with this work is strongly urged to study Crowley's comments and explanations. The paraphrase translations of the barbarous words given here, with slight changes from Crowley's text, may be recited as part of the ritual, or not, at the discretion of the magickian, but their study is considered important.


Signs: The N.O.X. signs will be found in Appendix B, the Star Ruby. These may be substituted with the " Signs of the Grades", as in Crowley's text.


Pronunciation: When encountered in the barbarous words, the letter F signifies the Hebrew letter Vau (and the Greek Digamma) in its capacity as a vowel and is therefore pronounced " oo", somewhere between the vowel sound in " rope" and " tooth".


Vibrate words that are in ALL CAPS.


Standing on Tiphareth (Those working with the qabalistic tau drawn within the circle will understand this. For practical purposes, tiphareth can be equated with the center of the circle, and the heart center. Study of 777 in relation to this is urged.) armed with wand and cup. Everything is accomplished in the astral body.


Section A.


1. Thee I invoke, the Bornless One.

2. Thee, that didst create the Earth and the Heavens.

3. Thee, that didst create the Night and the Day.

4. Thee, that didst create the darkness and the Light.

5. Thou art RA-HOOR-KHUIT, whom no man hath seen at any time.

6. Thou art IA-BESZ (the Truth in Matter)

7. Thou art IA-APOPHRASZ (the Truth in Motion)

8. Thou hast distinguished between the Just and the Unjust.

9. Thou didst make the Female and the Male.

10. Thou didst produce the Seeds and the Fruit.

11. Thou didst form Men to love one another, and to hate one another.



Section Aa.


1. I am LASHTAL, thy Prophet, unto whom Thou didst commit Thy Mysteries, the Ceremonies of THELEM.

2. Thou didst produce the moist and the dry, and that which nourisheth all created Life.

3. Hear Thou Me, for I am the Angel of PTAH-APOPHRASZ-RA: this is Thy True Name, handed down to the Prophets of THELEMA.


Advance towards East (direction of Boleskine)

On passing East each time, make sign of Enterer.

Move widdershins to South

Make Averse Pentagram of Fire (i.e. facing outward, not inward), crying

HADIT. Make sign of Puer (Boy).

Move widdershins to West

Make Averse Pentagram of Water, crying BABALON. Make sign of

Mulier (Isis in Welcome)

Move widdershins to North

Make Averse Pentagram of Air, crying NUIT. Make sign of Puella (Girl) Move widdershins to East

Make Averse Pentagram of Earth, crying THERION. Make sign of Vir (Pan)


Section B. Earth. (Quarters are attributed as in Liber V.)


Face East


Imagine Will in the form of a phallus. Extend it beyond the circle. Let each word vibrate passionately along the Will, extending it in size each time so that is of greatest size at the last word. Then it is allowed to rush back in. " Be thou as Artemis unto Pan.


I invoke Thee:


MA O Mother! O Truth!


BARRAIO Thou Mass!


IOEL Hail, Thou that art!


KOThA Thou hollow one!


AThOR-e-BAL-0 Thou Goddess of Beauty and Love,

whom ShT, beholding, desireth!


ABRAFT The Fathers, male-female,

desire Thee!



The conception is of Earth, glowing, inhabited by a Solar-Phallic Hippopotamus of a Venereal nature.


Hear Me, and make all spirits subject unto Me: so that every Spirit of the Firmament and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry Land and in the Water: of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every Spell and Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me.

Section C. AIR


Face North


Hear Me:


AR O breathing flowingSun!


ThlAF O Sun IAF! O Lion-Serpent Sun, The Beast

that whirlest forth, a thunderbolt, begetter of Life!


RHEIBET Thou that flowest! Thou that goest!

A-ThELE-BER-SET Thou Satan-Sun, Hadith that goest without Will!


A Thou Air! Breath! Spirit! Thou without

bound or bond!


BELATHA Thou Essence, Air Swift -streaming,



ABEU Thou Wanderer, Father of All!


EBEU Thou Wanderer, Spirit of All!


PhI-ThETA-SOE Thou Shining Force of Breath! Thou Lion-

Serpent Sun! Thou Savior, save!


IB Thou Ibis, secret solitary Bird, inviolate

Wisdom, whose Word is Truth, creating the

World by its Magick!


ThlAF O Sun IAF! O Lion-Serpent Sun, The Beast

that whirlest forth, a thunderbolt, begetter of Life!



The conception is of air, glowing, inhabited by a Solar-Phallic Bird, " the

Holy Ghost", of a Mercurial Nature.


Hear me, and make all Spirits subject unto Me; so that every spirit of the Firmament and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth, on dry land and in the water; of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every Spell and Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me.

Section D. Water


Face West


Hear Me:


RU-ABRA-IAF Thou the Wheel, thou the Womb, that

containeth the Father IAF!


MRIODOM Thou the Sea, the Abode!


BABALON-BAL-BIN-ABAFT Babalon! Thou Woman of Whoredom! Thou, Gate of the Great God ON! Thou Lady of the Understanding of the Ways!


ASAL-ON-AI Hail Thou, the unstirred!

Hail, sister and bride of ON, of the God that is all and is none, by the

Power of Eleven!


APhEN-IAF Thou Treasure of IAO!


I Thou Virgin twin-sexed!

Thou Secret Seed! Thou

inviolate Wisdom!


PhOTETh Abode of the Light


ABRASAX... of the Father, the Sun, of Hadith, of the spell of the Aeon of Horus!


AEOOU Our Lady of the Western Gate of



ISCHURE Mighty art Thou!


Mighty and Borniess One!


The conception is of Water, glowing, inhabited by a Solar-Phallic Dragon-Serpent, of a Neptunian nature.


Hear Me, and make all spirits subject unto Me: so that every Spirit of the Firmament and of the Ether: upon the Earth and under the Earth: on dry Land and in the Water: of Whirling Air, and of rushing Fire, and every Spell and Scourge of God may be obedient unto Me.


Section E. Fire.

Face South


I invoke Thee, the Terrible and Invisible God: Who dwellest in the Void Place of the Spirit:


AR-O-GO-GO-RU-ABRAO Thou spiritual Sun! ShT, Thou Eye, Thou Lust! Cry aloud! Whirl the Wheel, 0 my Father, 0 ShT, 0 Sun!


SOTOU Thou, the Saviour!


MUDORIO Silence! Give me Thy Secret!


PhALARThAO Give me suck, Thou

Phallus, Thou Sun!


OOO ShT, thou Eye, thou Lust!

ShT, thou Eye, thou Lust!

ShT, thou Eye, thou Lust!


AEPE Thou self-caused, self-detemuned, exalted, Most High!



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