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I saw the police search(ing) the train.
I saw the police arrest(ing) the gunman/robber/criminal. D5 Некоторые из возможных высказываний: The gunman seized £ 8, 500 (from a camera shop in Baker Street), shooting an assistant Who tried to stop him. The gunman shot a shop assistant (who tried to stop him). The assistant tried to stop the robber/gunman/criminal. The secretary saw the robber run(ning) from the shop / followed him along Baker Street and into Baker Street Tube/Underground Station / ran up to a London Transport official / shouted that he should stop the train because there was a gunman on it / shouted for the station staff to stop the train because there was a Gunman on board. The London Transport staff stopped the train / locked the robber in with the passengers. The police sealed off the station / searched the train coach by coach until they Found and arrested the criminal. The passengers didn't / did not know what was happening / didn't / did not Panic. The London Transport spokesman praised the staff for stopping the train / for doing The right thing in a difficult situation. A hospital spokesman said (that) the shop assistant was in satisfactory condition (following an operation on an arm wound). Урок 12/13 D6 Возможные формы будущего времени ср. 14ВЗ и 21В1. a) saw. b) I'm going to see /I am going to see / I'm seeing /I am seeing / I'll see /I will see. c) happened, d) she's working / she is working / she works / she's going to work / she is going to work, e) was. f) We'll / We will arrest. g) managed, h) leaves / is leaving, i) doesn't/does not always lock, j) didn't/ did not find, k) I'll arrive /I will arrive /I arrive. 1) did that man get. m) There'll be / There will be / There's going to be / There is going to be / There's / There is. D7 A) who has a gun. b) who works for London Transport, c) who works in a restaurant, d) who works in a shop, e) that/which sells cameras, f) that/which Is going south. D9 a) I saw him at/in the pub yesterday, b) We worked till/until about seven yesterday, c) A robber seized £ 8, 500 from a camera shop yesterday, d) The police stopped and searched a train at Baker Street Tube/Underground Station yesterday, e) She wasn't / was not in/at the office yesterday, f) I didn't / did not see him yesterday, g) Did you go out yesterday evening / last night? - No, I didn't, h) When / What time did she arrive? Урок 13 • D 1 a) (Y o u c a n f i n d R a y m o n d C h a n d l e r ' s b o o k s) I n t h e " T h r i l l e r s " s e c t i o n o f a n y E n g - l i s h o r G e r m a n b o o k s h o p / I n t h e " T h r i l l e r s " s e c t i o n o f m a n y E n g l i s h a n d G e r m a n B o o k s h o p s, b) (H e l i v e d) F r o m 1 8 8 8 t o 1 9 5 9. c) (H e w a s b o r n) I n C h i c a g o, I l l i - N o i s, d) (A s a c h i l d h e l i v e d) I n E n g l a n d, e) (H e a t t e n d e d) A n E n g l i s h p u b l i c S c h o o l, f) H e w a n t e d t o l e a r n t h e l a n g u a g e s, g) (H e w e n t) T o s o u t h e r n C a l i f o r n i a,