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Wild Bill
lies dead, staring with glassy eyes. A FLASHBULB POPS, rimming him with harsh blue light...
...as Hal arrives, wearing his pajama top under his overcoat. He sees the POLICE PHOTOGRAPHER taking pictures. The guards are giving statements to GROUPS OF COPS, everybody murmuring:
DEAN ...well, I dunno, he just snapped, I guess...
HARRY ...s'right, one minute he's fine, the next--blammo...
BRUTAL ...bastard grabbed him through the bars a few days back, scared the boy so bad he wet himself...
Hal turns, sees:
sits handcuffed on the floor of the Mile, eyes glassier than Wild Bill's. TWO COPS are trying to snap him out of it:
COP #1 Son! Son! Can you hear me?
COP #2 Speak up if you can hear us! We gotta ask you some questions!
A MEDIC is raising Percy's eyelid with his thumb, shining a penlight, getting no reaction.
MEDIC I think this boy's cheese slid off his cracker.
sees Paul, motions him aside to talk privately:
HAL I'll cover you as much as I can, even if it mean my job, but I have to know. Does this have anything to do with what happened at my house? Does it, Paul?
Paul looks Hal in the eye. As with Bitterbuck, the lie comes easy:
TRACKING A PAIR OF FEET shuffling into the room in hospital slippers, escorted by TWO ORDERLIES. The patient is brought to a window. The orderlies turn to leave...
...and we BOOM UP to reveal Percy, catatonic, staring out the same window where we met Wild Bill...
...and we WIDEN SLOWLY from Percy at the window to reveal his last stop in life. It's emblazoned on the gate: BRIAR RIDGE MENTAL HOSPITAL. He finally got that transfer.
TIGHT ON PAUL as softly:
PAUL It makes sense. I read the file. Hal even said it himself. Wharton rambled all over the state last few years, causing trouble. Hell, longer than that. Been at it since he was ten. Vandalism. Petty theft. Setting fires.
ANGLE SHIFTS to include Jan, Brutal, Harry and Dean. They're in the brambly patch that borders the woods behind the house. The sun is setting, turning the horizon fiery.
JAN You saw him. You actually saw this Wild Bill person take those girls.
PAUL Their father hired him on for a few days last spring, help repair the barn. Cheap labor, just another drifter...
BRUTAL Only not.
PAUL Sick bastard came back a month later, just before dawn. Took the girls...did what he did. Coffey found them afterwards and tried to help. It was too late.
JAN (absorbs this) Then you can stop it. The execution, I mean. Get Coffey a new trial.
PAUL Based on what, honey? Some kind of magical vision I had?
JAN Show this farmer--what's his name, Detterick? --show him a picture of Wild Bill. (off their looks) Why not? If Wharton was there...if the farmer can identify his picture and they know he was there...
BRUTAL Him being there in May doesn't mean he came back and killed those girls in June. Even if he was committing other crimes.
PAUL They got their killer as far as they're concerned.
Hell, Coffey's own lawyer would come throw the switch if we let him.
JAN Then lie.
PAUL Lie? About what?
JAN Tell them Wharton confessed to the crime. Brutus, you can back him up, say you heard it too. You can say that's what set Percy off. He shot Wharton because he couldn't stand thinking of what happened to those two little girls, it snapped his mind... (seeing their looks) ...what? What now?
DEAN We never reported anything like that. We would've, too, everybody knows it. It's part of our job.
BRUTAL Besides, confessing don't make it so. Slugs like Wild Bill lie about everything. Crimes they committed, women they had, even the weather.
JAN But he was there! He painted their barn! He ate dinner with them!
PAUL All the more reason he might take credit for the crime. He's gonna fry anyway, so why not boast?
Jan stands thinking for a moment, then:
JAN All right. Then you've got to get John Coffey out on your own.
HARRY Ma'am?
JAN You did it once, didn't you? Only this time, don't bring him back.
Dean blinks, stunned by this notion. Gently:
DEAN Ma'am, your son's grown up and moved away. My kids are just starting kindergarten. Will you be the one to explain to them why their daddy's in prison?
JAN Work out a plan. Make it look like a real escape.
HARRY Better be a plan an imbecile could dream up. Nobody'd believe it otherwise.
BRUTAL Even if we did think of something, it wouldn't do any good.
JAN Why not? Just why the hell not?
PAUL Because he's a six-foot-eight-inch baldheaded black man with barely enough brains to feed himself. How long you think it'd be before he was recaptured? Two hours? Six?
Jan swipes a tear away with the heel of her hand. Softly:
JAN Do you mean to kill him, you cowards? Do you?
Paul tries to take her hand. She wrenches away, furious.
JAN Don't touch me! Next week this time you'll be a murderer, no better than that man Wharton, so don't touch me!
She runs off toward the house, starting to sob as we
Paul is at the kitchen table in the wee hours, at his regular place, sipping his beer. Irving Berlin's " Remember" PLAYS SOFTLY on the radio. Jan comes down, looking miserable and exhausted.
JAN I'm so sorry I called you a coward. I feel worse about that than anything I've ever said to you in our whole marriage.
PAUL Even that time we went camping and you called me Old Stinky Sam?
She can't help smiling at that. He returns the smile, offers her a sip of beer. She takes it, sits.
JAN Does Hal know? That Coffey's innocent, I mean? (Paul shakes his head) Can he help? Does he have the influence to do something about this?
JAN Then don't tell him. If he can't help, don't tell him. Ever.
PAUL I won't.
JAN (beat) There's no way out of this for you, is there?
PAUL No. I've been thinking about it, too, believe me. (beat) Tell you the truth, honey. I've done some things in my life I'm not proud of, but this is the first time I've ever felt in real danger of hell.
JAN Hell? Oh Paul... (touches his face) Talk to him. Talk to John. Find out what he wants.