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Fifteen hundred) people lost their lives, f) There was lifeboat space for only⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 96 из 96
Half the people on board, and some of the boats were only partly filled, g) The Titanic was regarded / had been regarded as the greatest engineering feat of its time, and it was considered / had been considered unsinkable. h) People probably Have less confidence in technology today than they did before the First World War. i) (Z. B.:) I think technology is important, but I don't have boundless confidence in It. j) Perhaps he wanted to set up a record for the fastest Atlantic crossing, K) The Californian was closest to the Titanic when it was sinking - possibly only five to ten miles away. 1) (If the Californian had come to the Titanic's rescue,) All the people on board the Titanic / All the passengers might/could have been saved, m) The Carpathia (did), n) Perhaps because... o) (Because) The ship's exact Урок 22 location (when it sank) wasn't known, q) No, I don't think so. / Yes, I think Perhaps it (really) had a secret. D2 A) A sailor told an anxious passenger he was sure God himself could not sink the Titanic, b) After the disaster people wanted to know why the Californian (had) ignored the Titanic's distress signals, c) The captain of the Californian claimed that his ship had been / was at least 19 miles away from the Titanic, d) When The wreck of the Titanic was found in 1985, it became clear that the Californian had actually been / was actually less than ten miles away from the Titanic when it was Sinking, e) The scientists who found the Titanic in 1985 said (that) the wreck was In excellent condition, f) After the Titanic had been found in 1985, adventurers Hoped (that) it would be possible to raise the wreck. D3 a) They said (that) they hadn't seen the dog. b) Raymond Chandler believed (that) It was impossible for a decent man to become rich, c) Vivien told me she was staying at the Clinton Hotel, d) Morna said (that) she'd / she would give the Cats their meal every day. e) He said his name was Turner, f) She wrote to me That she wanted to enjoy herself before she joined the rat race, g) She said she was sure it wouldn't be too much trouble, h) I was wondering if we could meet. D4 a) to be / of being, b) to meet, c) to buy; to have, d) to do. e) of saying. f) to arrive, g) to hear, h) to admit, i) to seeing, j) browsing / to browse, K) not to have had an accident. 1) to get. m) to shoot, n) to help, o) redecorating, p) smoking, q) to know, r) to find, s) of helping / to help. D5 A) to have, b) to have been, c) be. d) have been, e) have been, f) have Been, g) come, h) have hurried, i) to get. j) have been, k) to see. 1) to Have left. D6 a) some, b) anyone/anybody, c) any. d) something, e) any. f) any; some. g) any. h) anything, i) anyone/anybody/someone/somebody, j) something; some, k) any. 1) some, m) anyone/anybody, n) any. D7 a) The Titanic was the biggest/largest, most luxurious, and possibly the fastest ship of its time, b) It/She sank in the North Atlantic south of Newfoundland on April 15, 1912 / 15(th) April 1912. c) On April 10 / 10(th) April it/she had left Southampton on its/her maiden voyage, d) It/She sank at 2.20 a.m. / at twenty past two in the morning, two and a half hours after striking an iceberg / after it/she (had) struck an iceberg, e) Of the 2, 200 people on board the Titanic only about 700 were saved. / Only about 700 of the 2, 200 people on board the Titanic