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Hal! Make them go away! No

salesmen in the middle of the

night! No Fuller brushes! No

French knickers with come in the

crotch! Tell them to take a flying

fuck in a rolling d...d...


We hear the sound of GLASS BREAKING, then she begins to sob.



(a whisper)

Just to help. Just to help, boss,

that's all.



You can't. No one can.


Coffey pulls the shotgun gently from Hal's grasp, hands it to

Paul. Coffey moves past Hal into the house...




...and comes up the hallway toward the stairs.



Don't you go up there! Don't you

do it!



Boss, you just be quiet now and

let me be.


Coffey mounts the stairs with the others at his heels,

heading up toward that quavering voice:



Stay out of here! Whoever you are,

just stay out! I'm not dressed for

visitors, you rat's asshole!




Coffey enters, trailed by the others. Paul pauses, horrified.


The woman propped in bed barely resembles Melinda Moores

anymore--she looks made up like a Halloween witch, her livid

skin hanging in a loose trail of wrinkles, one corner of her

mouth twisted. Yellowish bile stains her chin and the front

of her nightgown. Her hair has gone white and straw-like, her

eyes glowering at Coffey with lively, irrational interest:



Oh, so big! Pull down your pants!

Let's have a look!


Hal groans with despair. Coffey just stands there for a

moment, watching her from a distance, then approaches the




Don't come near me, pigfucker.


...but as he draws closer, a change occurs. Her features

soften, her eyes become more sane and aware.



Why do you have so many scars? Who

hurt you so badly?



Don't hardly remember, ma'am.


Coffey sits on the edge of the bed. The lights seem to flare

hotter and brighter. Tears are forming in Melinda's eyes.



What's your name?



John Coffey, ma'am. Like the

drink, only not spelt the same.


She lays back, staring at him with shining fascination. The

world seems to be slowing down, growing very still indeed...


...and he starts bending slowly toward her.






Yes, John Coffey?



I see it. I see it.


He comes closer...closer still...



You be still now. You be so quiet

and so still.


He brushes her forehead with his lips...the gentlest whisper

of a kiss...then moves his mouth down to hers. For a moment

we can see one of her eyes staring past him, filling with an

expression of surprise...


...and then her face is lost to view as Coffey puts his lips

on hers. We hear a soft whistling sound as he begins inhaling

the air deeply from her lungs. Something hot and glowing

starts passing between them, drawn on his breath...


The men watch. The house seems to shudder in that moment, as

if the entire world has shifted an inch to the right...


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